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Priemyselné komunikačné systémy
Zbernica Profibus Priemyselné komunikačné systémy
Priemyselná prevádzková zbernica používaná pre všetky oblasti automatizácie Od výrobcu nezávislá otvorená zbernica Rešpektuje referenčný model ISO/OSI a používa vrstvy OSI č. 1, 2 a 7. Medzinárodná norma IEC ( 6 častí ) Európska norma EN 50170 Aplikačné profily Profibus: IEC 61784 PROFInet: ISO/IEC
Transparentná komunikácia od
Snímačov/Akčných členov až po Riadiacu jednotku prevádzky Area Controller Podniková úroveň Ethernet/TCP/IP TCP/IP/Ethernet PC/VME Zbernicový cyklus < 1000 ms CNC Úroveň bunky PROFInet (PROFIBUS-FMS) VME/PC Zbernicový cyklus < 100 ms PLC DCS PROFIBUS consists of 3 compatible variations. PROFIBUS-FMS is suitable for the communication between intelligent field devices like PLCs and PCs. PROFIBUS-FMS offers a wide range of powerful application services which meet the communication requirements between intelligent devices. PROFIBUS-DP is used for the communication between intelligent devices and the distributed I/Os. PROFIBUS-DP is very fast, very efficient and easy to use. PROFIBUS-FMS and PROFIBUS-DP operate on the same cable and are using the same transmission technology - so they can be combined in any way on the same cable. PROFIBUS-PA is dedicated to the process industry. PROFIBUS-PA uses the PROFIBUS-DP protocol and the IEC transmission technology. PA can operate in intrinsically safe areas and offers the possibility to power the field devices over the bus. Today, PROFIBUS is the only Fieldbus system offering a complete and proven solution for both manufacturing (H2) and process (H1). Úroveň prevádzky PROFIBUS-DP PROFIBUS-PA Zbernicový cyklus < 10 ms
Typy a verzie Profibus Profibus DP (Decentralized Periphery) má 3 verzie: DP-V0, DP-V1, DP-V2 Profibus PA (Proces Automation), použiteľný aj do Ex prostredia Profibus FMS - prakticky sa prestal nasadzovať PROFInet profily založené na protokole TCP/UDP/IP/Ethernet. Profinet je inžiniersky návrhový a integrujúci koncept nezávislý na operačnom systéme. Je vo vývoji.
PROFInet The PROFIBUS Family EN 50170 Volume 2 PROFIBUS-FMS
General Purpose Automation Factory Automation Process Automation PROFIBUS-FMS RS 485 / FO PROFIBUS-DP RS 485 / FO PROFIBUS-PA IEC Ethernet Profily zariadení Aplikačné profily Universal PROFIBUS is standardized in the European standard EN volume 2. PROFIBUS-FMS is the universal solution dedicated to the automation for general purposes. It offers a large variety of applications and it offers the possibility for multi-master communication between intelligent devices. PROFIBUS-DP is the solution especially dedicated to the factory automation. It is very fast, offers plug-and-play systems, and is efficient and cost-effective. PROFIBUS-PA is dedicated to process automation. It uses the PROFIBUS-DP protocol and the IEC transmission technology and offers the possibility to power the stations over the bus. The protocol functions of PROFIBUS are supplemented by profiles which describe how to use PROFIBUS in special application areas. Examples for device profiles are: drives, encoders, NC/RC. Branch profiles include the PROFIBUS-PA profile for instruments e.g. temperature, pressure, .... as well as profiles for building automation. Profiles are defined in the guidelines of PROFIBUS International. Fast Application Oriented - Large variety of applications - Multi-master communication - Plug and play - Efficient and cost effective - Power over the bus - Intrinsic safety PROFInet
FMS DP PA The PROFIBUS Protocol is in Accordance with
the ISO/OSI Reference Model for Open Systems FMS DP PA DP-Profiles PA-Profiles Layer FMS Device User DP-Extensions Profiles DP Basic Functions Fieldbus Message Application Specification (FMS) The protocol architecture of PROFIBUS is in accordance with the ISO/ OSI (Open System Interconnection) reference model in accordance with the international standard ISO 7498. In this model, every transmission layer handles precisely defined tasks. Layer 1 (physical layer) defines the physical transmission characteristics, Layer 2 (data link layer) defines the bus access protocol. Layer 7 (application layer) defines the application functions. The use of the IEC transmission technology (IEC ) with PROFIBUS = PROFIBUS-PA has been standardized in DIN E part 4 which is currently under vote as amendment 2 to the European standard EN volume 2. The end of the voting period is expected in Q3/1998. (7) (3)-(6) not used Data Link Fieldbus Data Link (FDL) IEC Interface* (2) Physical RS-485 / Fiber Optic IEC (1) EN PROFIBUS guidelines + profiles * Proposed amendment A2 to EN Volume 2 under vote until Q3 / 1998
Profibus DP DP-V0 je jednoduchá, rýchla, cyklická a deterministická výmena dát medzi mastrom zbernice a slave zariadeniami DP-V1 ponúka acyklickú komunikáciu master slave. Využíva ju Profibus PA. DP-V2 umožňuje aj priamu komunikáciu slave to slave v isochrónnom režime. Je vhodná pre riadenie pohonov. Umožňuje synchronizovať slave s hodinami RT.
Typy zariadení DP Master Class 1 - DPM1: riadiace jednotky ako PLC, PC, ... DP Master Class 2 - DPM2: programovacie, konfiguračné a diagnostické zariadenia DP Slave I/O zariadenia, snímače prevodníky, pohony, ventily,..
Typický systém PROFIBUS-DP
Typický systém PROFIBUS DP obsahuje: Jedno PLC/PC ako centrálnu riadiacu jednotku Rôzne prídavné zariadenia, ako napríklad: Binárne, alebo analógové I/O Jednosmerné, alebo striedavé pohony Magnetické, alebo pneumatické ventily Rozhranie človek - stroj (HMI) Master PLC PLC RS 485 až do 12 MBit/s PROFIBUS-DP PROFIBUS-DP mainly operates in mono-master systems. This means that one master station, for example a PLC, is connected by PROFIBUS-DP with the distributed peripherals like inputs and outputs or sensors and actuators. PROFIBUS-DP replaces the parallel wiring between the PLC and the peripherals. This reduces costs up to 40%. A PROFIBUS-DP mono-master system consists of 1 to 125 Slaves; i.e one Master class 1 - this is the PLC - and up to 125 Slaves. The mono-master systems reach the shortest bus-cycle time and are able to transmit 1 kByte of input and output data in less than 2 ms. It is also permitted to build Multi-Master Systems with PROFIBUS-DP. Details are described later. Slave Slave Slave Slave
Príklad systému s dvoma zariadeniami typu master a dvoma zariadeniami typu slave
Princíp prenosu údajov
PROFIBUS-DP Princíp prenosu údajov Rámec dopytu DP-Slave Trailer Výstupné údaje Header Okamžitá odozva DP-Master DP-Slave Rámec odozvy Header Vstupné údaje Trailer Rámce DP-Slave SRD-Dopyt, premenlivá dĺžka používateľských dát SYN SD2 LE DA SA FC DU FCS ED LEr The data transmission of PROFIBUS-DP is based on a high-efficient telegram structure. The input and output data of a station are transmitted within a single bus-cycle. Each frame can transmit up to 246 Bytes of input or output data. The Master sends out a request frame which includes the output data for the DP Slave station. In the response frame of the DP Slave it transmits the input data information to the Master. After receiving the request frame, the DP Slave responds immediately. If the request or the response frame is destroyed due to EMC problems, the Master immediately repeats the message cycle. The number of retries can be configured. All PROFIBUS telegram frames are highly secure with a hamming distance of HD = 4. Hamming Distance is a measure for the failure security of a system. That means the higher the hamming distance the better the system security. HD = 4 fulfills the requirements for security relevant applications. DP-Master SRD-Odozva, premenlivá dĺžka používateľských dát SD2 LE LEr DA SA FC DU FCS ED Syn = Synchronizačný čas SD2 = Oddeľovač začiatku rámca 2 LE = Dĺžka LEr = opakovaná Dĺžka DA = Cieľová adresa SA = Zdrojová adresa FC = Kód funkcie DU = Údajová jednotka FCS = Kontrolný znak ED = Oddeľovač konca rámca
Typický zbernicový cyklus Systému PROFIBUS-DP Monomaster
Podmienky: Každé zariadenia DP-Slave má 2 bajty vstupných a 2 bajty výstupných dát Minimálny odstup správ zariadenia slave je 200 mikrosekúnd (The minimum Slave_Interval time) TID1= 75 Bitových taktov, Tsdr = 11 Bitových taktov Typický zbernicový cyklus Systému PROFIBUS-DP Monomaster Zbernicový cyklus [ms] DP-Slave zariadenia 500 kBit/s TID1: (Master) Oneskorenie odoslania požiadavky o vyslanie rámca po príjme odzovy zo strany slave-a.. Tsdr: (Slave) Oneskorenie vyslania odozvy slave-a na požiadavku master-a. 1.5 MBit/s The bus-cycle time of a PROFIBUS-DP system mainly depends on the Baudrate that is used. The Baudrate can be selected in a range of 9.6 kBit/s up to 12 MBit/s. The following slide shows the bus-cycle time of a PROFIBUS-DP mono-master system. For instance: In a configuration with 30 DP Slaves operating at 12 MBit/s, each Slave having 2 Byte of input and 2 Byte of output data, it is possible to reach a bus-cycle time of approx. 1 ms. This shows that PROFIBUS-DP can be used even for very time critical applications. The non linear graph and the break point results 1. from the non-linear scale of the x-axis 2. from the min Slave Interval Time (typical 1ms), which limits the performance of small networks 12 MBit/s
Výpočet zbernicového cyklu
TMC - Zbernicový cyklus TID1 - Doba čakania zariadenia Master (75.TBit) TRequest - Doba prenosu rámca Master Slave TSDR - Doba oneskorenia odozvy zariadenia Slave (11.TBit) TResponse - Doba prenosu rámca Slave ® Master NSlave - Počet zariadení Slave NMaster - Počet zariadení Master TBit - Doba prenosu jedného bitu (bitový takt)
TSYN - Čas synchronizácie zariadenia Slave (33.TBit)
THEADER - Doba prenosu hlavičky rámca (198.TBit) TTrailer - Doba prenosu ukončovacej časti rámca (22.TBit) NI - Počet bajtov údajovej časti vysielaných zo zariadenia Master NO - Počet bajtov údajovej časti vysielaných zo zariadenia Slave bps - Prenosová rýchlosť [bit/s]
Príklad výpočtu zbernicového cyklu
Príklad systému s jedným zariadením Master a desiatimi zariadeniami Slave
Prenosová rýchlosť [kbit/s] Zbernicový cyklus [ms]
Cyklus zbernice pre rôzne prenosové rýchlosti (dĺžka údajovej časti = 4 bajty, 1 x Master, 10 x Slave) Prenosová rýchlosť [kbit/s] Zbernicový cyklus [ms] 9,6 674 19,2 337 93,75 69 187,5 34 500 12,9 1 500 4,3 12 000 0,54
Prevádzkové stavy zbernice
Slúži na diagnostiku a parametrizáciu zariadení. Neprenášajú sa údaje medzi zariadeniami Master a Slave. STOP - prenos len master - master CLEAR - čítanie vstupov, výstupy drží v bezpečnom stave OPERATE - cyklický prenos I/O údajov SYNCHRONIZÁCIA časová (multicast): Sync-mode : zmrazené výstupy Freez- mode: zmrazené vstupy Zariadenia Slave vstupujú do režimu Sync po prijatí príkazu sync so zariadenia Master. Výstupy všetkých zariadení Slave sú zadržané na okamžitej hodnote. V nasledujúcich prenosoch sú zapisované hodnoty pre výstupy zariadení Slave, pričom výstupy (akčný zásah) zariadení sa nemenia. Zapísané hodnoty sa aktivujú na výstupoch zariadení po vyslaní príkazu sync zariadením Master. DPM1 číta vstupnú informáciu zo zariadení Slave DPM1 cyklicky komunikuje so zariadeniami Slave
Čo je PROFIBUS-PA ? Definícia
= Komunikácia PROFIBUS-DP + Technika prenosu optimalizovaná pre prevádzkové prístroje PROFIBUS-DP + PROFIBUS-PA is the PROFIBUS solution for the process industry. PROFIBUS-PA is not a new Fieldbus, it is based on the proven DP and IEC technology. PROFIBUS-PA is suitable to replace today's analogue mA devices. PROFIBUS-PA
+ Typická konfigurácia systému s PROFIBUS-PA H2
Area Controller (PLC) Engineering or HMI Tool H2 RS 485 up to 12 MBit/s PROFIBUS-DP + Usually, the DCS controller as well as the engineering tool are located in the non-intrinsic safe area and therefore they are connected to the high speed (H2) PROFIBUS-DP network. The barrier between the intrinsic safe area (H1) and the non-intrinsic safe area (H2) is realized by a segment coupler or link which optionally provides the power for the instruments. The intrinsic safe field devices may be powered over the bus or - if they have higher requirements for powering - they can be externally powered using Ex d protection. From the view of the DCS controller there is no difference if a field device is located in the intrinsic safe area or the non-intrinsic safe area because in both areas the same protocol is used. PROFIBUS is the only Fieldbus system which has a complete H1 and H2 technology available and that provides such an elegant transition between the two application areas. I IEC s kBit/s PROFIBUS-PA H1 Segment- coupler/Link Vysielač
Konfigurácia PROFIBUS-PA Topológia
+ DCS/PLC PROFIBUS-DP Junction Box DP/PALink The configuration of the PA network topology is easy because PA offers a lot of flexibility for the plant engineers. Segment 24 V PROFIBUS-PA “T“
Trieda výbušnosti: IIC)
Konfigurácia PROFIBUS-PA Napájací zdroj prevádzkových prístrojov + DCS/PLC 10 mA PROFIBUS-DP 10 mA 10 mA DP/PA Link PROFIBUS-PA 31.25 kbit/s 10 mA Spur max. 30 m 100 With PROFIBUS-PA, the field devices may be powered over the network. Depending on the application area, the maximum supply current and the typical number of stations that can be connected in one segment are different. 24 V < 120 mA 1 F 10 mA (Typ ochrany: [EEx ib], Trieda výbušnosti: IIC) Krútená dvojlinka, tienený kábel, celková dĺžka max. 1,900 m Napájanie prevádzkových prístrojov: Ex prostredie: max. 10 Nie-Ex prostredie: max. 30
Funkcia spojovacích členov
Spojovacie členy segmentov predstavujú bránu medzi dvomi rôznymi prenosovými technológiami. PROFIBUS-DP PROFIBUS-PA RS 485 IEC Asynchrónny kódovanie NRZ 1 Bajt = 11 Bitov (8 Bitov dát + 1 Start + 1 Stop + 1 Parity) Premenlivá prenosová rýchlosť DP/PA Coupler Synchrónny Kódovanie Manchester 1 Bajt = 8 Bitov Pevná prenosová rýchlosť = kBit/s Basically, couplers are physical layer converters and they convert RS-485 transmission to IEC transmission.
PROFIBUS-DP up to 93.75 kBit/s PROFIBUS-DP up to 12 Mbit/s
Konfigurácia PROFIBUS-PA Adresácia prevádzkových prístrojov 1 1 PROFIBUS-DP up to kBit/s PROFIBUS-DP up to 12 Mbit/s DP/PA Coupler 2 3 DP/PA Link Slave 24 V Slave Master 24 V 24 V 24 V Master 1 1 This slide shows the principles of address assignment using either a DP/PA coupler or a DP/PA link. With couplers: The coupler is operating transparently and has no own station address. All stations in the PA and in the DP area are in the same address range which is limited to 126 stations maximally. With DP/PA links: Every link has its own address both at the DP and at the PA side. The address range is encoupled and the total address range is nearly unlimited. PROFIBUS-PA 31.25 kbit/s PROFIBUS-PA 31.25 kbit/s 2 3 4 2 3 2
Zapisuj procecsné veličiny Čítaj/zapisuj parametre
Základné prvky PROFIBUS-PA DP protokol, cyclický acyclický Master cyclický acyclický cyclický slave slave slave slave 1 2 3 1/2/3 1 t Čítaj merané hodnoty, Zapisuj procecsné veličiny Čítaj/zapisuj parametre PROFIBUS-DP Value and status are transmitted with the cyclic DP-protocol. Parameters are transmitted via the acyclic functions. DP/PA Link PROFIBUS-PA Slave 1 Slave 2 Slave 3
Hranice alrmov/výstrah Parametre špecifické pre
Konfigurácia PROFIBUS-PA Profily prístrojov (zjednodušené) Stav Meraná hodnota DP služby cyclické Merací rozsah Filtračná čas. konšt. Hranice alrmov/výstrah Celkový alarm TAG Parametre špecifické pre daného výrobcu PA-Profil (napr. pre vysielače tlaku) DP služby acyclické DP služby acyclické
1. vrstva - Fyzická vrstva protokolu
Profibus DP: RS485 a tienená skrútená dvojlinka s prenosovou rýchlosťou do 12 Mbit/s alebo optické vlákno FO sklenené alebo plastové. Topológia: líniová s 32 stanicami a terminátormi na oboch koncoch. RS485-IS do EEx.ib Profibus PA : MBP ( Manchester Coding and Bus Powered) podľa IEC , „1158-2“ MBP je synchrónny prenos pevnou rýchlosťou 31,25 kbit/s, tienenou skrútenou dvojlinkou. Topológia: stromová aj líniová (32, max 125).
Dĺžku kábla je možné zväčšíť pomocou opakovačov
PROFIBUS – Dĺžka kábla pre rozhranie RS 485 Prenosová rýchlosť [kBit/s] Dĺžka kábla [m] The following transmission line lengths are reached with PROFIBUS cables type A. The total network distance may be extended by using repeaters up to a range of 10 km. The number of repeaters which can be used in series depends on the type of repeater and should be specified by the repeater manufacturer. Typically, not more than 3 repeaters should be used between two stations. The use of repeaters does not effect the baudrate. Dĺžku kábla je možné zväčšíť pomocou opakovačov
Topológie (PROFIBUS podporuje topológie zbernica, strom a hviezda) Uprednostňovaná je zbernicová topológia Zbernica musí byť na začiatku a konci ukončená Jeden segment môže obsahovať maximálne 32 staníc* Ukončenie Ukončenie Ukončenie Opakovač Stanica 1 2 3 30 31 With PROFIBUS it is possible to build networks in different topologies. The preferred network topology is a bus type topology. At lower baudrates it is also possible to build networks in star topology. For the use of star type topologies the maximum length of stubs must be taken into account. For the network design, it is important to distinguish between the maximal number of stations and the maximum number of bus loads in a segment. The number of bus loads in a segment is limited by the RS-485 technology and is restricted to maximal 32. It is important to know that repeaters do count towards the maximum bus load in a segment; even if they have no address assigned. Ukončenie Opakovač 62 61 33 32 * Poznámka: Opakovače nemajú vlastnú adresu, ale započítavajú sa do maximálneho počtu staníc.
Inštalácia RS 485 (1) Kabeláž Ukončenie zbernice pre kábel typu A
VP (6) Stanica 1 Stanica 2 390 Data line RxD/TxD-P (3) DGND (5) VP (6) RxD/TxD-N (8) (3) RxD/TxD-P (5) DGND (6) VP (8) RxD/TxD-N RxD/TxD-P (3) 220 Data line RxD/TxD-N (8) The following figure shows the cabling and termination of a PROFIBUS system using the bus cable type A. This is the preferred installation and termination method for all PROFIBUS networks. The termination of the network is normally located at the beginning and at the end of the segment. It should be ensured that the terminating resistors are always supplied with power. It is good practice to locate one termination at the master and the other one at the slave which is the last one at the bus at the end of the bus segment. Please note: If repeaters are used, it is good practice to locate one termination at the output of the repeater and the other one at the last station of the bus segment or at the input of the next repeater. Tienenie Ochranná zem Ochranná zem 390 DGND (5) Kabeláž Ukončenie zbernice pre kábel typu A
Inštalácia RS 485 (2) prvá stanica posledná stanica Ukončenie zbernice
VP VP 390 390 Data Line B B B 220 220 Data Line A A A 390 390 This slide shows the wiring of the PROFIBUS network. DGND DGND A B A B Stanica 2 Stanica 3
2. vrstva - L inková vrstva
FDL ( Fieldbus Data Link Layer) : zabezpečenie údajov, telegramy a ovládanie prístupu na zbernicu - MAC MAC ( Medium Acces Control) alebo tiež „Bus Acces Protocol“. Metóda token passing - pridelenie prístupu na zbernicu medzi mastrami tzv. multimaster systém Master - Slave tzv. monomaster
PROFIBUS-DP Monomaster System
DP-Master (Class 1) So systémami typu Monomaster je možné dosiahnuť najkratší zbernicový cyklus Obsahujú: - 1 DP-Master (Class 1) zariadenie - 1 až max. 125 DP-Slave zariadení - DP-Master (Class 2) - voliteľne PLC PROFIBUS-DP PROFIBUS-DP mainly operates in mono-master systems. This means that one master station, for example a PLC, is connected by PROFIBUS-DP with the distributed peripherals like inputs and outputs or sensors and actuators. PROFIBUS-DP replaces the parallel wiring between the PLC and the peripherals. This reduces costs up to 40%. A PROFIBUS-DP mono-master system consists of 1 to 125 Slaves, 1 Master class 1 - this is the PLC - and optionally a Master class 2 - this is a configuration device. The mono-master systems reach the shortest bus-cycle time and are able to transmit 1 kByte of input and output data in less than 2 ms. Distribuované vstupy a výstupy Zariadenia DP - Slave
PROFIBUS-DP Multimaster System
Niekoľko zariadení typu DP-Master môže pristupovať k zariadeniu DP-Slave pomocou funkcií na čítanie PROFIBUS-DP Multimaster systém obsahuje: - niekoľko zariadení Master (Class 1 alebo 2) - 1 až max. 124 zariadení DP-Slave - max. 126 zariadení na jednej zbernici DP-Master (Class 2) PC CNC PLC DP-Master (Class 1) DP-Master (Class 1) PROFIBUS - DP PROFIBUS-DP can also be used in a multi-master system configuration. This slide shows two active stations, one PLC and one CNC station. Each station has related input and output devices. The advantage of PROFIBUS-DP is that it is possible for each of the active stations to access data of common devices. The DP Master class 2 has the possibility to read the diagnostic information from all devices connected to the network. Distribuované vstupy a výstupy Distribuované vstupy a výstupy PROFIBUS-P Zariadenia DP - Slave
This slide shows the PROFIBUS bus access mechanism.
Protokol PROFIBUS Protokol prístupu na zbernicu (Vrstva 2) je rovnaký pre všetky tri varianty PROFIBUSu (FMS/DP/PA) To umožňuje transparentnú komunikáciu a jednoduché kombinovanie častí siete FMS/DP/PA Logický kruh medzi zariadeniami Master Aktívne stanice, zariadenia Master This slide shows the PROFIBUS bus access mechanism. PROFIBUS distinguishes between active stations like PLCs or PCs - they are called Master devices - and passive stations like sensors or actuators - they are called Slave devices. A logical token ring is established by the bus access protocol between the intelligent stations. The right to access the bus is passed between the stations by means of the token. The token is a special telegram which is transmitted over the bus. When a master station owns the token, it has the right to access the bus and to communicate with all other active or passive stations. The overall Token Rotation Time is user defined during configuration. Each station calculates the individual Token Hold Time and ensures that the overall Token Rotation Time is not expired. This guarantees fair bus access for all stations. Simple devices like sensors and actuators need not implement the logical token passing protocol. The advantage is that the protocol is very simple for passive stations which can be realized cost-efficiently by single-chip ASIC technology. All PROFIBUS variations use the same bus access protocol. PLC PC PLC PROFIBUS Pasívne stanice, zariadenia Slave
7. vrstva - Aplikačná vrstva
Predstavuje SW rozhranie pre aplikačný program Poskytuje rôzne služby a príkazy pre cyklickú a acyklickú výmenu dát
Profily a Interoperabilita
Aplikačné Profily sú špecifikácie výrobcov a užívateľov zamerané podľa vlastností a správania sa pripojených zariadení. Profibus má asi 20 aplikačných profilov Všeobecné profily: ProfiSafe, Redundancy, Time Stamp Špecifické profily: ProfiDrive, RIO for PA, PA-Devices, Encoder, ..... Systémové profily: Master Profil
Redundancia zvyšuje spoľahlivosť systému
Redundancia systému Redundancia prenos. média FO coupler FO coupler PROFIBUS-DP Dva prístroje pre jeden merací bod PROFIBUS supports the set-up of redundant networks in two different ways: 1. The use of fiber optic components enables to build a redundant fiber optic ring as part of the network. 2. The use of two interfaces in one control system and the use of two different devices per measuring point ensure 100 % redundancy per measuring point. A specification of how to build redundant networks with RS-485 technology is currently under preparation and is expected to be available by End of 1998. FO coupler FO coupler Redundantné systémy je možné realizovať pomocou niekoľkých rozhraní Segmenty s optickými káblami umožňujú redundanciu kabeláže
Správa zariadení Elektronický katalóg: GSD súbor vytvára výrobca. Obsahuje charakteristiky zariadenia v presne definovanom formáte (GSD editor, ASCII text) GSD konfigurácia - plug and play Knižnica GSD na Pridelenie ID čísla zariadenia výrobcovi DTM ( Device Type Manager) je integrujúci inžiniersky prostriedok (konf. param. diagn.)
Otvorená konfigurácia umožňuje Plug and Play
Konfiguračný nástroj pre PROFIBUS Konfigurácia systému PLC PLC GSD GSD GSD GSD GSD GSD PROFIBUS does not only describe the communication of the devices, the PROFIBUS specification also includes a complete description for open and vendor independent configuration. The configuration tools use electronic data sheets of the devices. These electronic data sheets are designated as device data base files or GSD files. The vendors of the devices describe the functionality of their devices by means of a GSD file. The format of the GSD file is clearly defined by the PROFIBUS standard. The configuration tool reads the GSD files into its internal data base and takes all characteristics of the individual devices into account. The advantage is that the configuration is very simple and can be done by a vendor-independent configuration tool. So PROFIBUS-DP really offers plug-and-play solutions and reduces the engineering costs. GSD files are simular to Windows INF files for printer or modem definitions. Electronic Device Data Sheets (GSD-files) PROFIBUS
Implementácia Profibus ASIC
ASIC - zákaznícky integrovaný obvod Jednoduchý slave Inteligentný slave implementované základné funkcie 2.vrstvy Complex Master
Implementácia PROFIBUS-PA Rozhranie prevádzkového prístroja
(napr. rozhranie PROFIBUS-PA pre vysielač teploty) Pripojenie na zbernicu podľa IEC D/A, A/D 0-10 V 0/4-20 mA SIEMENS SIM 1 SPC 4 Mitsubishi M16C I Rozhranie PROFIBUS-PA pre prevádzkové prístroje je veľmi malé a vyažduje si len niekoľko ASICov. Použitie mikroradičov a PROFIBUS ASICov s nízkym príkonom znižuje spotrebu energie a umožňuje napájanie cez zbernicu pri príkone nižšom ako 10 mA. Je možná priama výmena komunikačných modulov. One of the most important advantages of the PROFIBUS-PA protocol is, that it is possible to implement simple devices like transmitters with only a few ASICs and without additional RAM and ROM chips. Low power PROFIBUS ASICs (ie. SPC4) consume only very few power and this permitts bus powering of the devices at less than 10 mA. Note: Other Fieldbus Systems e.g. Foundation Fieldbus, require the use of additional RAM and ROM chips. This increases the power consumption (less bus powered stations can be connected to the network), makes the devices bigger (at least two more chips required) and much more expensive.
Profibus International
Medzinárodná organizácia združuje 24 regionálnych organizácií RPA (PNO) Zdroj informácií, podpora šíreniu profibus, zoznam produktov: Profibus SK Zabezpečenie kvality: Akreditované Centrá Profibus (22) Testovanie a Certifikácia (7) Vývoj Profibus: 5 technických komisií 35 stálych pracovných skupín
The PROFIBUS Membership Button
(use permitted for paid-up members only!) The membership button should be used by all members of PROFIBUS International to help promoting the organization. All members of a regional PROFIBUS organization are treated as members of PROFIBUS International. available from every user group worlwide or from
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PROFIBUS Cable Requirements- IEC 1158-2
Cable Design: shielded twisted pair cable Conductor Area: 0.8mm˛ (AWG 18) Loop Resistance: / km Impedance at KHz: 100 +/- 20% Attenuation at 39 KHz: 3dB / km Capacitance per Unit Length: 2nF / km The following line parameters describe a typical cable for IEC technology. Please refer to the Electronic Product Guide for all further details on the vendors of this cable. Cables for IEC Transmission are listed in the PROFIBUS Electronic Product Guide.
PROFIBUS Cable Requirements- RS 485
Parameters Cable Type A Cable Design shielded twisted pair cable Surge Impedance Loop Resistance / km Core Diameter mm Core Cross Section > 0.34 mm˛ Capacitance per unit length < 30 pF / m This slide shows the electrical parameters of PROFIBUS RS-485 cables. Please note: The standard specifies two types: Type A is the preferred type, because this cable can be used with baudrates up to 12 MBit/s and permits longer distances even at low baudrates. Type B is an older cable which is limited to 1.5MBit/s. It is strongly recommended to use only type A cables. Please note that the standard allows the use of unshielded cables. I in practice however, it is strongly recommended to use shielded cables due to better EMC immunity. PROFIBUS Cables are listed in the PROFIBUS Electronic Product Guide.
Pin Assignment for the 9-PIN D-Sub Connector for RS 485
the preferred connector type for PROFIBUS-DP/FMS is a 9 PIN D-Sub Connector the female part is located at the device other connectors are allowed, if they supply at least the mandatory signals All PROFIBUS devices with protection class IP 20 should normally use a 9-pin D-Sub connector. This is a preferred connection technology for PROFIBUS-FMS and PROFIBUS-DP. For devices with protection class IP 65 the standardization of PROFIBUS connectors is currently under preparation. Please note that all devices shall permit the mandatory signals including VP and GND. These signals are used for the bus termination or may be used to power fibre-optic converters.
Sequence of Data Bits for RS-485 Transmission
Each Octet is transmitted in a sequence of 11 Bits The least significant Bit (LSB) is sent first The most significant Bit (MSB) is sent last Each Octet is supplemented by start, stop and parity Bits The coding principle is called NRZ = Non Return to Zero The PROFIBUS RS-485 technology operates byte oriented. One byte is the smallest size of a possible message. The 8 user data bits of each byte are automatically extended with one Startbit, one Stoppbit and one Paritybit by the Hardware of the RS-485 Interface. This means that one byte (8 bit) is transmitted as 11 bits on the cable. This overhead ensures that all PROFIBUS messages are transmitted with high protection against undetected failures. All bytes of a PROFIBUS message must be transmitted without any slip (idle time) between them. All PROFIBUS messages have a hamming distance of HD = 4. 2. Byte 1. Byte Idle LSB MSB LSB Bit sequence: Start Parity Stop Start
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