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Injustice of Child Soldiers

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1 Injustice of Child Soldiers
By Jessica Higbee

2 Social Injustice Social Injustice- is a relative concept about the claimed unfairness or injustice of a society in its divisions of rewards and burdens and other incidental inequalities based on the user's worldview of humanity.

3 Child Soldiers This type of social injustice affects children between the ages of 5-14.

4 Sunday Obote A 7-year old boy was captured by the Lord’s Resistance Army in 1994 The LRA tried to turn the children into “Human killing machines” Once arrived at camp, watched a young boy who tried to escape get killed Learned no emotions were allowed Learned their guns were their best friends

5 Sunday Obote 2 Young boys and girls were involved (girls were used for the military men’s awards) On march to Southern Sudan many people were murdered for falling asleep b/c they couldn’t handle the walk Many children killings alerted the U.S. Ones who were rescued went to camps to learn to get un-traumatized

6 Result of Child Soldiers
Thousands of children brutalized (attacked) Became known as the “Largest Neglected Humanitarian Emergency In the World” More than 20,000 kidnapped 90% of Ugandan population displaced Children made up 80% of the terrorist insurgency movement

7 Why I Chose This Tells the story of a boy not much younger than me
Things can get better Very in-depth

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