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Pulling the Levers How do Cultural Leaders join forces to support creative place making ?

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Presentation on theme: "Pulling the Levers How do Cultural Leaders join forces to support creative place making ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pulling the Levers How do Cultural Leaders join forces to support creative place making ?

2 Why Collaborate? Dispersed centers of population
Competing approaches unsuccessful Cultural and creative specialism's with potential for growth

3 Facts about the region Population of over 4 million
Small urban and coastal settlements Nation’s largest concentrations of ports, transport and logistics firms and advanced manufacturing companies Proximity to London Tourism and Creative industries

4 Building a network Cultural leaders came together to provide expert advice to their regional economic development organisation by : Gathering evidence Devising a compelling story Demonstrating economic and wider benefits.

5 Who? METAL Firstsite High House Production Park Jerwood Gallery
Turner Contemporary Creative Foundation Historic Dockyard

6 Getting started Put together an evidence base
Reveal indigenous strengths and specialism's Embed creative and cultural in wider agenda  Form a business leaders network Promote industry skills development and business support Devise a shared prospectus

7 Building an Evidence Base
Key local employers and organisations Relevant activities underway in local Universities and Colleges Potential of creative businesses to generate jobs Key challenges creative businesses face Skills challenges Wider benefits this sector brings Projects already underway in local areas

8 What do we know about the sector?
GVA £2.5 billion per annum, employs 30,000 people Innovation is part of the sector’s DNA, The GVA contribution made by a creative professional is almost twice the average. 55% of all workers are qualified to first degree level or above, as compared with a UK average of 37%. 53% of creative professionals work in a creative capacity outside the CI sector.

9 Challenges Lack of vocational training for entry level jobs
Difficulty of communication with schools, training providers and universities to ensure education/qualifications meet employer needs Small Businesses facing capacity issues and isolation Lack of CPD opportunities and relevant business support Lack of communication between businesses , little sense of coherence Lack of suitable workspace

10 Key Initiatives Creative Industries Innovation Hubs
Incubation space for new talent alongside workspace for creative companies Industry partnerships with Higher Education Industry skills solutions to create new jobs A creative industries supply chain with London Innovation in place making and tourism

11 Lessons Learnt Clarity of vision Expert broker is key
Adopt an inclusive vocabulary DIY mindset True collaboration unlocks hidden value

12 Now over to you ! What opportunties do you see to advance a partnership for creative place making? Who would you involve? What is the case for collaboration? How does everyone get something out of it? What qualities and behaviours do you want to encourage? Can you imagine what success looks like?

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