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PAID Sponsored Social To have ‘WHAT NIAGARA MEANS TO ME’ and #myniagara explode across all of Ontario we will place sponsored ads across various social.

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Presentation on theme: "PAID Sponsored Social To have ‘WHAT NIAGARA MEANS TO ME’ and #myniagara explode across all of Ontario we will place sponsored ads across various social."— Presentation transcript:

1 PAID Sponsored Social To have ‘WHAT NIAGARA MEANS TO ME’ and #myniagara explode across all of Ontario we will place sponsored ads across various social media platforms and have a Niagara celebrity in the ad. We will place ads on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The local Niagara Falls hotel and restaurant that will board our winners will share the ad on their social media platforms and websites that link to our contest. The main points of our sponsored ad will be how to enter, details on how to win our contest. The winner will be chosen by the amount of digital traction their posts receive.

2 Earned Influencer Pitching As we are relying on social media, we will use influencer pitching to spread our reach to as wide a variety of individuals as we can. We will use celebrities that currently or have once called Niagara home to be the faces of our contest and star in short video ads to be played on social media and/or over the radio and radio apps. There are several musicians of different genres that would be ideal to target various ages and musical interests, such as Deadmau5, Dallas Green, Raine Maida (of Our Lady Peace fame) and Neil Peart. We will also use local athletes to promote our contest through their social media channels to target audiences that may not be reached with just musicians. Riley Sheahan of the Detroit Red Wings and Olympian figure skater Kirsten Moore-Towers are both Niagara natives and would be ideal candidates to boost social media traffic.

3 SHARED For the shared portion, we will launch the #MyNiagara hashtag by holding blogger events. These will take place in three major cities in Ontario; Toronto, Ottawa, and Thunder Bay, to ensure that the word is getting out geographically. The platforms that will be eligible for the sweepstakes are Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. People interested in participating will simply post a picture or video sharing their ‘WHAT NIAGARA MEANS TO ME’ moment. Winners will be based off the amount of impressions their post gets. Niagara Tourism will also be posting videos and content promoting the hotel, restaurants, and attractions that Niagara Falls has to offer. We will also purchase ads on local podcasts and live streams to further the discussion and drive up the social media traffic.

Due to the fact that our plan heavily involves the social media platform, we will focus efforts on getting our contest shared online via blogs and through subscriber newsletters. Our reach needs to extend throughout all of Ontario, so we will target lifestyle and travel websites in the province with news releases regarding our ‘WHAT NIAGARA MEANS TO ME’ #myNiagara contest. The goal would be to reach as many blogs and websites as possible, with an emphasis on platforms that send out newsletters to their followers. That way the public can be engaged in the contest on a broader spectrum. Combined with the contest details would be professional photographs of Niagara Falls landmarks, as well as details of some of the most popular attractions in Niagara. If the campaign is successful, we hope that the exposure would bring an influx of new tourists to the Falls, and not just the contest winner and their three friends.

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