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Online Sponsorship Kit

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1 Online Sponsorship Kit

2 Get your brand in front of some of the most influential eyeballs in the City of Austin. Get associated with doing civic good. Support democracy. And foster good work along the way. Your underwriting support of the nonpartisan mission of the Capital of Texas Media Foundation and the nonpartisan journalism of the Austin Monitor helps us get more folks better informed about the city where they live. Beyond that, our readers are deeply involved members of the Austin community. Show them how much you care about the place where you do business. Michael Kanin, Publisher Austin Monitor

3 Quantcast Data:

4 Monitor Front Page Sponsorships
Spot A: Dual position, solo reservation for one 728X90 banner and one 300X250 box. Highest traffic placement (c. 19,000 pageviews) Underwriting: $1,000/month

5 Monitor Content Category Sponsorships
Spot B: Skyscraper (160x600), solo placement Sponsor a targeted segment of interest Underwriting: $500/month per category

6 Monitor Full-Site Sponsorship
Spots A + B: Maximum exposure at our best price Dual position, solo reservation for one 728X90 banner and one 300X250 box on Monitor front page Skyscraper (160x600), solo placement on all categories Underwriting: $2500/month

7 Monitor Email Blast stats:
Daily Headlines: Monday-Friday dose of Monitor-only content; delivered to inboxes at 7am -c daily subscribers -30-34% open rate -10-16% click rate What We Woke Up To… Monday-Friday roundup of news from around the city and the state; delivered at noon -c subscribers -23-28% open rate % click rate

8 Monitor Morning Headlines Email Blast Sponsorships
Spot C: Get in front of key decision-makers, who read the Monitor before they do anything else Banner Sponsorship (600X100) Underwriting: $1500/month; $500/week

9 Monitor Afternoon Update Email Blast Sponsorships
Spot D: Get in front of key-decision makers as they catch up on what’s happened throughout the morning Banner Sponsorship (600X100) Underwriting: $1200/month; $400/week

10 Monitor Complete Email Sponsorship Package
Spots C & D: Maximum exposure at our best rate Banner Sponsorship (600X100) on Morning and Afternoon s Underwriting: $2500/month; $750/week

11 Monitor All of the Things Sponsorship Package
Spots A + B + C + D: Total blanket across the platform Maximum underwriting value Underwriting: $4,000/month

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