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Kuiper and Allan Chapter 7.2.3

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1 Kuiper and Allan Chapter 7.2.3
Objects Kuiper and Allan Chapter 7.2.3

2 Direct object Who or what do/did subject verb? data
a. Martha kissed Jim. b. Elephants enjoy soccer. c. Sopranos sing arias.

3 Exercise Find the direct objects. a. John was eating.
b. Henry drank a milkshake. c. Martha fainted. d. She needed a milkshake. e. Henry fed his dog. f. The dog fainted suddenly.

4 Indirect object Who did what to or for whom? data
a. John gave his mother a present. b. Henry told me a story. c. Henry told a story. d. I took the dog. e. I asked my aunt a question. Note the double objects.

5 Test Double objects constructions have two forms:
Joanna gave Fred a parcel. Joanna gave a parcel to Fred. Something is only an indirect object if it can undergo this exchange. for $300 is not an indirect object in I bought the book for $300.

6 Exercise Find the objects and classify them into DO and IO.
a. Karl dropped his bike. b. Nathan gave Sarah her breakfast. c. The postmaster sent a parcel to Henry. d. Freda owed Marcia a dollar. e. Eve saw the serpent. f. Mary gave her aunt breakfast.

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