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The Social Construction of Youth

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1 The Social Construction of Youth
Objectives:- Understand the ways that youth has changed over the last century Be able to explain why Youth can be seen as a social construction

2 Has Childhood always existed?

3 Historical changes in the concept of Childhood…
Before 1600 At 5 a child would “belong” to a world of Work, Leisure and Sex- Most of the evidence for this comes from paintings and it is arguable. Children were an economic asset- industrialisation in the early stages depended on the skills of children- children provided insurance for their parents in later life… Very little love or affection was shown to children. Children’s wages, although small, were an important financial benefit to a family…

4 The financial role of children was marginalised as industrialisation steamed forward… There were now more restrictions in place, for example: compulsory education. Middle class children were assumed to lack competencies of adults and were therefore in need of protection and guidance… Working class children were thought to be born corrupt and wicked and had to be taught and controlled… Children became economically worthless but emotionally priceless. Children needed love and attention and were sheltered from the world… Children had now divided themselves in to sub-cultures that the adult did not understand. Childhood became a time where things were supposed to be magical and fun.

Growing awareness of children’s rights and empowerment. Children are seen as active families and make more of a democratic contribution to the family through things like housework etc. Young people form a growing economic force in society and in the family. Children target by commerce (trade) in own right. THEY HAVE GUNS NOW DON’T HIT CHILDREN

6 Youth as a social construction
A ‘Youth’ - a person between 15 and 25. ‘Youths’ are NOT all the same despite stereotypes they are a diverse group. The appearance of ‘Youth’ is also something desired by older people who might buy goods originally aimed at young people. E.g playstation. Many children also seek the ‘youth’ style e.g tweens of

7 Changes in laws reflecting changing attitudes to age
First law protecting children from abuse 1889 – It was mostly ineffective and child cruelty and prostitution was still common. Official age of consent in 1880s 10-12 – 1st wave feminist campaigns successfully raised it to 16 in 1885. Compulsory school leaving age in 1974 14 – raised to 16 and now 18 in 2013. Year that consumption of alcohol was restricted by age 1937

8 Has Youth culture always existed?
Objectives: To explore the question of whether youth culture has always existed. To be able to identify factors which lead to the development of youth culture.

9 Factors which affected the development of Youth Culture
Post War economy and capitalism Schooling The USA and Globalisation Demographic changes The Media Consumerism and style

10 The Development of Sub-cultures
Reasons for the development of sub-cultures vary according to what perspective you use. 1. Crisis of identity 2. Rite of Passage 3. Resistance to mainstream culture 4. Oppression of capitalist society 5. Style and Music

11 Describe the norms and values
Geeks Boffs Plastics Emo kids Lads ??????? Any others What would you have to do to become a member of their culture?

12 Essay plan Explain the meaning of ‘the social construction of youth’ (15 Marks) Intro explain what social construction means Explain what ‘youth’ means AO2 evaluate the term ‘youth’ is it ALL youth, it is just for year olds? Explain that the concept of ‘youth’ has not always existed. AO2 provide examples of changes which occurred over 100 yrs AO2 these could be seen as very simplistic of how parents treated their children. Explain the factors that led to the emergence of youth culture in the UK. AO2 Marxists might say ‘youth culture’ was driven by economic factors – wanting profit from young people / consumerism/music/fashion. Explain how the emergence of ‘youth culture’ led to the creation of sub-cultures within youth with their own styles, music e.g Goths AO2 Not all ‘youths’ belong to sub-cultures most are ordinary Conclusion - The phase now known as ‘youth’ has evolved through social change and varies across time and place e.g some cultures still use child labour so therefore it must be a social construction.

13 Task Read page in booklets about the Colombine killings.
Discuss the pro’s and con’s of having sub-cultures in schools. What sub-culture did Harris and Klebold belong to? Which of the explanations earlier might be able to explain their behaviour? Freedom Writers

14 Objectives To understand the significance of the 1960s for
Mainstream British culture Youth culture Counter-cultures Attempt to digest some undergraduate level text on developments in the sixties.

15 Food for thought Do ALL young people belong to sub-cultures?
How would you describe the ones that don’t? Are young people all politically aware? Do all children suffer a crisis of identity?

16 Censorship in the sixties
By the 1960’s America was spawning a new culture altogether, the “Counterculture” from a generation known as the “baby boomers”; these young adults were born after WWII from about During the 1960’s and early 1970’s, Cinema would never be the same and censorship as it was known for over four decades was literally “rocked and rolled”. Did the Counterculture generation challenge censorship and freedom of expression, bringing an end to the Code as we knew it? Or did the Cinema challenge censorship when they saw an opportunity to capitalize on a generation which had become a disillusioned and disappointed culture?

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