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Hello Adam Cibulka Chuck Syperski

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2 Hello Adam Cibulka Chuck Syperski
Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment at DuPage High School District 88 Chuck Syperski Software Engineer at DuPage High School District 88

3 Background - Timeline Prior to 2014-2015
Paper-based workflow of all evaluation documents. Pilot of new professional practice evaluation system based on the work of Charlotte Danielson. Use of Excel workbook and Microsoft Word to manage all documents. Continue use new professional practice rubric and integrate student growth pilot. Expanded use of Excel workbook and Microsoft Word to manage all documents. Year 1 of official implementation of both professional practice and student growth components. Further expansion of use of Excel workbook and Microsoft Word to manage all documents. Exploration of third-party vendors to manage workflow.

4 The Need for a Change Excel limitations - Slow, character limitations and not flexible. Working in two worlds - Multiple users unable to view without a structure for saving documents. Living in a paper-based world - Summative evaluations were printing over 50 pages per employee. Taking up of district storage space and slowing down the system. Inability to collect data on areas to support staff.

5 2016 - 2017 - Development of Spark
Our goal was to create a system that: Managed the workflow of all stakeholders and was easy to use for all team members (admin, department chairs and teachers). Provided immediate feedback for all stakeholders on the progress of staff and meeting specific timelines for evaluation. Flexible enough to adapt to any evaluation system for any employee group (i.e., student growth for some employee groups, but not all).

6 2016 - 2017 - Development of Spark
Process of development: Engaged all stakeholders: Administration Department Chairs Teachers Human Resources

7 Components of Spark The District 88 Evaluation process consists of the following components: Meeting Purpose Initial Conference To establish professional practice and student growth goals for the year. Midpoint Conference To check-in and make any changes to initial student growth goals. Formal Observations Planned classroom observations which includes a pre-observation conference, the scheduled observation and post-observation conference. Informal Observations Unannounced classroom observations which includes the unannounced observation itself and post-observation conference. Summative Meeting To establish final professional practice and student growth ratings.

8 Unique Features Information at a glance. Instant teacher feedback.
Automatic organization of information. Online sketching and signatures. Single login for many environments.

9 Show Me Spark

10 Why do you care?
Because you probably need an evaluation system We have an evaluation system We are nice and we are giving Spark away, get it below…

11 Other Stuff GrowIEP Telescreen UserCentral Report Out FOG Project

12 Questions and Contact Info Adam Cibulka - DuPage High School District 88, Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment (630) or Chuck Syperski - DuPage High School District 88, Software Engineer (630) or

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