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Primary/secondary sources

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1 Primary/secondary sources
Unit 4: Statehood Primary/secondary sources

2 A little spinner girl in Georgia cotton mill
ki/File:A_little_spinner_in_a_Geor gia_Cotton_Mill._-_NARA_- _ jpg

3 Repeal of the stamp act ki/File:Repeal_of_the_Stamp_Act.j pg

4 Trying to encourage the colonies to unite against the british

5 Boston tea party dia/commons/5/52/Boston_Tea_Pa rty_Currier_colored.jpg

6 British and French settlements in north America in 1750
_Years%27_War#/media/File:Nouv elle-France_map-en.svg

7 Yazoo Land Fraud Map ki/File:Yazoo- Georgia_Controversy.png

8 Cherokee land lottery deed
dia/commons/4/40/CherokeeLotte ryLandDeed.jpg

9 Worcester dia/commons/4/4e/Worcester.jpg

10 Trail of tears map dia/commons/1/16/Trails_of_Tears _en.png

11 Battle of Kettle creek dia/commons/5/5e/KettleCreekTac tical.jpg

12 Cartoon franklin had made at the time of the stamp act

13 Boston tea party

14 Original declaration of independence image

15 Writing the declaration of independence
ki/File:Writing_the_Declaration_of _Independence_1776_cph.3g jpg

16 Eli Whitney's cotton gin patent
ki/File:Patent_for_Cotton_Gin_(1 794)_-_hi_res.jpg

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