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2016 Belmont Long Term Care Facility

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Presentation on theme: "2016 Belmont Long Term Care Facility"— Presentation transcript:

1 2016 Belmont Long Term Care Facility
Annual Resident Satisfaction Survey 2016

2 Q1: All staff treat me with kindness, courtesy, respect and dignity.

3 Q2: My personal privacy is maintained.

4 Q3: Staff take into consideration my cultural values.

5 Q4: I am encouraged and / or involved in decisions about my care.

6 Q5: I can express my opinion without fear of consequences.

7 Q6: The Home responds to my questions and concerns in a timely manner.

8 Q7: I am provided with enough information regarding changes in my medication, physical condition and plan of care in order to provide my informed consent.

9 Q8: I am given timely information on how I could access external healthcare services when I require them. (ie. dental, advanced foot care, hearing services)

10 Q9: I am satisfied with the medical attention provided by my Physician
Q9: I am satisfied with the medical attention provided by my Physician. (and Nurse Practitioner if applicable)

11 Q10: I feel safe and secure with Staff.

12 Q11: I feel safe and secure with my fellow Residents.

13 Q12: I feel safe and secure in my home environment.

14 Q13: Staff answer when I call
Q13: Staff answer when I call. (using a respectful manner - knock on my door, introduce themselves etc)

15 Q14: My preferences are respected regarding meals (likes / dislikes)

16 Q15: My preferences are respected regarding bathing (day / time / bath or shower)

17 Q16: My preferences are respected regarding time I prefer to get up.

18 Q17: My preferences are respected regarding time I prefer to go to bed.

19 Q18: I am satisfied with the food temperature.

20 Q19: I am satisfied with the food taste.

21 Q20: I am satisfied with the food variety.

22 Q21: I am satisfied with the food portion size.

23 Q22: I am satisfied with the Recreational programs offered in the Home during the day.

24 Q23: I am satisfied with the Recreational programs offered at the Home during the evening.

25 Q24: I am satisfied with the Recreational programs offered during the weekend.

26 Q25: I am satisfied with the assistance I am provided to enjoy a Recreational program.

27 Q26: I am satisfied with the Recreational programs offered in the Home meeting my needs.

28 Q27: I am satisfied with the Restorative Care and physiotherapy services.

29 Q28: I am satisfied with the incontinence products provided in the Home.

30 Q29: I am satisfied with the cleanliness and upkeep of the  interior of the Home.

31 Q30: I am satisfied with the cleanliness and upkeep of the  exterior of the Home.

32 Q31: I am satisfied with the laundry services provided over the past year.

33 Q32: I am satisfied with the religious and spiritual services.

34 Q33: I am satisfied with my involvement and / or the work of the Residents Council in the Home.

35 Q34: I would recommend this Home to others.

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