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Needs Assessment for Washington County residents.

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1 Needs Assessment for Washington County residents.
Just-in-time training Needs Assessment for Washington County residents. June 17, 2016← [FILL IN] CASPER:Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response

2 CASPER Purposes of this CASPER exercise:
Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response A method developed by CDC to quickly gain information about the public health needs of a population affected by an emergency Purposes of this CASPER exercise: Post 1: Rapid needs assessment for the Washington County community. Determine the greatest needs for the community. Asses the most effective locale for resources. Gather an understanding for devastation that has occurred throughout Washington County. Develop a Post 2: Collect data on the recovery process and use this information to develop a better, more effective plan in the future. Discover the recovery rate and remaining needs for the Washington County community. Develop a means of assisting the needs that remain for those still affected by the disaster. Assess the devastation/impact of the disaster.

3 CASPER: Selection of Housing Units
The housing units (HU) to interview were selected using a specific method designed by CDC. Each interview team has a list of the 7 addresses pre-selected for their “cluster” Key point –It is essential that the teams conduct interviews as assigned, in order for the survey results to be useful. Step 2 Randomly select 7 housing units (HU) for each cluster Step 1 Randomly select 30 clusters *1 cluster=1 census block

4 Addresses List and Route Map
Each interview team will be given a list of 7 addresses and a route map. Address assignment - CLUSTER 1 1 NW SPRINGVILLE RD, BEAVERTON OR 97229 2 254 NW ELK RUN DR, BEAVERTON OR 97228 3 2425 NW PARK VIEW BLVD, BEAVERTON OR 97229 4 36454 NW ROCK CREEK BLVD, BEAVERTON OR 97229 5 34 SW ROSEMOUNT ST, BEAVERTON OR 97229 6 8676 SW OAK CT, BEAVERTON OR 97229 7 54565 SW 173RD PL, BEAVERTON OR 97229

5 What to do if you can’t conduct interview at the assigned address?
Troubleshooting What to do if you can’t conduct interview at the assigned address? Replace with the unit directly to the right (while facing the assigned unit) If the replacement interview cannot be conducted, continue moving right. If no interview is completed after 4 total contacts are attempted, move on to next address on the list. Bottom line - 3 total attempts should be made to replace the assigned home What if there is no unit “to the right”? For apartment complexes, go up one floor and interview the first unit to the right of the stairs or elevator. Continue to the right from here. If there is no floor above the assigned unit, go down one floor and interview the first unit to the right of the stairs or elevator. For single family homes Some cluster groups will have replacement suggestions provided with their address list/map Otherwise - call headquarters for instructions ***If you have any questions, always call headquarters for instructions*** SCRIPT: When replacing a house, if there is no answer at all four houses move on to the next address on the list. Record every attempt.

6 What if I “bump into” another assigned unit while moving right?
NOTE: You will need to record every interview attempt on the tracking form. Details to come.

7 It is very important to follow replacement instructions!
Example: Team 3, Cluster 29 Assigned address: 1854 Broad St DO NOT pick another house just because: •it looks similar to the assigned house •it seems someone friendly lives there •it looks more attractive to you •etc Key point – If selected household cannot be interviewed, do not try to choose the “best” replacement on your own. SCRIPT: Not following the replacement instructions violates the study design and jeopardizes our data. This could mean all the time and effort is at risk of being wasted and the study could be invalid.

8 What if you encounter a language barrier?
If you do not speak the same language as the person that answers the door, conduct the interview using the resources below: For Spanish speaking households: Some teams will have members that speak Spanish. -Questionnaires will be provided in Spanish If no team member speaks Spanish: - Call Cynthia and Eva For all other languages: Call “Passport to languages” The interview can be conducted over the telephone A language barrier is not a justifiable reason to walk away from an interview!

9 Forms - Instructions Consent form Tracking Form Questionnaire
Referral Form Handouts

10 Consent Form: Read verbatim Wait for a yes or no response
Leave the consent form with the household Remember to thank them

11 Tracking Form: Fill in details for Cluster and Team ID Check off completed surveys to keep track of progress Complete column for each and every housing unit approached: Regardless of if contact was made or the interview completed For data analysis, we need to know the total number of houses approached AND the final number where interviews were completed To have 7 completed interviews, you may have to approach 10 or more houses. Track each approach on the form. Use back side and additional tracking forms if needed. For script - go through each section (1 - 4) briefly. Clarify that “access = inaccessible” can mean gated, dog, unsafe, etc.

12 Tracking Form Example:
*Note - your tracking form may have additional fields, such as “Damage” For script - Walk through each grouping (colored box) needed to complete one interview Make sure to point out that not all sections will be applicable for every unit (eg if the house is marked inaccessible in part 1, no need to answer part 3 or 4) Emphasize importance of recording each attempt, regardless of whether interview was completed. May need to use the back of form, or additional form, if many units need to be replaced. 7 completed interviews. 12 attempted.

13 Survey instructions: Fill in details for Cluster and Team ID at top of form. For script - emphasize what we mean by emergency - we chose to use this word instead of disaster, but we mean disaster…... General instructions Please read the questions exactly as written - though it is OK to explain or expand if needed Call if you have any questions

14 Survey instructions (cont):
Words in (parentheses) should be read aloud Words in [brackets ] are for your instruction - Do not read aloud. Never read aloud the answer choices for Don’t know (DK) or Refused (R) Always read the “other” option If the respondent selects ‘other’ as an answer, please write in their answer and write it word for word.

15 Survey instructions (cont):
It is expected that some respondents may refuse to answer some of the questions - please just check the box for “refused” Many respondents may decline to answer the demographic questions. NEVER enter information for such questions based on your own perceptions of the person’s race/ethnicity.

16 Referral Form Use if you need to alert the project lead to communicate with authorities. For script - clarify which situations would warrant completion and submission of this form. Also clarify who the appropriate recipient for these forms will be at headquarters

17 Handouts Leave copies with any household that was contacted, or any interested people that may approach you while in the neighborhood. For script - clarify that should give to any people at the household that are contacted, even if they refuse to interview. Unless they refuse or are not interested. OK to leave with other people in neighborhood if approached.

18 Questions about Forms

19 Interviewing Tips Conducting the interview
Words within [brackets] are for interviewer and should not be read aloud Do not read aloud the following answer choices: “don’t know (DK)”, “refused (R)", or “other” Always remember to mark the answers for “No” and “DK/R” responses Write down responses to “other” and “open ended” questions word for word Before leaving, review the entire questionnaire and double check that all questions have been answered and marked. Remember to thank them!! Script: Elaborate on the fact that completing the interview inside the home is discouraged.

20 Building Rapport: survey.

21 Minimize Response Bias:
Script: Try not to give feedback about the person’s response to a question. Don’t comment on their answers - either a negative or positive reaction to a response can influence the responses to future questions in the survey.

22 Encourage the Respondent

23 Avoid pitfalls that will make surveys results worthless:
Interview only assigned housing units, or replacements to the right. •Never substitute other homes based on judgement calls – the survey will be invalid If you can’t reach goal of 7 complete interviews, stop. •Never add extra homes just because they are convenient. •It’s better to have less than 7 homes that were selected by proper method Keep careful records on tracking sheet of every home where you attempt an interview. •Even if no one is home, or the person refuses to participate •The number of interviews attempted is important for the data analysis

24 Avoid pitfalls (continued…)
Stick to the script. Re-phrasing questions can change the meaning •It is OK to clarify question if the respondent doesn’t understand. Always record an answer for every question – even if answer is ‘don’t know’ or ‘refused’ •People analyzing the data can’t ‘just guess’ why a question was left blank •Missing answers create HUGE problems for data analysts.

25 Safety If it feels uncomfortable, don’t approach
Safety concerns should be specified based on the specific disaster.

26 Disaster Communication
How to handle the media How to communicate with people in crisis How to handle and prepare yourself for what you may experience in the field Specific concerns should be discussed based on the situation. Will there be counseling available for interview team members?

27 Assignment of Teams 60 volunteers: 30 teams of 2: 1 cluster
30 volunteers: 15 teams of 2: 2 clusters 20 volunteers: 10 teams of 2: 3 clusters Prefer to match English and Spanish speaking individuals

28 Logistics Call if you have questions (provide phone number(s))
Route maps Wear badges/vests? Meeting location/time Call-in time(s) (eg at completion of each block) Transportation [drivers, parking, car decals or window signs?] Food & water (provided?) Team contact information/communication Return all paperwork back to headquarters Debriefing time/location Have fun :)

29 Note for organizers Items to provide to teams
Readable copies of content of these training slides - particularly the content regarding replacing housing units, filling out forms, and conducting interviews. ID badges/vests Food/water Car decals/signs Clipboards Writing utensils (pens vs pencils?) Umbrellas Waterproof bags/folders/binders for paperwork Phone numbers - contact information


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