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Fast Truncated Multiplication for Cryptographic Applications

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1 Fast Truncated Multiplication for Cryptographic Applications
2002−2006 Laszlo Hars Seagate Research

2 Outline History of the paper, Applications Examples Truncated Products
Time complexity Carry Half products LS and MS products Middle-third products Squaring

3 History, Applications Written in 2002/03
’03 Missed deadline ’04 Reviewers failed to read ’05 Page and time limitations  ½ of accepted paper printed Applications:

4 Example: Reciprocal ⌊d 2n/x⌋ = Integer reciprocal of n-digit x
Newton Iteration doubles #accurate bits r  r ∙(2−r ∙x) r  r + r ∙(1+ r ∙(−x)) Proof: rk = 1/x ∙(1− ε)    rk+1 = 1/x ∙(1− ε2). r ∙x = 1− ε, only need digits2k +1 … 2k+1 of r ∙(-x) r2k = rk || rk  (rk  -x(2k+1)) School Karatsuba 0.5M 0.9039M 2’s complement concatenate Middle third of |3∙2k| product MS half of |2∙2k| product

5 Numerical Example: Reciprocal
x = , ⌊1016/ x⌋ = r = 11408, -x = 108 − x = (complement) r · (-x) = , y = r  -x = 3951 z = r · y = , r ⋉ y = 4507 r’ = r || r ⋉ y =

6 Examples: modular multiplication
Barrett multiplication: with µ = ⌊d 2n/m⌋ a b mod m = a b − ⌊a b / m⌋m = LS(a b) − ( MS(a b)  µ )  m With b constant, β := MS2n(b/m) a b mod m = (a  β )  m Montgomery multiplication, -m-1:=  inv of -m mod d n ab d −n mod m =  MS(a b) − (LS(a b)  (-m-1))  m With b constant, β := b  (-m-1) ab d −n mod m = a  b − (a   β )  m

7 Truncated Product Specialized algorithms
Cover with polygons of black-box algorithms Ignore extra digits Subtract overlap Pad input for excess area contiguous subsequence of the digits of the product

8 Time complexity Number of digit-multiplications
× is more expensive than +, −, <, load/store… Can be performed parallel to others Fast multiplication algorithms take ≈ nα time Speed relations: M1/M2 ≈ T1/T2 (Mult, TrctMult) No more auxiliary digit operations than at the corresponding black box multiplication!

9 Carry Omitted LS product-digits may cause carry
Some algorithms tolerate (Barrett, Newton iteration) Others must be accurate Maximal potential carry: at the main diagonal (n −1) d n+1 + (d −n −1) d n + 1 Last 2 digits can be “very” wrong Carry can propagate to the first digit (9→0, x→ x+1) Use 2 extra guard digits to the right Almost always they absorb carry If they are large (might not absorb) ⇒ full product

10 Half Product MS or LS half product Find optimal β, Speedup
Same speed ± linear term Find optimal β, Speedup

11 LS and MS products MS products faster calculated than the full product

12 Middle-third product Center Square + 2 small triangles
Karatsuba: direct recursion 4 overlapping smaller cases 3 are enough

13 Squaring Squaring short operands twice faster than mult
Complexity recursions end at short operands Speed relations of short square/mult is (almost) the same as at long ops Squaring ∉ Truncated Products

14 Conclusion Fast truncated multiplication algorithms
Black-box covering Optimal configurations Specialized algorithms Speed up many crypto algorithms Constant factor (≈ 20…50% typical) Encourage use of sub-quadratic algorithms No speedup for FFT-based algorithms?

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