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Monday, November 6th Greek Root Words

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2 Monday, November 6th Greek Root Words
cosm- world or universe Ex. cosmic, microcosm graph/gram- write, draw, or record EX. graph, graphic, telegraph log- word of study Ex. logic, cosmetology micro- small Ex. microscopic, micro computer phon- sound Ex. microphone, phonics

3 Tuesday November 7th 6. archae, arche, archi-primitive, ancient ex: archaeologist, archetype 7. crat, cracy- rule strength, power ex: democrat, aristocracy 8. hemo, hema - blood ex: hematology, hemophilia 9. aer, aero, air- of the sky ex: aerial, aerospace 10. ped- foot ex: pedicure

4 Look at the picture and formulate a sentence about how this is meaningful to your life.

5 Wednesday, November 8th Using the roots to decipher meaning, the following words and a self-created definition. 1. cosmically- 2. hemophilic- 3. monocrat- 4. aerobics- 5. architecture-

6 Answers: Wednesday, November 8th Using the roots to decipher meaning, the following words and a self-created definition. 1. cosmically-of the universe in contrast to the earth alone 2. hemophilic- a person who has the disability of blood not clotting 3. monocrat- the one ruler in a monocracy 4. aerobic-relating to, involving, or requiring free oxygen 5. architecture- the study of or old structures and the creation of buildings

7 Thursday, November 9th Using the roots to decipher meaning, the following words and a self-created definition. topography- microanalysis- pedestrian- monophonic- prologue-

8 Answers: Thursday, November 9th Using the roots to decipher meaning, the following words and a self-created definition. topography- the arrangement of the natural and artificial physical features of an area microanalysis- the quantitative analysis of chemical compounds using a sample of a few milligrams pedestrian-a person walking along a road or in a developed area monophonic-consisting of a single musical line, without accompaniment. prologue- introductory section of a literary or musical work

9 Friday, November 10th Write the answers to the following questions
Friday, November 10th Write the answers to the following questions. Stay tuned for further directions. Root that refers to : 1. old 2. strength 3. child 4. space 5. foot 6. drawing

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