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Welcome to Glenallan’s Community Connection with a Math Focus!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Glenallan’s Community Connection with a Math Focus!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Glenallan’s Community Connection with a Math Focus!
This morning we will practice three important math skills: problem solving, reasoning, and persevering. We will problem solve! We will use different strategies to find a solution. We will reason about our thinking! How do I know my answer is correct? We will persevere! We won’t give up!

2 How would you solve this problem?





7 “I Can” Statements I can explain that the equal sign means the “same as.” I can compare the value of both sides of an equation and determine whether the equation is true or false. I can add and subtract by counting on or counting back. I can add by making ten. I can add by using doubles and doubles +1. I can use part-part-whole relationships to find the unknown number in an equation.


9 On an index card solve the following problem:
8 +7 = ____ Share with your neighbor how you got your answer.

10 Let’s talk about Problem Solving!
How did you feel when you are problem solving? Did you use more than one strategy when solving the problem? Do you feel confident with your solution? Can you explain your thinking to a partner?

11 Guiding Questions to Prompt Student Reasoning:
What strategy did you use to solve the problem? How did you solve the problem? How did you get your answer? Think aloud to tell me how you found the answer.

12 Levels of Reasoning for Solving Basic Facts Using Addition and Subtraction.
Level 1: Count All Level 2: Count on/back from a given number Level 3: Using known facts and flexibility with numbers to derive at answer.




16 Multiple Strategies To Use For Addition
Multiple Strategies To Use For Multiplication



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