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Welcome to Level 3 Fall Semester 2014 UAEU Foundation Level

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Level 3 Fall Semester 2014 UAEU Foundation Level"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Level 3 Fall Semester 2014 UAEU Foundation Level
2nd Nov – 15th Jan 2nd quarter

2 Aims of level 3 integrated
Helping you to: Understand written and spoken academic texts Take part in discussions Learn important vocabulary (VTL lists 1-4) Improve Speaking, Listening and Reading skills Find and use educational resources to help you learn independently of the teacher – in other words – help you to become an independent learner Enjoy studying !!!

3 Absences When you have 15% absences you cannot attend classes or take exams. 15% absences in Level 3 = 11 absences So you are allowed to have ______absences If you are not in class the teacher will mark you absent From week 2 – if you are late more than 5 minutes to class, the teacher will also mark you absent

4 Assessment in Level 3 10 grades in level 3 6 exams in total
Integrated skills (3 exams, 4 grades - 60%) Writing skills (3 exams, 6 grades -40%)

5 Assessment in Integrated Skills
Integrated Skills (3 exams , 4 grades) 2 Computer Generated Exams (CGE) (Vocabulary) (10%+10%) 1 Coursework Grade (CWG) (10%) 1 Final Exam (Listening and Reading) – (30%)

6 Assessment in Integrated Skills - 2 CGE tests (20%) - Vocabulary Tests
1st CGE % week 4 2nd CGE 10% week 7 CGE 1 – VTL lists 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b CGE 2 – VTL lists 3a, 3b, 4 a, 4 b

7 Assessment in Integrated Skills 1 Coursework Grade (10%)
CWG allocated (given) by the teacher In our class: Speaking Presentation (5%) and 5 Reading Reports (5%) - from week 2 to week 7 I will give you more details about these later

8 Assessment in Integrated Skills – Final Exam (30%)
ONLY Listening and Reading (Preview Listening and Reading) Final exam – week 8 or 9 – to be confirmed later

9 Assessment in Writing 3 exams - 6 grades (40%)
1st Writing Project – 5% 1 Timed Writing Test - 2 % 2nd Writing Project – 5 % Final Timed Exam – 20 % Teacher’s Portfolio/HW Grade – 6% Teacher’s Timed Writing Test – 2% You will have more details about dates etc. from your Writing Teacher

10 Summary - Assessment in Level 3
Integrated strand – 3 exams, 4 grades - 60% Writing strand – 3 exams, 6 grades - 40% Passmark for Level 3 – 60% NEW in 2014/2015 CEPA Challenge for students who pass L 3 Students who score 180+, exit UFP and enter Faculty

11 Materials we will use in Level 3 Integrated
Level 3 ibook (to be downloaded from Level 3 Moodle Website Road to IELTS website Various websites, iPad apps and worksheets from the teacher

12 How to pass level 3 WORK WORK WORK HARD !!! Don’t take days off
Study and revise vocabulary Study preview listenings and readings Use ipad applications and websites to practise English

13 How to improve your skills in English
STUDY STUDY STUDY !!! READ – go to the ILC - borrow and read books for Level 3, do a lot of IELTS reading practice LISTEN – watch TV/You Tube in English, listen to L3 lectures, use listening practice in the ILC WRITE – pay attention in your writing course, practise writing in the Writing Centre SPEAK – use any opportunity to speak English, practise speaking in the Speaking Centre

14 How to get better in English
MOST IMPORTANT - work in class as well as outside the class BE INTERESTED in what you are learning SPEAK ENGLISH during your English classes Spend at least 1-2 HOURS a day to work on your English OUTSIDE THE CLASS Use resources in the Writing and Speaking Centres Use resources in the ILC

And now…

HOW MUCH CAN YOU REMEMEBER? What is the PASSMARK for Level 3? HOW MANY GRADES are there in Integrated Skills? What is CWG? What is CGE? Why is CEPA 180+ important ? How many exams will you have in Level 3?

17 The End

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