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Advanced Distribution System Management and Enterprise Engineering & Operations Wayne Carr -- Milsoft.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Distribution System Management and Enterprise Engineering & Operations Wayne Carr -- Milsoft."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Distribution System Management and Enterprise Engineering & Operations Wayne Carr -- Milsoft

2 Milsoft – E&O Software Vendor
Founded in 1989 We Design, Write, Maintain, Sell and Support Distribution Engineering Analysis Load Flow, Fault Current, TCC Curve Management, etc… GIS (ESRI based) Outage Management Interactive Voice Response (IVR) To Over 1000 Utilities and Engineering Firms With 106 employees in Abilene TX & Pensacola FL & remotely located

3 Distribution System Management
Wikipedia “A Distribution Management System (DMS) is a collection of applications designed to monitor & control the entire distribution network efficiently and reliably.”

4 Distribution System Management
We and other vendors have provided applications and collections of apps that allow the utility to monitor & control: Parts of the distribution network Part of the time In some operating conditions I am not aware that any vendor or utility has implemented a DMS that applies to the ENTIRE distribution network

5 ENTIRE is defined as: The ability to monitor and control all conductor, devices and meters: Overhead and Underground Transformers, Regulators & Capacitors Switches and Overcurrent Devices Meters and Sensors Customer (end point), Feeder Bay & Line If you built or installed it, you need to monitor and control it!!

6 ENTIRE is defined as: The ability to monitor and direct all crews/vehicles (Work Management) Where are they now and what are they assigned to do? How long will they be there? Do they need additional resources? What and where are they assigned to be next? How long will that take? What resources do they have

7 ENTIRE is defined as: All the time under all conditions:
Normal operating Emergency Terrorist attack, Cyber attack, Traffic attack Outage situations Normal and Storm Outage prediction Public and Employee Safety situations Line down, etc… Community notifications Coordination with Police and Fire

8 How does ADMS task? ADMS needs to work with (task) utility the way the utility wants it to work: System Monitoring What is the status of devices Switching closed/open, Capacitor on/off, Regulation taps What is the voltage and current flows at all points Who has power and who does not have power (OMS) System Control Operating switches, voltage control devices & capacitors

9 Key Component -Real Time Grid Analysis
Real Time Grid Analysis is: Reading real time metering data Using real time circuit model data Defining real time voltages and currents at all points This becomes data that other apps can use for: Outage restoration Low/High voltage alarms Overload alarms Regulator and Capacitor control

10 What does ADMS look like?
ADMS needs to look like what the utility wants it to look like: What do you want to see and where do you want who to see it? Control Room Consoles Desktops Laptops and In Vehicle systems Handhelds (phones, tablets, etc..) Reporting Archiving

11 ADSM – What are the ideal requirements?
Accurate Detailed Circuit Model kept up to date in the real time Accurate – it must be close to correct What is there How it is connected Detailed Every installed device with settings Every foot of installed conductor Every distribution transformer Every line sensor & end point meter As energized now

12 ADSM – What are the ideal requirements?
Meter and sensor data read and verified in as close to real time as possible Feeder bay (SCADA) Line sensors (Voltage and Current) End Point Time stamped Meter data stored and archived Utility defines point of archival

13 ADSM Summary An Advanced Distribution Management System (ADMS) is a collection of applications designed to efficiently and reliably monitor & control everything on your system all the time under all operating conditions

14 ADMS a System of Applications
Current ADMS applications, like most applications used by our Industry, have a common problem; they are application/vendor centric not data centric: They own and/or control the data they need Thus It is difficult to expand functionality of apps when that expansion requires data from other apps It is difficult to add new apps that require data from existing apps Thus problems with integration and interoperability

15 Data belongs to App and/or Vendors (App/Vendor Centric)
Data in Silos Data Translation or Import / Export Required Between Applications Versioning Requires User Intervention Integration Requires User Intervention Functions and Apps Require Different Geographic and Analytic Graphics Data Data Security is Difficult (or impossible)

16 To Maximize any System of Apps
Data should not be owned by apps or vendors (Data Centric) Data should be dealt with as its own thing independent of apps Apps should get data from system and then put processed data back into system

17 Enterprise E&O -- Data Centric Platform
Data is accessible from an organized data base system (all data on same server system) All applications use same data base system Integration is responsibility of vendors not users Data Security built into data system at lowest possible level Applications and Functions layer on same graphics data (Open GIS)

18 Enterprise E&O -- Open Data Environment
Data belongs to Utility (not vendors / apps!) Utility gives permission to employees, customers and vendors to see, use and/or change. Data is platform agnostic SQL, Oracle, Linux, et. Al. Data is device agnostic (BYOD) Mainframes, Desktops, laptops, tablets, ephones Data and applications are naturally mobile; you choose what device and what location to use.

19 Enterprise E&O -- Open Integration
Integration with existing vendors is responsibility of data platform vendor via: MultiSpeak CIM Custom Integration with new apps and functions via: SQL Oracle Linux API (Application Programmers Interface)

20 Enterprise E&O – Open App Development
Application Programmers Interface (API) used to write and maintain data platform system is published for use by any Vendor and Developer Utility can choose from applications written by any Vendor Employee University Government Project

21 Open GIS Standard (OGS)
Allows development for use of the same Graphics platform (layering) Used by ESRI and others Responsibility of platform vendor, not the user

22 What This Does for ADMS ADMS applications not limited by what any one vendor or utility can write and/or maintain ADMS applications are on same graphics and data platform as all other E&O applications ADMS can be what you need it to be for your utility

23 Thank you and Questions
A data centric platform approach is theoretical in that vendors such as Milsoft have only begun to do the R&D to make it possible A data centric platform approach supporting ADMS applications is possible given utility system and software technologies that are available today to our industry

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