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Performance Characterization of Voice over Wireless LANs

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1 Performance Characterization of Voice over Wireless LANs
Lionel PEREZ June 2nd, 2005

2 Agenda Abstract Specific Tasks Available Material Achieved Tasks
References Support Previous Tasks

3 Abstract Purposes of the project:
Characterize the performance of a telephony solution based on Voice over IP over Wireless LANs (VoWLAN) Conduct measurements and simulation to identify the most significant parameters impacting voice quality Market and Strategy requirements: Avoid time and cost-intensive tests Independence from OEMs

4 Proposed Tasks 1/2 Learn about the relationship between traffic parameters (delay, jitter, packet losses) and voice quality (E-model, R-Value, MOS) Identify the infrastructure and configuration choices that directly impact on these parameters Perform measurements of these parameters under the different possible considerations Define key tests to be conducted in order to ensure a given performance

5 Proposed Tasks 2/2 Consider the different possible configurations:
802.11a,b or g ? the QoS mechanisms implemented (802.11e)? the security features (802.11i)? The codec (opt)? the signalling protocol (opt)? Use the ns2 network simulator or other (OPNET++) to model and simulate some of these configurations

6 Available Material The « alpha test »: the VoWLAN solution deployed in our premises The «platform» (testing lab) PCs and laptops equiped with NICs Wireless Switches, Access Points, Wifi phones Professional measurement tools: Veriwave Tests Units Wildpacket’s Airopeek Ixia Ixchariot Airmagnet Laptop

7 Achieved Tasks Bibliographical Research Complete
Understand the availabble tools Discover NS2 During the internship: Discover Alcatel’s VoWLAN Solution Evaluate Sigmum Wiplan (Planning Software) Conduct Site Surveys Basic mock-up configuration The VoWLAN toolkit

8 Related Work “Can I add a VoIP call?”, S. Garg and M. Kappes
Voice over IEEE b Capacity, Coupechoux, Kumar, Brignol (Alcatel), 2004 Assessing Voice Quality in Packet-Based Telephony, Danny De Vleeschauwer (Alcatel), 2002 The E-Model:

9 Support General Advisor: Michel Mouton Additional Support:
Jean-Michel Lauriol (WLAN Architecture) Daniel Le Bars (Validation and Interoperability) Emmanuel Hiegel (Alcatel Equipment) Anne-Laure Selignan: QoS Sophie Wernert: Security Marceau Coupechoux: NS2 Danny De Vleeschauwer: VoIP

10 Thank you.

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