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Presentation on theme: "EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE"— Presentation transcript:

University of Central Florida RET - Summer 2016 Dawn Feeney

2 Computer Vision Image understanding. This is the science of acquiring, processing, analyzing, and understanding images and videos from the real world using computational methods to produce numerical or symbolic informations in the forms of decisions. Ultimate goal is to model, replicate and exceed human vision using computer software and hardware at different levels.

3 Areas of Computer Vision
Edge Detection Segmentation Optical Flow Emotion/Mood Detection Canny Edge Detection - less data for computer to filter through Segmentation - cancerous nodules in CT scans can also manipulate into 3D model Optical flow - pattern and apparent motion of objects in a scene

4 Neural Networks - used in machine learning
Inspired by biological neural networks such as the central nervous system Machine learning method - systems are learning from data Artificial neural networks can model mathematically the way biological brains work which allows the machine to learn to "think” in the same way that humans do, making them capable of recognizing speech, objects, and emotions or moods of people thus allowing the machine to make decisions like humans do.

5 Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence is the ability to recognize, express and have emotions, harness them to constructive purposes, and skillfully handle the emotions of others. Emotions play a critical role in rational and intelligent behavior. Emotions are difficult to encode in a computer program. Important for computers to recognize emotions in order to provide better services. Picture website:

6 Six main categories: Happy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, Surprise, and Disgust

7 Emotion and Mood Detection
Teaching the computer to identify and adjust to human emotions. The approach for teaching the computer to detect human emotion is through the use of egocentric vision. Use first person video cameras to get a first person view/perspective of a situation. Research needs more authentic, unscripted, and candid data to train the computers.

8 Step 1 - Gather Data First thing to do is to gather data using Ion first person mini cameras. You will be our data throughout the year!

9 Step 2 - Face detection Feed the data(video) into a computer algorithm for facial detection. The computer identifies faces vs non-faces in an image or in a video using high-dimensional vector patches. picture

10 Vector Patches Computer scans an image, the image is broken into a grid and then each grid is written as a high dimensional vector patch. The computer identifies if the patch vector is a facial feature or a non-facial feature. Linear regression is used to separate the two.

11 Step 3 - Face recognition
Once image is cropped, a feature extraction method is used to form feature vectors Intensity is the simplest extraction method. The feature vector is then passed through a Principle Component Analysis (PCA) to reduce to a two dimension vector for a more tractable number. A covariance matrix is then made in the PCA using over a thousand faces from a training database. One of the possible data sets is known as Labeled Face in the Wild (LFW). This contains over 13,000 images collected from the web.

12 Feature Extraction

13 Cosine Similarity (one method)
Cosine Similarity Metric Learning (CSML) then transforms to Apply CSML to each type of feature then produces a similarity score. The scores from the vectors are passed to a Support Vector Machine (SVM) for verification.

14 Laplacian Embedding Process (another method)
Static(non-moving) facial expression features are taken from a photo. (Stored in a data base) An assessment of the geometrical relations among facial feature points are done. (Basically- an emotion causes facial deformation that can be measured in terms of the angle or distances between specific facial feature points. ) Angles are separated into two groups belonging to the upper part of the face and the lower part of the face. The lower-part angles are involved for expressing joy, sorrow or fear. The upper part of the face angles for expressing anger, fear. These angles build a six-dimensional feature vector expressed:

15 Laplacian Embedding Process Continued
The simplest motion-dependent facial features can be defined as the displacements (Euclidean distance) of these facial feature points between a neutral facial expression and the “peak” of a particular emotive expression. Comparing the point changes from a given neutral face to the change or displacement on the “reaction” face. Every input facial expression is quantified as a motion-dependent facial expression feature vector as follows:

16 Laplacian Embedding Process
Based on the information in the computer’s data base it then combines these pieces of information and “detects” an emotion that is being shown.

17 Laplacian Embedding

18 Step 4 - Computer Training
Many datasets are available. Each with their strength and weakness. A few examples are FERET - Facial Recognition Technology and LFW - Labeled Face in the Wild. The computer is given the images along with a word description of “happy, sad, angry, fear or disgust”. It is basically told what the human emotion is in the image or video. Training, input of image programmer tells computer happy, sad…...

19 Step 5 - Testing the computer
At this point the computer is fed images or video and it uses the algorithms and training to give an emotion label to the image or video that was entered. Depending on the program, the computer can use a technique such as the Cosine Similarity recognition or it could use the Euclidean Distance programs all of which also use SVM (Support Vector Machine) for verification to determine the emotion that is displayed.

20 Process to Emotion Detection-Summary
Gather Data Facial Detection Facial Feature Recognition Computer Training Computer Testing

21 Demonstration emotion detection Ceva

22 Applications Better measure TV ratings
Increase security at malls, airport and sporting events Virtual shopping E-learning Create new virtual reality experiences, Companion devices Medical - help autistic interact with others Advertising - use face emotions for marketing campaigns Better human/computer interactions (medical keyboard) (security) (tv rating) (buying decisions)

23 Mathematics Involved in Emotion Detection

24 Guest Speakers Dr. Neils Lobo and Dr. Ali Borji

25 Questions


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