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Ethical Principles and Moral Reasoning (Also Food)

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1 Ethical Principles and Moral Reasoning (Also Food)
Unit 3: Resource Sustainability

2 Background Based on three ethical principles: justice, sufficiency, and solidarity Have origins in Greek philosophy, religious teachings, and reflection on human experience Should be used as standards or benchmarks as we make our ethical decisions Is there ever a “correct” answer?

3 Justice and sustainability
Individuals should be treated equally unless there is a sound reason to treat them unequally – thoughts? Examples? Environmental justice (stay tuned) – inequitable access to resources and consequences of pollution Animal justice – what does science say about eating animals? Sustainability – extends justice into the future Meet the needs of the current generations while allowing future ones to be able to do the same Do you think we’re going to be able to make it with the growing population, or will we need to jump ship/kill people?

4 Sufficiency and Compassion
All forms of life are entitled to enough goods to live on and flourish No one should waste/hoard resources – sound familiar? Ethical norm to live more simply and consider others Compassion extends this norm to the Earth Responsibility to make sure other organism’s needs are met How do we do this? Ultimately, the future of humans is dependent on all forms of life

5 Solidarity and Participation
How we relate to each other in the community – requires us to recognize that we are part of a global “family” The key is participation Many environmental problems stem from one individual’s or company’s decisions that have far-reaching implications How does transparency play a role?

6 SO how do we do it? Commands – things we ought to do
Consequences – carefully evaluate the consequences of our decisions Character – how does our character play a role in how we make our decisions?

7 Eating and Agriculture Ethics
Environmental concerns associated with agriculture first arose during the dust bowl » soil conservation Rachel Carson brought concerns about pesticides on food 1960s – Cesar Chavez began a social justice movement for farm workers through non-violent protest Farm workers are among the worst paid laborers, and racism does not help

8 Eating as an ethical Act
Eating is an ethical act, so all humans are involved in agriculture whether they realize it or not Food collection activities (agriculture, grazing, fishing) have major impacts on the environment One of the simplest ways to put agricultural ethics into practice is by buying locally grown, seasonal food—i.e. from farmers markets!

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