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ABS Staff Induction – Staff and Students

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1 ABS Staff Induction – Staff and Students


3 Rachel Burn, Head of Administration – contact for support staff
Contacts Prof Jill Poole, Deputy Dean (Head of Faculty) – contact for academic staff Rachel Burn, Head of Administration – contact for support staff Bhandna Bagga, Temporary HR Advisor for ABS.

4 ABS Staff ABS has: Approx 125 academic & research staff
Approx 80 administrative and support staff Of the academic staff: Approx 2/3 are male and 1/3 female Approx half of the academic staff were born in the UK and half overseas, making us a truly international business school

5 ABS Staff Academic Staff are organised into 7 academic groups:
Accounting Economics & Strategy Finance Law Marketing Operations & Information Management Work & Organisational Psychology

6 ABS Staff Administrative staff sit in a range of offices and departments including: The Undergraduate, Postgraduate and MBA Offices The Admissions Team Research and Doctoral Offices [AARM and RDP Office] Marketing & Alumni Centre for Executive Development Executive Dean’s (or School) Office Support for the 7 Academic Groups

7 ABS Staff events, meetings and communications
Every year, ABS holds the following events/meetings: Termly all staff briefings which include lunch. Meetings with different groups of staff (e.g. all lecturers and teaching fellows, all support/administrative staff) Each department will have regular meetings and briefings The School communication bulletin is called ‘ ABStracts’ and provides an update on key news from the Executive Dean. We want your involvement and for you to have an input into the teaching, research and other activities which take place within ABS. In August/September we launched an important consultation seeking your views on the proposed management reorganisation of ABS.

8 Code of practice for staff
ABS code of practice for staff which states we are committed to: providing high-quality services acting in a manner which promotes and safeguards the well-being and interests of the Aston community  working well with fellow members of the University, in a spirit of openness, trust, integrity and honesty; ensuring, as appropriate, the confidentiality of information [we must apply the Data Protection legislation]; recognising that we all have a part to play respecting diversity   taking responsibility for our own performance 

9 ABS Students In 2012/13, ABS had:
A total of 2999 undergraduate students of which: 741 were new undergraduate students 2340 were ‘Home/EU students’ 659 were ‘Overseas’ students 505 were out on placement year 9% were over the age of 21 787 students studying generalist and specialist Masters of which 70% were ‘overseas’ students 310 MBA students of which 100 were new and half ‘overseas’. 156 research students, representing 48+ countries

10 ABS Students ABS students :
Come from a wide range of backgrounds and countries: There was a 46/54 male/female split 3% have a declared disability They represent 102 countries 46% of our undergraduates live in Aston accommodation, the remainder living at home or in their own place/private rental 37% of our Masters students live in Aston accommodation and only 12% of research students

11 A global learning community!

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