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HCAL Commissioning and Related Activities

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1 HCAL Commissioning and Related Activities
Fermi National Lab CERN University of Iowa Anthony Moeller

2 HCAL ROC Shifts at Fermi
Several group members take shifts at the Remote Operations Center (ROC) located at Fermi National Lab. Two kinds of shifts, Offline and Online. Offline Shift: Shifters pick an analysis task as suggested by: HCAL PFG (Prompt Analysis Group) HCAL Operation Team Savannah Hcal Noise Task Force Hcal Roc Group

3 HCAL ROC Shifts, II Online Shift: Shifts are parallel to CERN. Data and operations are checked by shifters at both locations, with ongoing communication between CERN and FNAL. Start with current status check (Magnet, High Voltage, etc.) Run checklist for runs longer than 15 minutes and compare with CERN . Additional quality checks (pedestals, hot and dead channels, etc.)

4 HCAL ROC Shifts, III Group members who have taken or are scheduled to take shifts at FNAL ROC: Ugur Akgun Elif Albayrak Kwangzoo Chung Warren Clarida (Coordinator) Firdevs Duru Anthony Moeller James Wetzel Taylan Yetkin Kai Yi Iowa group members have taken 11.6% of the shifts from April through the end of October 2009.

5 ROC/LPC Activities By Warren Clarida
Co-coordinator of the HCAL Fermilab ROC shifts for Aug CRAFT09. Coordinator of the HCAL Fermilab ROC shifts for the startup of the LHC. HCAL prompt feedback group tasks: Investigated rates and quality monitoring for non-zero suppressed runs. Studied readout box noise events. Designed the standard histograms created by the HCAL Noise Monitor component of the HCAL Combined Monitor code developed at Fermilab. Pictures and plots are on the next slide.

6 PFG Task results FED size with and without RBX noise events
Non-Zero Suppressed rate from May - July global runs Unsuppressed rate for a group of May Global Runs 6

7 HCAL Noise Monitor Plots
The standard plots that are produced by the HCAL noise monitor for every run.

8 HF Jet Energy Rates By Elif Asli Albayrak
Used Monte Carlo minbias data to produce energy rates for all jets and HF jets. Compare simulation results with real data. Minbias events energy rate for all jets. Minbias events energy rate for only HF jets.

9 HF PMT Simulations By Anthony Moeller
Can see RBX shape PMT events only (Simulation) By Anthony Moeller Cerenkov radiation from particles hitting the PMTs in the readout box behind HF can create abnormally large signals. PMT events could be mistaken for new physics. Abnormally large signals were seen for pions and muons at the 2004 testbeam. A modified simulation including the PMTs was used to verify the cause of these events. PMT hits exist for muons and pions, but not electrons (See next slide).

10 HF PMT, Cont. 150 GeV Muons 100 GeV Pions Green – PMT events Red and Blue – HF Body events PMT events occur earlier than normal events (particles going all the way through HF travel at ~c, the signal in the fibers is slower). Cutting events with a pulse time < 47 ns eliminates 98.6% (88.8%) of PMT events for muons (pions), but also cuts 6.5% (9.3%) of physics events.

11 Monitoring of HCAL and Jet triggers
CERN-based activity of Kwangzoo Chung (April 2008 – April 2009) HCAL trigger monitoring projects Online trigger primitive occupancy plots Offline Data Quality Monitoring of HCAL trigger primitive Trigger cross section monitoring Level 1 trigger – Jet Rates from CRAFT (cosmic ray global run) 2008 data (CMS-CFT ) Occupancy of HCAL trigger primitives in eta and phi, accumulated online through CMS data acquisition system (Chung) 11

12 Meetings ROC/HCAL Commissioning HF PMT Simulation
HCAL DPG Meetings (CERN) HCAL ROC Meetings (LPC) HCAL Noise Task Force Meetings (CERN/LPC) HF PMT Simulation HCAL+ECAL Simulation Task Force Meetings (CERN/LPC) CMS Week HCAL Meetings (CERN) CMS Upgrade Workshop at FNAL, by Anthony Moeller ( Oct. 2009) 2009 Prairie Section APS Meeting, by Anthony Moeller (Nov. 2009)

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