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Presentation on theme: "THE ATLANTIC STURGEON (ACIPENSER OXYRINCHUS, MITCHILL, 1815) STOCK OF THE SAINT JOHN RIVER, NEW BRUNSWICK, CANADA Cornel Ceapa1*, Michael Dadswell2,"— Presentation transcript:

1 THE ATLANTIC STURGEON (ACIPENSER OXYRINCHUS, MITCHILL, 1815) STOCK OF THE SAINT JOHN RIVER, NEW BRUNSWICK, CANADA Cornel Ceapa1*, Michael Dadswell2, Rod Bradford3, Allen Curry4 and Michael Stokesbury2 1 Acadian Sturgeon and Caviar Inc., New Brunswick, Canada; Acadia University, Nova Scotia; 3 Population Ecology Division, Science Branch, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Nova Scotia; University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, New Brunswick

2 Live sturgeon Wild harvest Aquaculture development Market development
What we do? Live sturgeon Wild harvest Aquaculture development Market development

3 Geography Fishery Data Collection Results Discussion
Outline Geography Fishery Data Collection Results Discussion

4 1. Geography

5 1. Geography Evandale Area Long Reach Area 2015 2009
Luke/Ted Finley (1 net) Long Reach Area 2015 Cornel Ceapa/Bill Ford (8 nets) Acadian Sturgeon Carters Point Hatchery

6 2. Fishery Began in 1880 1880 to 1887: virtually unregulated fishing for spawners Minimum gillnet mesh size of 33 cm (13 inches) Removed ~700 t Estimated to represent between 7,000 and 14,000 adults Fishery closed from 1888 to 1896

7 2. Fishery Fishing has occurred in most years since 1887
Annual Landings ≤ 41 t (400 to 800 adults) Close Time: June 1 to June 30 Minimum Size limit 120 cm Total Length (TL) Minimum gill net mesh size: 33 cm Declining interest in the fishery beginning ~1997 Virtually no fishery 1998 to 2006

8 2. Fishery Fishing resumed in 2007 (3 t) on an exploratory basis
To assess potential to produce locally value added products (meat and caviar) from both wild-caught and cultured fish Onset of systematic collection of biological data from the catch Industry initiative

9 2. Fishery BUT Increased landings since 2007 Licences non-transferable
Renewed interest in fishery Licences non-transferable Declining participation Declining potential effort BUT

10 2. Fishery Harvest quota as per CSA 2009 and 2013 assessment: fish/year (precautionary approach for CITES NDF) females and 175 males Fishery is: Low effort and low yield in nature Limited entry Presently 4 license holders, 3 active, 9 gillnets of 55 m Subject to gear and season restrictions

11 2. Fishery Atlantic sturgeon may only be fished commercially with gill nets of ≥ 330 mm mesh size (13”) It is illegal to retain or possess any Atlantic sturgeon < 120 cm in length (4 ft) Applies to by-catch in all coastal and river fisheries Season is closed in June to protect spawning adults Capture tags and daily reporting to an independent catch reporting company

12 3. Data collection Set gill nets of ” stretched mesh, 30 fathoms (55 m)/net 24 h fishing, checked once/twice a day Biometry/biology data (TL, FL, WT, sex, maturity stage) Samples for age and genetics Selective harvest, ~40% of fish released tagged (PIT and T-bars) for stock assessment Capture tags reported daily against the quota 10-15 fish per year tagged with ultrasonic tags (65 at large)

13 4. Results Year Nets Total catch Harvested Released Released tagged Dead Hatchery Hatchery released tagged Total released tagged Total released alive Verification Tags harvested from previous years Tags recaptured from previous years 2009 12 660 246 367 236 23 24 21 257 391 2010 439 129 249 234 37 30 264 286 2011 466 256 183 180 7 20 196 203 4 2012 6* 357 245 105 104 1 6 5 103 111 2013 9 492 305 144 18 25 161 169 8 2014 476 315 126 19 13 10 114 142 22 38 2015 424 338 71 68 61 77 421 14 Total 3314 1834 1248 1092 98 131 118 1156 1379 3311 54 112 % 100% 55% 38% 88% 3% 4% 90% 35% 42% 2% 10% * Data collected only for 6 nets, other 2 nets active for other buyer Note: Fish used to support fish culture activities are returned to the wild once spawned, but deducted from quota

14 4. Results

15 4. Results

16 4. Results

17 4. Results Growth curve (Atlantic sturgeon >40 Years underrepresented: gill net selectivity a factor ) Stewart et al 2015

18 4. Results - Length-frequency histograms

19 5. Stock Assessment Preliminary Census Population Size (presented at ISS7 Nanaimo) Single sample Peterson estimates derived using Bayes Algorithm with: Marks applied in May: Recaptures during July and August; 2) Pooled for season Inability to fish during month of June influences the outcome

20 5. Stock Assessment - Modified Schnabel estimate
95% Confidence Limits: Lower = 14,461, Upper = 20,924 Capture Recapture Tagged year Ct Rt M Mt Ct*Mt Estimates 2009 660 257 not valid 2010 439 264 112823 2011 466 12 197 521 242786 27355 2012 357 103 718 254898 24477 valid 2013 492 25 161 821 400980 20317 2014 476 38 114 982 463624 16856 2015 424 61 1096 455376 17083 3314 112 1045 4395 Total adult population N = 17,083 Exploitation rate F = 2.05%

21 5. Discussions Comparison with Minas Basin results: ,263 (95% CF 19,726-31,403) modified Schnabel estimate, of which 60% are St John River ~ 14,500 individuals Comparison with estimated St John River Carrying Capacity: virgin 1880 population has been estimated as approx. 11,000 ( ,000) adults Self-sustaining through natural reproduction: captured and released spend females and males, yearly YOY by-catch in other fisheries

22 5. Discussions Exploitation rate at about 2% - sustainable;
Wide, over 40 age classes age structure; Management model for continuous monitoring and regulation; Developing an wild fishery / aquaculture coexistence model

23 Acknowledgements Stanley Whelpley Bill Ford

24 Acadian Sturgeon Technical Manual

25 Thank you! Questions?


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