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55. TRAGIC HERO “A Tragic Hero is a literary character who makes a judgement error that leads to their own destruction.”

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Presentation on theme: "55. TRAGIC HERO “A Tragic Hero is a literary character who makes a judgement error that leads to their own destruction.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 55. TRAGIC HERO “A Tragic Hero is a literary character who makes a judgement error that leads to their own destruction.”

2 The tragic hero is perhaps the most important in all of literature because they have flaws that reveal themselves to be ultimately human. This shows the potential for heroism in all people, but also becomes a warning.

3 Readers of the tragic hero become aware of the giant consequences to their actions. Macbeth, instead of just having an argument, sends his nation to war. Romeo and Juliet, instead of having a quiet discussion with their parents, disturb the entire city with murder and their ultimate suicide.

4 The tragic hero then becomes a cautionary tale against human sin.
What are the 7 Deadly Sins? 1. Pride (Hubris) 2. Greed (Covetousness) 3. Lust 4. Anger 5. Gluttony 6. Envy 7. Sloth

5 Therefore, the tragic hero teaches us to face our one great sin before it destroys us.

6 The Greek philosopher Aristotle said, “A man doesn’t become a hero until he can see the root of his own downfall.” This realization suggests the tragic hero will evoke a sense of pity and fear in the audience. Aristotle’s Tragic Hero has 5 Characteristics: A flaw or error in judgement. A reversal of fortune. The discovery that this reversal was brought about by their own actions Excessive pride (hubris). The character’s fate must be worse than deserved.

7 There are many examples of tragic heroes throughout the history of literature: Oedipus, who answered the Riddle of the Sphinx

8 Other examples from Classical Literature include the daughter of Oedipus, Antigone, who’s stubborn pride destroys her; and Medea, who in the madness of love abuses power against her own children.

9 In Homer’s The Iliad, Achilles’ Wrath Destroys Hector

10 Shakespeare’s King Lear realizes his mistake too late.

11 Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet move too quickly following their passions.

12 Shakespeare’s Macbeth shows the perils of ambition and power.

13 What do you think of the 7 Deadly Sins? Are there more?
Think of some famous people who have had a “Fall from Grace.” What was the reason for their downfall? BRAINSTORM

14 Writing #55: What is a Tragic Hero
Writing #55: What is a Tragic Hero? What does it mean to be destroyed by your own mistakes? (Define) A Tragic Hero is a _________________________________ ________________. (Explain) These tragic heroes are important because they teach us ___________________________________ . A reversal of fortune is important because ____________________ ______________________________________________________. (Example) Some classic tragic hero examples from literature are _________________, _______________, and _________________ . (Describe) People can be destroyed by their mistakes means that _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________.

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