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LBNL Version Management of CMB and Planck Software

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1 LBNL Version Management of CMB and Planck Software
Ted Kisner Chris Cantalupo 01/31/07

2 (Using versioned modules on NERSC Systems)
The 60 Second Tutorial (Using versioned modules on NERSC Systems) $> module load cmb $> module load planck $> module help cmb $> module help planck

3 The 60 Second Tutorial (Continued) *** Modules providing executables
append to your PATH *** Modules providing libraries provide Include/Link variables “module load cmb” Gives You: “module load planck” Gives You: FFTW2 FFTW3 HEALPix CAMB WMAP CMBfast COSMOMC GCP M3 MADmap libgeneral Level-S Springtide (soon) MADAM ALSO COMING SOON: KST

4 Containing All Packages
Overview 1 CMB or Planck Subversion Repository Release Tarball Containing All Packages Release Procedure 2 Install Relevant Packages at DPC's and IPAC Install as NERSC Module Set 3

5 Layout of Source Code Repository
Subversion Code Repository TRUNK (Active Development) BRANCHES (Bugfixes Only) TAGS (No Changes) Release 1.1.0 External Packages (This is not the primary code repository) Branch 1.1 Release 1.1.1 Release 1.1.2 Release 1.2.0 Internal Packages (This is the primary code repository) Branch 1.2 Release 1.2.1 Release 1.2.2

6 *** Branches and Releases are Driven by Code Changes Made in Trunk ***
Release Procedure *** Branches and Releases are Driven by Code Changes Made in Trunk *** A Change is Committed to Trunk Continue Development Continue Development YES Does This Change Break Anything in the Latest Branch? NO Does This Change Need to be Released Immediately? YES NO

7 Release Procedure YES NO We Must Create a New Branch.
Stabilize Code in Trunk, then Branch. YES Create (a.k.a “Tag”) a New Release NO This Change Can be Considered a Bugfix, and Applied to Current Branch.

8 Version Numbers cmb/2.0(default) cmb-2.0.0
The Subversion Repositories have Versions Determined by the Release Procedure Each Package has a Version (Either Formal or Date of Snapshot) Each Branch is a Module Set Containing Multiple Releases Major Version Minor Version (i.e. Branch) Point Release (i.e. Tag) cmb/2.0(default) healpix/ healpix/ (default) camb/ camb/ (default) gcp/ gcp/ (default) m3/ m3/ (default) madmap/ madmap/ (default) etc cmb-2.0.0 healpix-2.01 camb cosmomc cmbfast-4.5.1 wmap-2.2.2 gcp-1.0.0 m3-2.3 madmap-2.3 etc INSTALL AS MODULES

9 Modules at NERSC Loading the “cmb” and “planck” modules will load everything. Loading the “cmbpath” and “planckpath” modules will make modules available, but not load them. If you attempt to load conflicting modules, you will get an error. Modules append the user's executable and library search paths, and export environment variables for compiling and linking. To get help, type “module help <name>”



















28 The End

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