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Data Center Interconnection with EVPN VXLAN Overlay

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Presentation on theme: "Data Center Interconnection with EVPN VXLAN Overlay"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Center Interconnection with EVPN VXLAN Overlay
(An example only for internal discussion)

2 VoLTE Use Case DCI Overlay and Underlay Network

3 (SDN Local Controller) (SDN Local Controller)
Restful/Restconf Example for clarifications OpenFlow ONAP SDN-C (Super Controller) Netconf MultiVIM Neutron Neutron Plug-in Plug-in DC Controller (SDN Local Controller) DC Controller (SDN Local Controller) Vxlan Vxlan Gateway Gateway Vxlan Inside DC DCI Inside DC

4 The Basic Steps to Set up DCI with EVPN VXLAN Overlay
Step 1: SDN local controller takes over local DC network control from Neutron, and provides plugin for Neutron Step 2: SDN local controller instructs local DC-GW to set up EVPN and create VXLAN tunnel with remote DC-GW Step 3: Local network is connected to remote DC with EVPN VXLAN overlay (see details in the next two slides)

5 REST API to Connect Local L3 Network to Remote DC via EVPN VXLAN Overlay
POST local-controller-ip:/v2.0/l3-dci-connects { " l3-dci-connect": { " id ": "CDD702C FE6-A5AD-3A9C9E265309", "name": "PODX-routerY", "description": "VPC A connect VPC B", "router_id": "CBB702C A5AD-3A9C9E265309", "firewall_enable": "false" "local_networks": ["8a41319d-87cf-4cd f4a1066c63a8"], "local_network_all ":false, "evpn_irts": ["1:5000"], "evpn_erts": ["1:5000" ], "l3_vni": "5001", }

6 REST API to Connect Local L2 Network to Remote DC via EVPN VXLAN Overlay
POST local-controller-ip:/v2.0/l2-dci-connects { "l2_dci_connect": { " id ": "CCB702C FE6-A5AD-3A9C9E265309", "name": "PODX SW1", "description": "VPC A L2 CONNECT, "network_id": "6d2c55ee-f11c-4e1c-a756-91b803588e7b ", "vni": "6000", "evpn_irts": ["1:6000" ], "evpn_erts": ["1:6000"] }

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