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A movie trailer has been shown.

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Presentation on theme: "A movie trailer has been shown."— Presentation transcript:

1 A movie trailer has been shown.
What is the title of the movie?

2 a magazine


4 Magazine: EZ Talk







11 EZ Talk covers different topics.
Movie Talk Travel Talk Discovery Dialogues Reading /Listening/Writing Exercises

12 Movie Talk

13 Vocabulary bank treacherous (a.)奸詐的,背叛的
The king was killed by his treacherous brother. set out (phr.)出發 We set out for the peak but turned back when it started raining.

14 Dialogues

15 Personal Calls 1. Gary: Hi. Is Tony there? 2. Gary: Can I talk to Lisa? 3. Gary: This is Gary. Is Tom home? 4. Gary: Hi, Tim. It’s Gary. 5. Gary: Vicky. Can you talk now? 6. Gary: Hi, Sam. Gary here. Is this a good time for you?

16 Writing Exercises

17 Travel Talk Places Food


19 word cards


21 Magazine: EZ Talk

22 Reading is fun. Enjoy your reading!

23 Book Recommendation By Mak Lai Ching Promoting Reading Team (推動閱讀專責小組)

24 The End

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