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Summary for the Physics Lists session (Thursday)

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1 Summary for the Physics Lists session (Thursday)
9/13/2018 Summary for the Physics Lists session (Thursday) Mikhail Kosov, Lisbon, 2006

2 Summary (Reference PL, G.Folger)
LHC experiments rely on reference physics lists Request better integration Use only very few lists Structure has been improved with 8.0 and 8.1 Block per type of physics Easier update/improvement of these building blocks Improved models made available Gamma Nuclear is included by default Better elastic scattering (CHIPS for pp and np) Improved stopping physics (CHIPS stopping) October 13, Lisbon M.Kosov. Physics Lists Summary

3 SLAC Physics Lists (D. Wright)
9/13/2018 SLAC Physics Lists (D. Wright) LCPhys for linear collider calorimetry Space electronics physics list for component damage in space radiation environment A01 demonstration of double arm spectrometer BaBar BaBar detector simulation GLAST gamma ray satellite simulation October 13, Lisbon M.Kosov. Physics Lists Summary

4 Physics Lists in Advanced Examples (M.G.Pia)
Ad hoc in most examples: transparent, easy to understand A couple use pre-packaged Geant4 PhysicsLists Goal: document quantitatively the validation of the physics selections of all advanced examples Objectively supported physics options rather than “educated guess” PhysicsLists Strategy Specific validation studies with ad hoc experimental data Generic validation studies of processes/models used October 13, Lisbon M.Kosov. Physics Lists Summary

5 QBBC Default (V. Ivanchenko)
High Energy QGSC for p, n, π± FTFC for K± , pbar, nbar LHEP for the rest Intermediate Energy Binary for p, n Bertini for π±, K± , Λ, Σ CHIPS for pbar, nbar, … CHIPS for stopping October 13, Lisbon M.Kosov. Physics Lists Summary

6 Installation problems (G.Cosmo)
Physics lists installation not part of the default Geant4 libraries installation Must be done “manually” Requires a double step to users Environment generated by the Configure script does not take into account issues related to physics lists installation Users are required to first configure their environment and then modify it to manually build the physics lists Complicates integration of Geant4 inside existing frameworks Makes use of the EXTRALIBS environment variable Variable reserved for integration of user libraries or third party libraries Forces users to take care of linking order of libraries Does not follow the standard Geant4 rules for installation of the libraries Libraries installed in a different path than the rest of the Geant4 libraries Path which can be configured generating confusion and error-prone setups Concerns also recently expressed by LHC experiments Generating major disruption for users … and burden for users support ! One out of two users building the physics lists hits this problem and expresses concerns Configuration NOT allowed: Usage of granular libraries and shared libraries for the physics lists The others probably don’t even know about the existence of the physics lists October 13, Lisbon M.Kosov. Physics Lists Summary

7 Multiple Choice Tree in Physics Lists
G4 Physics Lists as distributed today have not appropriate developer support, while to create an application users need: examples how to properly use released physics processes examples how to follow general rules (Particle Revolution) Approved blocks of physics (e.g. a Multiple Choice Tree: EM, ions, gamma-A, stopping, elastic, inelastic, etc.) 1 2 3 4 5 (E-overlap) EM Ions gammaA Stopping Elastic Inelastic 20 21 40 42 00 01 55 41 HP 10 GHAD CHIPS LElastic CHIPS LE ST 31 52 54 11 g,e, m,t 30 32 53 50 GHAD CHIPS HP LHEP QGSC Binari CHIPS 000 001 51 300 301 LHEP Berini Binary FTFP Penelope Livermor G4Pi G4Pion October 13, Lisbon M.Kosov. Physics Lists Summary

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