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To investigate Plains Indian beliefs about warfare

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1 To investigate Plains Indian beliefs about warfare
Learning Objective: To investigate Plains Indian beliefs about warfare On the white boards: Why was there a clash of cultures between white settlers and Plains Indians on the Great Plains? This would be a 12-mark question in an exam

2 Key vocabulary: stealth
Learning Objective: To investigate Plains Indian beliefs about warfare Key vocabulary: stealth Even better learning To prioritise the impact of beliefs about warfare (Grade A/A*) Great Learning To explain the link between beliefs and fighting techniques (Grade C/B) Good learning To describe the fighting techniques used by Plains Indians (Grade E/D) SMSC: social – fighting techniques

3 To investigate Plains Indian beliefs about warfare
Learning Objective: To investigate Plains Indian beliefs about warfare Practice GCSE Question: Describe Plains Indian beliefs about warfare (9 marks) Please mark the answer and give this student some advice to improve their learning.

4 To investigate Plains Indian beliefs about warfare
Learning Objective: To investigate Plains Indian beliefs about warfare Marking criteria Marks 1. Simple statements They did not want to kill; they did not have big battles 1-3 2. Developed statements with some knowledge Plains Indians fought for honour and to capture horses Keep top marks for students with a range of points 3. Precise answer showing understanding of the question Plains Indians fought for survival, not to conquer 4-6 7-9

5 Research project To investigate Plains Indian beliefs about warfare
Learning Objective: To investigate Plains Indian beliefs about warfare Research project Section 4 : How did traditional fighting techniques help the Plains Indians to survive on the Great Plains? Please follow the instructions on the VLE Due: 3rd October

6 To investigate Plains Indian beliefs about warfare
Learning Objective: To investigate Plains Indian beliefs about warfare How useful is this source for a historian investigating Plains Indian fighting techniques? What advice would you give to the director?

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