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Thursday October 13, 2016 What was the colonists’ main argument against the Stamp Act? NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION!

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Presentation on theme: "Thursday October 13, 2016 What was the colonists’ main argument against the Stamp Act? NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thursday October 13, 2016 What was the colonists’ main argument against the Stamp Act? NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION!

2 Recall from Yesterday

3 Document #1 Source information Like calling them friends FREEDOM!
Must fight the king…exaggeration Perspective FREEDOM! Document #1 Exaggeration Perspective Source information

4 Document #1: Analysis Who is the author of the documents?
The author of this source is an American colonist, specifically a Patriot. 2. What is the source of this document? When was it written? This document is from the Boston Gazette, a newspaper from Boston, Massachusetts. It was published October 7, 1765. 3. What is their perspective of the Stamp Act? How do you know? The author of this letter is against the Stamp Act. I know this because he is calling for other colonists/patriots to help fight against the “enslavement” by the King and that they need to protect their liberty in America and they should “tell your representatives that you do not support this terrible and burdensome law.”

5 Perspective – blame a religious group for riots
Source information Perspective – blame a religious group for riots Document #2 Believes Presbyterians working toward independence – not true at this time just unhappy with taxation without representation Perspective Source information

6 Document #2: Analysis Who is the author of the documents?
The author of this source is John Hughes, a Stamp Distributor in Philadelphia. 2. What is the source of this document? When was it written? This document is a letter that was written to Hughes’ bosses in London. It was written in Philadelphia on January 13, 1766. 3. What is their perspective of the Stamp Act? How do you know? The author of this letter is in support of the Stamp Act. I know this because not only is he a Stamp Distributor (person who collects taxes) but he also reports that “the colonists have been insulting His Majesty” and that “I am daily threatened by verbal messages and anonymous letters, with a mob of several thousand people.” Hughes claims that the behavior of the colonists has been inspired by the Presbyterians, a religious group that was persecuted in Britain and had come to America for religious freedom. He believes this because Presbyterians do not believe in a king.

7 Reflection Question In your opinion, is the Stamp Act unfair and unreasonable? Why or why not?

8 Reactions to the Stamp Act
Protest: A statement or action expressing disapproval of or objection to something. What are some examples of protest?

9 Examples from Today

10 Strikes

11 Demonstration

12 Riots

13 Sit Ins

14 Petitions

15 Patriotic Protests Against the Stamp Act

16 Speeches Forms of Protest
Powerful speeches, pamphlets, and articles were used to persuade representatives to speak up for the colonists and convinced others to be against the tax.

17 Organized Groups Sons of Liberty
Forms of Protest Organized Groups Sons of Liberty Patriots formed groups that helped to plan and lead protests. However, these groups were also very destructive like when they attacked the Governor of Massachusetts' house.

18 Riots and Use of an Effigy
Forms of Protest Riots and Use of an Effigy Riots would become destructive and violent. An effigy is a model of a person the Patriots would make to look like Tax Collectors. They would hang the effigy from trees and burn them as a way to protest and intimidate.

19 Petitions Forms of Protest
Representatives from the colonies would write letters of petition to the King and Parliament to argue the colonists’ view on the Stamp Act.

20 Tar and Feather Forms of Protest
Another method of intimidation and slightly more violent, colonists would pour hot tar over tax collectors and then feathers.

21 Result Not a single stamp was ever sold in the colonies.
Merchants in Britain began to support the colonists because the Act effected their business. The Act was repealed in 1766.

22 Closing Question Is the use of illegal or violent methods appropriate forms of protest towards the Stamp Act? Is it appropriate today? Why or why not?

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