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What things needs to be included in personal care?

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1 What things needs to be included in personal care?
What is personal care? What is included in personal care? Personal care (sometimes referred to as residential care) is care that is provided by trained carers rather than nurses. Personal care is designed for those who need assistance with what we call the activities of daily living. Personal Care includes: assistance with dressing, feeding, washing and toileting, as well as advice, encouragement and emotional and psychological support What things needs to be included in personal care? When providing support with personal care, take the individual’s lifestyle choices into consideration, e.g. respect their choice of dress and hairstyle. You need to remember about taking cultural factors into consideration during needs assessment. It is important that you will treat you client in a respectful way (e.g. talk to them politely), not being judgmental, understand their needs etc. Also remember about asking for permission when giving personal care and talking about what you will be doing, e.g. Is it okay If I will take your jumper off? Or Now I will lift your leg, so I can help you with wearing your shoes.

2 Empowering Individuals
Definition – Empowering individuals means ensuring that they have or achieve the qualities that are needed in order for them to reach their full potential. Empowering someone with additional needs means convincing them to take charge of their own life’s . It’s allowing them to make their own choices by giving them multiple choices and giving them enough information to make educated ones. It’s important to make them feel like they have a say in what happens to them that they are involved or they may start to feel hopeless and try to gain control of their life some other way. It’s also ensuring that people with additional needs are getting the same opportunities than any other person so they feel that they are being treated as equals. You can also empower someone by providing them with what they need to live fully and achieve their aspirations for example supplying someone who is disabled with an electric wheelchair for instance would allow them to get out and about on their own. Encouraging them to regain their independence.

3 Appropriate touch Places that touch is needed or is sensible
How to apply appropriate touch in a health care setting As a health care worker you will need to touch patient, which can sometimes make the patient feel uncomfortable e.g. before you give someone injection you will need to find their vein. Care workers can make this less uncomfortable for patients by telling them what they about to do e.g. they might say “I am going to give you a shot and you will feel a slight prick.” What is appropriate touch Some people come from families or cultures with lots of hugging, pats on the arm, or other physical contact.  Others feel uncomfortable with this sort of touching unless they are with a close friend or relative. That’s why its important that health professional maintain a comfortable amount of touch for them and their clients.  Appropriate touch Places that touch is needed or is sensible In a nursery school kids often get emotionally for no reason and will need some comforting which may need physical contact. Sometimes the care workers wants to offer relaxing touch to comfort their patient.  E.g. they might want to give a pat on the back or even a hug to a patient, especially if the person is in pain . Additional needs e.g. people with down syndrome tend to hug a lot. Its up to the carer to respectful. Like instead of pushing them away they can give them a little hug.

4 Promote self-image What is it self-image?
Self-image is how you see yourself. How do you promote self-image? Developing good self-esteem involves encouraging a positive attitude toward yourself and the world around you. This means you should appreciate your qualities and flaws and not be hard on yourself. How do you promote self-image to an individual with additional needs? For example, special needs? You can promote self-image to someone with special needs by: Replacing criticism with encouragement Talk to them to them in a normal tone Appreciate them for who they are and focus on what they can do By doing this, you are not only encouraging their self-image. You are also encouraging their self-esteem. You are encouraging their self-esteem by making them feel included.

5 SAFEGUARDING Safeguarding- this means to protect a vulnerable adult or child from any damage or harm with the use of an appropriate measure. Where is safeguarding used: Schools Hospitals Care homes Nurseries In the work place Who implements it: Managers Protection officers Teachers and care workers Social services How is it implemented: This can be implemented in a range of different ways for example, by having a conversation with someone to find out the situation, to ask people if they need safeguarding and how, in cases where the person is in fear or unstable you can implement safeguarding without contacting the person as a protection method for their own safety.

6 How does independence affect service users with special needs?
This affects the individual because they would like to have their own mind, ideas and ‘independence’ to be able to do certain things by themselves instead of having a care worker doing this for them. This definition makes them feel like they can achieve anything like everyone else and not feel any different. Promoting independence is when an individual has their own free will to be able to what they would like to do instead of having a care worker do this task for them. Self-respect Dignity WHAT IS PROMOTING INDEPENDENCE? With a little bit of help and support ‘independence’ can be formed! Another way is to support them with different aids and resources for example, wheelchairs, walking frames if needed to help support and guide them which should give them great confidence. A way to promote independence is by guidance to help and support the individual to help them life their life freely.

7 Common assessment framework
Also referred to as CAF. It’s a process for gathering and recording information about child or vulnerable young adult with additional needs if a person has concerns and identifying the needs of the child and how the needs can be met. Is the information shared? With the parents’ consent the information on the CAF will be shared by all the workers supporting the child or young adult. This way, the child and family will only have to explain it once. The only exceptions are when the people are working with you and you need to share information e.g When they need to find out urgently if a child is at risk of harm When and adult is at risk of harm And to help prevent or detect a serious crime What does the CAF consist of? A pre assessment checklist to help them decide who would benefit from the CAF A process to enable the assessment to go ahead A standard form to record the assessment and then act on the result A delivery plan and review form It helps practitioners working with children, young people and family to assess children and young people’s additional needs for earlier. It also helps develop a common understanding of those needs and how to work together to meet them. CAF is an assessment form in which a number of bodies contribute to the assessment to help figure out what is best for the individual with additional needs.

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