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An Introduction to Habakkuk

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1 An Introduction to Habakkuk
“Yet I will praise Him…” --Habakkuk 3:18 Habakkuk 1:1

2 Habakkuk 1:1 1 The oracle which Habakkuk the prophet saw.


4 Habakkuk Not much is said of Habakkuk.
He is a prophet. God has revealed a message/oracle to him. “Habak” = “to embrace, to fold the hands, one who is embraced” Word picture of a wrestler.

5 Habakkuk Legends: From Bel and the Dragon
From secular Jewish writings ~1300 AD; he is the Shunamite’s son (2 Kings 4:16) He is the “watchman” from Isaiah 21:6.

6 Timeline

7 Habakkuk “oracle” = “burden, something lifted up…”
Part 1 (1:2-2:5) = A dialogue between God and Habakkuk. “the wicked” in 1:4 and 1:13 The age-old question, “Why do the wicked prosper?” Follow-up: “Why does God not respond?”

8 Habakkuk Part 2 (2:6-20) = Five “woes”
Part 3 (3:1-19) = a psalm which gives the purpose of the book: God is just and acts in His own time and therefore God’s people can have hope and encouragement in troubling times.

9 Habakkuk Key verse: 2:4 This verse is quoted three (3) times in the New Testament: Romans 1:7; emphasizing “righteous” Hebrews 10:38; emphasizing “live” Galatians 3:11; emphasizing “faith”

10 Conclusion (What We Will Learn)
God is a BIG God. Is there “wickedness” in your life? Even the faithful sometimes have trouble continuing to trust God. Be careful not to fall into the sin of pride.

11 Conclusion (What We Will Learn)
Take all of your questions and doubts to God…in prayer. Inner attitude/thinking always manifests itself in outward speech/action. Consider God’s past acts and wait patiently for Him to act in the present and future

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