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How it Works EP 413 Syd Ullrich October 19, 2017

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1 How it Works EP 413 Syd Ullrich October 19, 2017
3D Printing How it Works EP 413 Syd Ullrich October 19, 2017

2 Table of Contents Mechanisms Extrusion Stereolithography Components
Type Differences Motors Bed and Chamber Print Head Software 3D Modeling Translation to printer

3 Extrusion (Fused Deposition Modelling)
Forces filament through a heated print head Molten filament bonds with previous layers Cools into a solid If you can melt your material in a kitchen stove, you can print with it for example chocolate Temperature limited, needs filament, overhangs require added support

4 Extrusion Materials Extrusion printers use variety of plastics: PLA: Sugar-based, most common filament, very easy to print, recycles indefinitely ABS: Cheap, strong-ish, hard to print, Lego is made of ABS Nylon: Extreme strength, low friction, more expensive, needs to be cooked Ninjaflex: In case you want to print rubber

5 Stereolithography & Sintering
Lays down a whole sheet of material Lasers some of the material into being solid Can work with anything from liquid resin to powdered steel Lasers that can melt steel are expensive and a bit dangerous, needs a powder or liquid

6 Stereolithography Materials
Desktop stereolithography printers often use a UV sensitive resin Material doesn’t vary much between printers End product similar to PLA Industrial printers will be the ones using powdered metal Can use pretty much anything they can melt

7 Bed and Chamber Printers using ABS or nylon often equipped with a heated print bed Print beds are usually mobile on the vertical axis Stepper motors or servos to get the needed precision Some printers have the whole print chamber heated

8 Print Head Extrusion printers have motors to pull the filament Heated nozzle to melt it Mobile along the x and y axis via stepper motors STL printers have a laser and mirror system Precision tilting steers the laser

9 Modeling Software Sketchup: Extremely basic Solidworks: Can run FEA, expensive Blender: Has a lot of options Shapeways: Uses minecraft

10 Conversion Converting a solid model happens in multiple steps First the model is converted into triangles to ensure quality. Triangle mesh then gets converted into g-code. G-code tells the printer how to move.

11 Summary Most 3D printers use either fused deposition modeling or a stereolithographic process. Can print with just about anything if you have the right printer. Use a few extremely precise motors to control the printing. Huge variety in both software and hardware.

12 References Image Sources included in image alt text

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