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Modernism at its Peak History 104 / April 5, 2013

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1 Modernism at its Peak History 104 / April 5, 2013

2 Hannah Höch, Cut with a Cake-Knife (ca. 1919)

3 Otto Dix Flanders ( )

4 Otto Dix Skat Players (1920)

5 Raoul Haussmann Tatlin at Home (1920)

6 Paul Citroën Metropolis (1923)

7 Still from Fritz Lang, Metropolis (1926)

8 Arnold Schoenberg ( ) chromatic dissonance: Pierrot Lunaire (1912) twelve-tone musical technique (1920s)

9 Abstraction: the art of Piet Mondrian (1872-1944)

10 Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956) The Threepenny Opera (1927)

11 James Joyce (1882-1941) Ulysses (1922)

12 Cabaret in Berlin in the 1920s


14 The “bob” haircut and the “garçonne” persona

15 Virginia Woolf ( )

16 Walter Gropius ( )

17 Bauhaus academy buildings, ca. 1926

18 Aerial view of the Bauhaus buildings: geometry in space

19 Bauhaus under construction: standardized dorm apartments

20 Bauhaus living: the “horseshoe” settlement

21 The “horseshoe” settlement at ground level

22 Standardized workers’ housing for Siemens

23 The Schocken department store, Berlin (arch. Erich Mendelsohn)


25 Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, “Barcelona” furniture (ca. 1930)

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