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Y6 Residential Trip at The Gordon Brown Centre Monday 9th October - Friday 13th October 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Y6 Residential Trip at The Gordon Brown Centre Monday 9th October - Friday 13th October 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Y6 Residential Trip at The Gordon Brown Centre Monday 9th October - Friday 13th October 2017.


3 Essentials Please refer to checklist for essential items.
Medical and dietary forms to be handed in to school office no later than Friday 22nd September 2017. All children’s belongings should be clearly labelled (e.g. inside of both wellingtons!). Medication should be clearly labelled and handed to class teacher on departure day.

4 Please note… £5 pocket money to be handed to school office no later than Monday 2nd October (no cash permitted at GB Centre). Cameras (disposable / digital) are permitted but are brought entirely at children’s risk. Snacks must be handed in prior to departure for deposit in school tuck box. (No items containing nuts or hard-boiled sweets/lollipops).

5 Departure Day Arrive at school no later than 9:30 a.m.
Luggage – clearly labelled – to be left under the pergola in the front playground Parents who intend to wave off their children can wait with their child’s luggage at the top of Clifton Road Coach & minibus departure at 10:15 a.m.

6 What to expect……









15 Communication No mobile phones are permitted
We will update the school with daily bulletins and post updates on twitter. Send a letter/postcard to your child c/o The Gordon Brown Centre or give to a teacher prior to departure Children should bring a stamped addressed postcard / letter to send back to you (posted out on Tuesday morning)

16 Return Be ready at the end of Clifton Rd to meet us on our return (approximately 2:30 p.m.) Be patient while we unload all the gear (we want to avoid uncollected items!) Enjoy the weekend laundry!

17 Twitter account. @StBernadettes60

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