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A Raisin in the Sun By Lorraine Hansberry.

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Presentation on theme: "A Raisin in the Sun By Lorraine Hansberry."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Raisin in the Sun By Lorraine Hansberry

2 Performance Indicators
Engage in a literary analysis of the play A Raisin in the Sun by analyzing characterization, plot, setting, figurative language, theme, and symbolism Demonstrate an understanding of the play's themes by engaging in various writing tasks

3 Homework Journals (100 words)
Stereotyping and prejudice What is a stereotype? Give an example. Identify the ethnic/racial/religious groups to which you belong. Discuss one way in which one or all of these groups are stereotyped. How does this make you feel?

4 Homework Journals (100 words)
Stereotyping and prejudice Give some examples of how African-Americans have been stereotyped. Give some examples of stereotyping of white Americans. Using any stereotype you have been subjected to, explain the basis for this stereotype. How does this make you feel? How might this stereotype interfere with your ability to be successful or happy?

5 Homework Journals (100 words)
The conflict between expectations What is expected of you at home? At school (by adults)? Are these expectations realistic? How do your expectations of yourself differ from adults' expectations of you? What do your peers (friends, members of your group or gang, others who are not friends or members of your group) expect from you? Do you share these expectations? How do they differ?

6 Homework Journals (100 words)
The conflict between expectations What problems occur if your expectations and others' expectations of you differ? Give a specific example from experience or the experience of someone you know. If your expectations differ from those others have of you, how can you resolve this? Where does your personal loyalty belong?

7 Homework Journals (100 words)
The strength of family Write about or discuss what family means to you. You might include: different types of families, what type of family you are a part of, why your family is important to you, positive or negative aspects of being a member of a family, what you have learned by being a part of your family, loyalty or lack of loyalty within your family. Imagine what it would be like not to be part of a family. Write a story or poem about how this makes you feel.

8 Homework Journals (100 words)

9 Your Task 1. Work in a partnership to create and present a lesson.
2. Each lesson should include a pre-test, post-test, and a 10 slide Power Point Presentation of activities. 3. Your team will randomly draw for the literary term that you will teach. 4. As we read the play aloud in class, each team is responsible for noting ideas of interest pertaining to your topic.

10 Your Task 5. You will have finished the play by Monday and begin research on that day. 6. Each team will work with me to understand how to organize the Power Point Presentation. 7. Pre-tests must be approved before PPP work begins. 8. This project accounts for 70% of your final exam grade.

11 Drawing and Trading Pair up (you are planning and teaching with this person) Choose a lesson You may attempt to trade for 5 minutes

12 PPP Requirements Slide 1: Introduction to topic; names of group teachers Slide 2: Definition of term Slide 3: Examples of term Slide 4: Pretest Slides 5-9: Lesson Slide 10: Posttest

13 Allusion Your PPP slides 5-9 should teach the differences between:
Historical Biblical Classical Literary Pop cultural

14 Allusion Activities Langston Hughes Thoreau World War II Prometheus
“drop the Garbo routine” "I always thinks like Booker T. Washington said that time--'Education has spoiled many a good plow hand.'" Scarlett O'Hara

15 Character Your PPP slides 5-9 should teach the 5 ways character is revealed: Action Appearance Dialogue Thoughts What other characters say

16 Character Activities In an essay, explore the concept of black pride. Consider the definition of black pride and how different characters embody it.

17 Character Activities Students can experiment with making their own sequel to A Raisin in the Sun, featuring the same characters. For example: Walter Lee two years later. What has he done about the liquor store? Ruth and the new baby. Is she staying home? Lena and her family. Did she return to work for the Holidays? How is her garden growing? Beneatha. Did she stay in school? Did she marry Asagai? Travis. How is he contributing to the family now? Mr. Lindner and the neighbors. Are they still hostile?

18 Conflict Your PPP slides 5-9 should teach the 5 ways forms of conflict and provide examples from the play for each: Man vs. Man Man vs. Society Man vs. Self Man vs. Nature Man vs. Technology

19 Conflict Activities The problem of conflicting expectations
Write about the phrase "my time," which reoccurs throughout the play. What does this mean to the individual characters? Write a poem or song titled "My Time." What does this phrase mean to you?

20 Imagery Your PPP slides 5-9 should teach how the author appeals to the 5 senses in the text: See Hear Smell Taste Touch

21 Imagery Activities Draw the apartment and describe with imagery
Describe 2 of the characters based on the imagery the author provides How does the author use imagery to enhance setting or theme?

22 Point of View Your PPP slides 5-9 should teach how each of the 5 main characters view the check, how they want to use it, and what this reveals about them: Mama Beneatha Walter Ruth Walter Jr.

23 Point of View Activities
Dinner table discussion Graphic organizer Essay: Which character do you agree with the most?

24 Mood Your PPP slides 5-9 should teach how characters express their emotions through words: Mama Beneatha Walter Ruth Walter Jr.

25 Mood Activities How does the setting affect the mood?
How does the mood change in each scene? Why does the mood change in each scene?

26 Plot Your PPP slides 5-9 should teach the 5 plot points of the play:
Exposition Rising Action Climax Falling Action Resolution

27 Plot Activities Explain the existing conflicts between the Younger family members, Mama and Walter, Walter & Ruth, and Walter and Beneatha. How are these conflicts associated with the American Dream? What is the central conflict around which the play revolves? How does this central conflict relate to the notion of the American Dream?

28 Setting Your PPP slides 5-9 should teach the 5 places shown or referred to in the text: 1 2 3 4 5

29 Setting Activities Draw the apartment How does setting affect theme?

30 Symbolism Your PPP slides 5-9 should teach the 5 symbolic objects from the text: Plant Hair Check Liquor Store Eggs

31 Symbolism Activities Lena's Plant. What do most plants represent?
How is the introduction of the plant early in the screenplay foreshadowing? How do the shots of and references to the plant reflect the corresponding action of the screenplay?


33 Themes Your PPP slides 5-9 should teach 5 common themes in the play:
The Importance of Family The Need to Fight Racial Discrimination The Value and Purpose of Dreams The Value of Fertility It is every generation’s responsibility to question authority.

34 Theme Activities Write about how the Younger family sustains its members. Discuss or write about why it is difficult to be a member of a family; use examples from the screenplay to help explain your point. Discuss the differences in attitudes of the three generations in A Raisin in the Sun.

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