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NP-ASCR Workshop Purposes of review

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1 NP-ASCR Workshop Purposes of review
The overarching purpose is to gather info needed to assure that ASCR can plan for systems and services that best enable NP science in the time frame. Identify science drivers/challenges that will show a mission need for future ASCR systems. To that end, we're asking you to state the impact on science and benefit to society that would result from addressing those challenges. Have ASCR communicate to you what future systems are likely to look like, given the trends in technology and the HPC business. Identify the challenges you will face getting your codes and workflows to run on these future systems and also identify possible ASCR/NP collaborations that would help you prepare for these systems. Generate a report that states the NP requirements for HPC systems and services and identifies the grand science challenges that can be addressed by HPC in the time frame. The report will also contain a set of compelling case studies that tell a good story, specific examples of HPC needs for a given project or subfield.

2 Procedure Five Subpanels
Hot QCD, Cold QCD, Nuclear Structure, Nuclear Astro physics Experimental Develop a series of ‘case studies’ Draw on collaborators Develop White Papers that are supported by the case studies Develop a final report at the end of the workshop.

3 Case Studies Description of Research
1.1 Overview and Context: 1.2 Research Objectives for the Next Decade:   2. Computational and Data Strategies 2.1 Approach: 2.2 Codes and Algorithms:   Sections 1 and 2 together must be no more than 1 page in length. 3. Current and Future HPC Needs Quantitative information requested in Section 3 must be put in a table following the template below. 3.1 Computational Hours: 3.2 Parallelism: 3.3 Memory: 3.4 Scratch Data and I/O3.5 Long-term and Shared Online Data3.6 Archival Data Storage:   3.7 Workflows: 3.8 Many-Core and/or GPU Readiness:  

4 White Papers Please specify the current science drivers for your field of research and where we are today. Describe the science challenges expected to be addressed in the timeframe using extant high performance computing ecosystems.   Describe the science challenges that cannot be solved in the timeframe using extant computing ecosystems.   What are your field’s (your breakout group’s) most important needs for computing and data in 2020 and 2025 relative to what you have today.   Describe your data and your needs for the storage, transmission, analysis (including real-time analysis), or processing of data. For example: Describe the top three things in an HPC ecosystem in 5-10 years that you think would (1) facilitate your research and (2) impede your progress. Why? Examples might include.

5 Case Study Titles (snapshot)
EIC Computing A collider built the exascale era Computing Infrastructure for the JLAB 12 GeV program DAQ and On-Line Analysis at FRIB Working Group on Data Acquisition Active Target TPC and GET Readout GRETINA/GRETA Signal Decomposition Gamma-ray Spectroscopy GRETA Data Streaming GlueX Computing SoLID Computing Moller Computing CLAS 12 Computing

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