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Southwark Diocesan Board of Education

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1 Southwark Diocesan Board of Education
Ofsted update June 17 The SDBE – Developing Church of England Education

2 The SDBE – Developing Church of England Education
Key Messages It is your school improvement journey (not just about inspection) Be prepared Key Lines of Enquiry Accurate self-evaluation Honest overview The SDBE – Developing Church of England Education

3 The SDBE – Developing Church of England Education
Key Messages Safeguarding is a continuous thread, beyond DBS and Single Central Record, throughout the whole inspection Governor ambition and vision for the school is a critical element Most common trends – role & effectiveness of middle leaders The SDBE – Developing Church of England Education

4 The SDBE – Developing Church of England Education
The most recent trends Breadth and depth of curriculum offer beyond English and maths Attendance – particular pupil groups eg SEND/Boys PPG/Girls In primary schools, focus on breadth and depth of science Opportunities for and quality of reading in primary and secondary schools The SDBE – Developing Church of England Education

5 The SDBE – Developing Church of England Education
Keeping up to date Read the latest reports Subscribe to publications at Use your Church School Network – SDHTA Ensure DHT/AHT attend forums Utilise the training offer from LA and SDBE Know the framework and the handbooks Share the information far and wide The SDBE – Developing Church of England Education

6 The latest information
New policy statement for inspection new schools and schools that undergo a change in status June 17 Consultation on the proposals for changes to the short inspection approach for good schools Consultation closes Thursday 18 August 2017 (implementation October 2017) The SDBE – Developing Church of England Education

7 The SDBE – Developing Church of England Education
Consultation Proposed operational changes to improve the conversion process. 1. When a short inspection converts, the full inspection will be completed within a maximum of 15 working days, rather than 48 hours. 2. A full inspection will automatically take place in around 1 in 5 cases where Ofsted has prior evidence that a school is in complex circumstances. The SDBE – Developing Church of England Education

8 Background information
Since their introduction, two thirds of short inspections have confirmed that the school continues to be a good school without the need for any additional inspection activity Approximately three in 10 short inspections convert to a section 5 inspection. The SDBE – Developing Church of England Education

9 The SDBE – Developing Church of England Education
Proposal 1 When a short inspection converts, the full inspection will be completed within a maximum of 15 working days, rather than 48 hours. The SDBE – Developing Church of England Education

10 The SDBE – Developing Church of England Education
Proposal 2 Some good schools will receive a section 5 inspection from the outset instead of a short inspection if published information, Ofsted’s regional intelligence and Ofsted’s risk assessment process indicate that there will be a need to collect more evidence than is routinely gathered on a short inspection to reach a judgement about the school. All other good schools will continue to receive a short inspection. The SDBE – Developing Church of England Education

11 The SDBE – Developing Church of England Education
A full inspection will automatically take place in around 1 in 5 cases where Ofsted has prior evidence that a school is in complex circumstances. In about 20% of cases, before a short inspection takes place it is already clear that a school is facing complex circumstances that warrant a full inspection. The SDBE – Developing Church of England Education

12 The SDBE – Developing Church of England Education
Response Read the text attached to one of the proposals. Discuss in groups to gather shared responses. Engage your school team in submitting as many responses as possible. The SDBE – Developing Church of England Education

13 Capacity across the diocese
Can you offer help, support, staff on secondment over the year ahead? Do you need help or support over the year ahead? Please complete our capacity register before you leave today The SDBE – Developing Church of England Education

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