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Warranty Tracking & Source of Repair Instructions

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Presentation on theme: "Warranty Tracking & Source of Repair Instructions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warranty Tracking & Source of Repair Instructions
DPAP Training

2 Warranty Tracking Benefits
Warranties are relied upon heavily by the Services to support mission critical needs. Department now has the enterprise capability to provide: Visibility and accountability of warranty data associated with acquired goods Specific Benefits: Decreased cost Recognize benefits included associated with the a warranty Recognize performance against government specified warranties Increase level of insurance for purchased goods Identify and enforce warranties (i.e. fraudulent vendors, criminal actions)

3 Warranty Tracking & Source of Repair Instructions

4 Warranty Tracking When a warranty is being provided, DFARS requires the contracting officer to include in the solicitation and awards the following: Contract Clause or Provision , Notice of Warranty Tracking of Serialized Items, when the warranty is provided by a contractor as a benefit to the government; , Warranty Tracking of Serialized Items when the government specifically asks contractor to provide a warranty as part of its offer; and Warranty Attachments Warranty Tracking Information (WTI) and Warranty Repair Source Instructions (SORI)

5 Required Warranty Data Elements
WTI SORI Warranty Item UII Warranty Term Starting Event Usage Duration Fixed Expiration Date Warranty Administrator Enterprise Identifier Code Type Warranty Administrator Enterprise Identifier Warranty Guarantor Enterprise Identifier Code Type Warranty Guarantor Enterprise Identifier Item Type Warranty Repair Source Code Warranty Repair Source Code Identifier Warranty Shipping Address for Warranty Returns Name, Address, City, and State Specific Warranty Shipping Instructions On the Warranty Spreadsheet we have Fixed Expiration Date, is this not required for you? This when the warranty ends and the contractor’s obligation to provide for a remedy or corrective action ends. NS Edits: Added “Fixed Expired Date” under Warranty Term

6 Warranty Tracking Information Attachment (WTI)
Purpose: Attachment to collect WTI. Return at time of Contract Award.

7 Warranty Unique Item Identifier
The Unique Item Identifier (UII) IAW DFARS for all warranted, serialized items and ensures uniqueness of the warranted item.

8 WTI – Warranty Terms Starting Event Usage Duration
The event or action that initiates the warranty; values include Acceptance (A), Installation (I), First Use (F), and Other (O) Usage Used for warranties for serialized items where effectivity is normally in terms of operating time or cycles. It is stated in term of quantity and unit of measure. Quantity amount of a characteristic subject to the contractor's obligation to provide for remedy or corrective action for a serialized item Unit of measure describes the quantity attribute of the unit serialized tem under warranty Duration Used for warranties that expire after a set period of time. This period may be a stated period of time, amount of usage, or the occurrence of a specified event, after formal acceptance of delivery, for the Government to assert a contractual right for the correction of defects. Fixed Expiration Date The date the warranty expires and the Contractor’s obligation to provide for a warranty of correction action ends.

9 WTI – Enterprise Identifiers Type
The Warranty Administrator and Grantor Enterprise Identifier are globally unique identifier assigned to an enterprise by one of the following issuing agency Dun & Bradstreet’s Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number, GS1 Company Prefix , Allied Committee 135 NATO Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE)/ Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code, or The Coded Representation of the North American Telecommunications Industry Manufacturers, Suppliers, and Related Service Companies (ATIS ) Number, European Health Industry Business Communication Council (EHIBCC) and Health Industry Business Communication Council (HIBCC)

10 WTI – Enterprise Identifiers Codes
Codes of the issuing agency; they include the following 0-9, GS1 Company Prefix D, CAGE LB, ATIS LH, EHIBCC RH, IBCC UN, DUNS

11 WTI – Item Type Item Type – The description of the item being warranted Component procured separate from end item (C ) Subassembly procured separate from end Item or subassembly (S) Embedded in component, subassembly or end item parent (E) Parent end Item (P)

12 Warranty Source of Repair Instructions (SORI)
Purpose: Attachment to collect SORI. Returned at time of Contract Award OR Time of Delivery Warranted Serialized Items.

13 Warranty Source of Repair Instructions (SORI)
Warranty Repair Source Identifier organization specified by a warranty guarantor for receiving and managing warranty items that are returned by a customer. Warranty Repair Source Code Address Shipping Instruction

14 Government Specified Warranty
Terms provided by Government to the contractor Scenario # 1

15 Warranty Data Process Flow

16 Contracting Officers Complete
Contracting Officers must include in all solicitations : Warranty Tracking of Serialized Items Attachments: Warranty Tracking Information (WTI) Warranty Repair Source of Instruction (SORI)

17 Attachment - 1 WTI – Due at the time of contract award and upon acceptance and receipt of item

18 Attachment Number Enter in the attachment number associated with the solicitation/contract.

19 Contract Number Enter in the DoD or Non-DoD contract number.

20 Line Item Type and Number
Select CLIN or SLIN for line item type and enter in the applicable number

21 Warranty UII Enter UII

22 Warranty Terms – Staring Event (or)
What generates the warranty? When does warranty kick in?

23 Warranty Terms – Usage (or)

24 Warranty Terms – Duration (or)

25 Warranty Terms – Fixed Date

26 Warranty Administrator Enterprise Identifier Code Type and Code
From drop select the applicable code type, then enter code

27 Warranty Guarantor Enterprise Identifier Code Type and Code
From drop select the applicable code type, then enter code

28 Item Type Enter the Item Type, which is the description of the item being warranted: Subassembly procured separate from end Item or subassembly (S) Embedded in component, subassembly or end item parent (E) Parent end Item (P)

29 Completed Form Warranty Item UII – See Page 7
Warranty Administrator Enterprise Identifier Code Type – See Page 7 Warranty Administrator Enterprise Identifier Warranty Guarantor Enterprise Identifier Code Type Warranty Guarantor Enterprise Identifier Item Type

30 Attachment - 2 SORI

31 Contracting Officers Complete (SORI)
Enter the attachment number

32 Contract Number and Line Item Number
Enter DoD or non-DOD contract number and Line Item Type and Number (same as WTI)

33 Source Code and Identifier

34 Completed Shipping Information
Contractors are to complete the Warranty Shipping Address for Warranty Returns sections above as follows: Warranty Repair Source Code Warranty Repair Source Code Identifier Name, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City/County, State/Province, Postal Code, Country Instructions (Complete with shipping information)

35 Next Steps For Contractor

36 Next Steps Contractor: Completes and returns both WTI and SORI to the Government Time of Award (WTI/SORI) Send to the Contracting Officer both documents with the contract; CO then adds both attachments to EDA When item is delivered (SORI) (3 methods) 1. Manual Submission of Data Ensure that COR or acceptor uploads to Wide Area Workflow eBusiness Suite iRAPT application (iRAPT) 2. Electronic Submission Use iRAPT via Receipt and Acceptance via the Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) exhibit line item number (ELIN) The data get pushed from iRAPT to PDREP multiple times daily. PDREP-PLEASE CONFIRM

37 Contractor Provided Warranty
Terms offered by Contractor in proposal, but not requested by the Government Scenario # 2

38 Contracting Officers Complete
Contracting Officer must include the following in all solicitations: DFARS : Notice of Warranty Tracking of Serialized Items DFARS Warranty Tracking of Serialized Items Warranty Tracking Information (WTI) Attachment Warranty Repair Source of Instruction (SORI) Attachment

39 Required Actions Contractor: Contracting Officer:
Prior to award, advise CO of Contractor’s intent to provide a warranty as part of Contractor’s offer; AND Complete all sections of WTI and SORI (if not included in solicitation) Contractor may also download forms from PDREP Warranty Site Contracting Officer: Ensure delivery terms are included in resultant contract when WTI and SORI will be provided on warranted item.

40 Contractor - Next Steps
Send both WTI and SORI to the Government Time of award (WTI/SORI) Send to the Contracting Officer with the contract; CO adds attachment to EDA When applicable, designated representative shall upload complete warranty attachments to EDA. Delivery of Item (SORI) (3 methods) 1. Manual Submission of Data Ensure that COR or acceptor adds to Wide Area Workflow eBusiness Suite iRAPT application (iRAPT). 2. Electronic Submission iRAPT via Receipt and Acceptance via Contractor shall electronically submit required warranty data using the Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) exhibit line item number (ELIN) Attachments are transmitted from iRAPT to PDREP for inclusion in warranty database The data gets pushed from iRAPT to PDREP multiple times daily.-PDREP-PLEASE CONFIRM

41 SUMMARY The WTI and SORI documents discussed in the presentation are the ONLY authorized documents that can be transmitted to the PDREP warranty database Data uploaded to EDA or iRAPT in any other format are NOT captured, tracked or retrievable

42 Retrieval of Warranty Tracking Information (Database - Demo)
Warranty Database Retrieval of Warranty Tracking Information (Database - Demo)

43 Product Data Reporting and Evaluation Program
Warranty Database Product Data Reporting and Evaluation Program

44 PDREP homepage

45 PDREP warranty and source of repair

46 PDREP warranty training link

47 Request training link

48 PDREP request training page
This will take you to the video that will give you additional training on warranty!!.

49 Implementation Memorandum
DPAP Memorandum published on April 12, 2012 Provides implementation guidance on warranty Machine readable, fillable Adobe portable document formats (PDFs) form to use to capture required warranty information Encourages DoD Services and agencies to incorporate PDFs into their Contract Writing Systems (CWS) and to develop processes to consume and use the data Policy Vault:

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