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Questions (True = A, False = B)

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1 Questions (True = A, False = B)
01) Scheduling is used to increase resource utilization this is the whole idea about scheduling: make sure that resources are better utilized 02) In preemptive scheduling, a process is always interrupted by the scheduler no, the process can also block itself (see question 7) 03) Context switching is the same in non-preemptive and preemptive scheduling no, in preemptive scheduling, you need to save a context (preempted proc) and restore another (resumed proc) 04) Round-robin minimizes the average response time no, SJF does (see question 5 for avg resp time for RR) 05) Shortest Job First achieves average response time of sum Σ Ri/n no, RR does (see question 4 for SJF’s property) 06) It is a good idea to mix I/O bound and CPU bound processes. Yes, so that different resources are being used at different times 07) IO-bound processes are typically blocked before the end of the quantum Yes, IO-bound processes request IO resources often, which means they block 08) The CPU burst of a process is usually computed based on the past CPU bursts Yes, since we can only base ourselves on past, not on future 09) Aging is one of the techniques through which starvation is avoided Yes, aging increases the priority of jobs that have been in the queue for a long time. Eventually, such jobs will gain the CPU

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