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Australian foreign aid

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1 Australian foreign aid
The Crocodile Hunters Trellace Lawrimore Reno Varghese TRELLACE

2 Bretton Woods Conference
History Bretton Woods Conference Australia’s Bloc Emerging power UNSC ( ) Foreign Policy Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade AusAID RENO

3 The Debate RN and DI models No Consistent Trends Trade Peter Carroll
Bermeo 2012 Berthelemy and Tichit 2004 Berthelemy 2006 Peter Carroll TRELLACE RN&DI (Professor Gounder) Scholarly research, focus on trade We consider two models…RN and DI

4 Recipient Need Model TENO Vreeland, historical scholar

5 Donor Interest Variables
Trade Geography DFAT Trans-Pacific Partnership Regional Indicator TRELLACE (trade) RENO (regional indicator) Regional and trade indicator, why we think trade is particularly important

6 Regression Results VARIABLE COEFFICIENT T-VALUE P>ltl aussieIMF
14.05 **2.48 0.013 regionalaussie 93.909 ***26.13 totalflow .00917 ***5.37 aussieWBG 2.949 .48 .631 population 1.5E-08 ***3.52 gdppercapita 5.37 cons 3.904 5.07 TRELLACE Be explicit: The IMF variable’s continued significance, chart(s) **Statistically significant at the 5% level ***Statistically significant at the 1% level

7 Why is the IMF variable statistically significant?
If the IMF variable was insignificant, we would have expected it to disappear completely after we introduced the trade and regional controls.

8 Average Aid Received within Australia’s Region
RENO Chart WITHIN THE REGION, ausaid’s propaganda

9 Conclusion Donor Interest Trade IMF Bloc RENO

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