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Presentation techniques

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation techniques"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation techniques
…or “how to get the message through to your target group”

2 Goals for this workshop
How to prepare a good meeting How to prepare a presentation How to improve communication skills

3 The goal for the meeting
Define a definite goal for the meeting Communicate this goal early in the meeting Conclude at the end of the meeting Was the goal met? If not, did you reach another goal? If not, how can you reach a goal which is satisfactory?

4 The message Define 1-3 of the most important messages you wish to communicate To the point Clear Visual Simple to understand Easy to communicate Repeat your message

5 The target group? Who are you going to meet?
Do they all know you, each other? Preconceived ideas… Who are the most important people of the target group? Define at which level you have to communicate to the group

6 Dialogue and pauses Ask questions during your presentation
“are you with me here?” “what do you think so far?” Have regular pauses so the message has a chance to “sink in” Drink water, stand still, look at the audience Prepare for the next chapter slide

7 Body language Eyecontact Open body language Feet firmly on the ground
Hands gesticulations Energy and presence Voice and intonation Smile 

8 The desired impression
Which thoughts do you want the target group to have after the meeting? Verbalize a “straight from the gut” sentence like: “this is really important. He/she really understands what we need/want to do…”

9 Questions? What are the questions the target group want to know the answers to? Think especially about possible counterattacks Try to answer these in your presentation, add them to your story.

10 Powerpoint Presentations
Do’s: Look at the audience Use M- or B- regularly to draw attention to YOU Use short sentences and elaborate verbally Don’ts: look behind yourself, to the screen Let the pwp do the job for you Read from the slides Put too much information on each slide

11 In the beginning… Start your presentation with a story or …
…claim an assertion which you may prove during the presentation or… …ask a question which will interest the audience

12 Icebreaking Some games to “open up” and get rid of nervous tensions
Name games Present your neighbour Creativity games

13 Personal skills What are your personal skills you can use in your presentation? Which skills would you like to improve? How can you improve these skills?

14 Some downfalls to beware of…
How do we personally affect the message in our presentation? How can we avoid this negative effect?

15 case Prepare a short presentation Use all above mentioned tools
Present to eachother Feedback repeat

16 Goals for this workshop
How to prepare a good meeting How to prepare a presentation How to improve communication skills

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