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The Origin of Thanksgiving Day

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1 The Origin of Thanksgiving Day

2 When is Thanksgiving? In the United States, Thanksgiving is on the fourth Thursday of November. In Canada, it is the second Monday in October.

3 On this holiday, a Thanksgiving meal is prepared; families gather together and talk, while others watch a game or a parade filled with pilgrims, Indians and other colonial figures. Some families may even have their own yearly Thanksgiving traditions.

4 In August 1620, the Mayflower, set sail from Southampton, England
In August 1620, the Mayflower, set sail from Southampton, England. Her 103 passengers were to become some of the founding pilgrims of the United States of America.


6 After weeks of plowing through the Atlantic waters, the pilgrims spotted Cape Cod, off the coast of Massachusetts. The stormy weather was brewing so strongly, that they had arrived there by accident. Their intended location was off the Virginia coast, where other pilgrims had begun colonies.


8 Cape Cod, Nov. 11, 1620

9 Cape Cod Now


11 Plymouth Harbor in 1620

12 The next few months would prove to be difficult and trying
The next few months would prove to be difficult and trying. Of the original 103 pilgrims, only 56 survived the first, long, bleak New England winter. Often, two or three people would die in one day due to infection and sickness.

13 But, with the approaching of spring came new hope
But, with the approaching of spring came new hope. The survivors built homes and planted crops. They made friendships with local Indian tribes, and traded with them. The passing of winter allowed the pilgrims to labor and produce, causing the colony to flourish. Wampanoag


15 After reaping their first harvest in the fall of 1621, the pilgrims dedicated a day for thanking God for the bounty He had blessed them with. They were at peace with their neighbors. And they were especially grateful for their harvest. This allowed them to gather and store plenteous food and crops for the long and brutal winter ahead.

16 Pilgrims

17 Plymouth now


19 The Pilgrims had a good harvest. Everyone was happy and thankful
The Pilgrims had a good harvest. Everyone was happy and thankful. They invited the Indians and celebrated the harvest with a big dinner for three days.

20 In 1789, President Washington decided that November 26 is Thanksgiving day.
In 1863, President Lincoln announced that Thanksgiving is the last Thursday in November. In 1941, it was changed to the 4th Thursday in November.

21 Food for Thanksgiving Cranberry sauce Roast turkey Corn bread
Pumpkin pie Mashed potato

22 Quiz on Thanksgiving When is Thanksgiving?
What year was the first Thanksgiving dinner held? How long did the first Thanksgiving dinner last? Was it easy for the Pilgrims to go to their new home?

23 Quiz on Thanksgiving What was the name of the ship?
What was the name of the Native American tribe the Pilgrims befriended? Which of the following food items was NOT served during the first Thanksgiving dinner? (swan, cherries, pumpkin pie) Who made Thanksgiving a National Holiday?

24 Resources You can find more information from these sites:

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