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Chapter 15 Monetary Policy and Bank Regulation

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1 Chapter 15 Monetary Policy and Bank Regulation
Principles of macroEconomics Chapter 15 Monetary Policy and Bank Regulation Modified by: Yun Wang Fall 2017, Florida International University

2 Fed, Bank regulation and monetary policy
The FED is the central bank of the United States established in 1913 to regulate the private banking system and the supply of money Unique Features of the FED Decentralization: 12 districts across country Independent of the US government Decision-maker about amount of money in circulation and short-term interest rates Semi-public institution Policy goal: to sustain economic growth with zero inflation

3 Fed, Bank regulation and monetary policy

4 Fed, Bank regulation and monetary policy
Janet Yellen, Chair UC, Berkeley Professor of Economics Stanley Fischer, Vice Chair MIT, Professor of Economics

5 Functions of the FED Clearing interbank payments Regulating the banking system Assisting banks in difficult financial times Managing the nation’s foreign exchange rates and foreign exchange reserves Control of mergers between banks

6 Functions of the FED Examination of banks to ensure that they are financially sound Setting the short-term interest rate Bank Regulation: Bank Supervision Bank Runs Deposit Insurance Lender of last resort

7 Monetary Policy Monetary Policy: FED’s action of managing the money supply and the interest rate Expansionary or Easy Monetary Policy: Drop the interest rate to boost planned investment and consumption, thus increasing the GDP Contractionary or Tight Monetary Policy: Raise the interest rate to reduce planned investment and consumption, thus curbing inflation

8 Open Market Operations
Monetary Policy The FED uses three instruments to manage the money supply and interest rates: Reserve Requirement Discount Rate Open Market Operations

9 Reserve Requirement Reserve Requirement is the percentage of deposits that banks must hold at their accounts in the FED. If the FED wants to increase the money supply, it lowers the Reserve Requirement. As a result, banks would hold less Required Reserve and keep more Excess Reserve. To lend the additional Excess Reserve, banks will drop the rate of interest on business and consumer loans.

10 Discount rate Banks can borrow from the FED. The interest rate they pay on loans from the FED is the Discount Rate. If the FED wants to increase the money supply, it would lower the discount rate, which encourages banks to borrow more from the FED. To lend these additional reserves, banks will drop the interest rate on business and consumer loans.

11 Open Market Operations
Open Market Operations: The FED’s purchase and sale of government bonds to member banks. The FED held over $2.4 trillion of US government bonds as of February 4, 2015. To increase the money supply, the FED buys more government bonds from member banks. Banks receiving additional reserves from the FED will lower the interest rate to lend them to households and business.

12 Expansionary Monetary Policy
To increase the money supply and reduce the interest rate, the FED could Lower the Reserve Requirement Lower the Discount Rate Buy government securities from member banks

13 Contractionary Monetary Policy
To decrease the money supply and increase the interest rate, the FED could Raise the Reserve Requirement Raise the Discount Rate Sell government securities from member banks

14 Monetary Policy The original equilibrium occurs at E0. An expansionary monetary policy will shift the supply of loanable funds to the right from the original supply curve (S0) to the new supply curve (S1) and to a new equilibrium of E1, reducing the interest rate from 8% to 6%. A contractionary monetary policy will shift the supply of loanable funds to the left from the original supply curve (S0) to the new supply (S2), and raise the interest rate from 8% to 10%.

15 Monetary Policy

16 Monetary Policy The economy is in recession. An expansionary monetary policy will reduce interest rate and increase investment and AD, moving the economy toward the potential GDP with a relatively small rise in the price level. The economy is producing above the potential GDP, experiencing rapid inflation. A contractionary monetary policy will increase the rate of interest, depressing investment and dropping AD. The economy will move to an new equilibrium with smaller GDP and lower price level.

17 Monetary Policy

18 Monetary Policy In expansionary monetary policy the central bank causes the supply of money to increase, which lowers the interest rate, stimulating additional borrowing for investment and consumption, and raising the AD. The result is a higher price level and and a larger GDP. In contractionary monetary policy, the central bank causes the supply of money and credit to decrease, which raises the interest rate, discouraging borrowing for investment and consumption, and dropping the AD. The result is a lower price level and a smaller GDP.

19 Monetary Policy

20 Monetary Policy Through the episodes shown here, the Federal Reserve typically reacted to higher inflation with a contractionary monetary policy and a higher interest rate, and reacted to higher unemployment with an expansionary monetary policy and a lower interest rate.

21 Quantitative easing The most powerful and commonly used of the three traditional tools of monetary policy—open market operations—works by expanding or contracting the money supply in a way that influences the interest rate. In late 2008, as the U.S. economy struggled with recession, the Federal Reserve had already reduced the interest rate to near zero. With the recession still ongoing, the Fed decided to adopt an innovative and nontraditional policy known as quantitative easing (QE). This is the purchase of long-term government and private mortgage-backed securities by central banks to make credit available so as to stimulate aggregate demand. Differences: First, it involved the Fed purchasing long term Treasury bonds, rather than short term Treasury bills. Second, instead of purchasing Treasury securities, the Fed also began purchasing private mortgage-backed securities, something it had never done before.the Fed was both pushing long term interest rates down and also removing possibly “toxic assets” from the balance sheets of private financial firms, which would strengthen the financial system

22 Velocity of money Velocity is a term that economists use to describe how quickly money circulates through the economy. The velocity of money in a year is defined as: Velocity = nominal GDP/money supplyMoney Supply x velocity = Nominal GDP = Price Level x Real GDP. This equation is sometimes called the basic quantity equation of money, This equation must hold true, by definition. If velocity is constant over time, then a certain percentage rise in the money supply on the left-hand side of the basic quantity equation of money will inevitably lead to the same percentage rise in nominal GDP—although this change could happen through an increase in inflation, or an increase in real GDP, or some combination of the two

23 Velocity of money Velocity is the nominal GDP divided by the money supply for a given year. Different measures of velocity can be calculated by using different measures of the money supply. The actual velocity of money in the U.S. economy as measured by using M1, the most common definition of the money supply, has lacked a steady trend since the 1980s, instead bouncing up and down. M2 is now favored as a measure of money rather than the narrower M1.


25 Monetary policy: long-run effect
With a vertical AS, monetary policy is ineffective in the long-run. An expansionary policy shifting the AD will have no effect of GDP, but causes the price level to rise.

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