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Year 1 Core Science Session 2 Observation Skills

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1 Year 1 Core Science Session 2 Observation Skills
“The best kind of teachers are the ones that help you but don’t get in the way when you can do it yourself.” October 2011 Wk 2 Sess 2 University of Winchester Core 1 Science KP

2 That’s Science Theme Song
That's Science!: Learning Science Through Songs Tim Harding (2003) Network Educational Press Ltd 4th October 2011 Wk 2 Sess 2 University of Winchester Core 1 Science KP

3 Remembering Names! Team up with someone you don’t know.
You have one minute to learn each other’s names and something about each other. Each pair then takes it in turns to introduce each other to the rest of the group. 4th October 2011 Wk 2 Sess 2 University of Winchester Core 1 Science KP

4 Independent Study Tasks – follow up
Recommended Text: Read Harlen and Qualter (2009) Chapter 19 pp September 2011 week 1 session 1 University of Winchester Core 1 Science KP

5 Learning Intentions: Reflect on the nature of science and early science learning Know the format of the Early Years Foundation Stage: Knowledge and Understanding of the World (updated and statutory from September 2008). Recognise references to observation. Explore stories and puppets as a starting point and context for exploration and investigation. Develop skills of observation through investigation. Consider the nature of children’s questions. 4th October 2011 Wk 2 Sess 2 University of Winchester Core 1 Science 2011 – 2012 KP

6 Developing the skill of Observation
Scientific observation is fundamental to the processes of exploration and investigation Observation is developmental. Teaching develops and refines the skill and this needs careful planning throughout the key stages 4th October 2011 Wk 2 Sess 2 University of Winchester Core 1 Science KP

7 Developing the skill of Observation
As part of explorations children will Make use of all the senses Notice details Identify similarities and differences Sequence events Use aids to observation Classify using their own criteria Record their observations in different ways How can you encourage observation in the classroom? 4th October 2011 Wk 2 Sess 2 University of Winchester Core 1 Science 2011 – 2012 KP

8 Encouraging questioning
What are the features of a classroom atmosphere that might promote children’s questions? Why is it important to develop children’s questioning skills? Mystery Box – explore and devise some questions which you might use in Science. 4th October 2011 Wk 2 Sess 2 University of Winchester Core 1 Science 2011 – 2012 KP

9 The National Curriculum - Science (DfES 1999)
TASK - Use NC document to trace expectations for the skills of observation and raising questions in KS1 & 2. 4th October 2011 Wk 2 Sess 2 University of Winchester Core 1 Science KP

10 Using stories as stimuli for science...
A familiar format for children motivating starting points for science create context and purpose support learning encourage high level thinking a means to elicit talk informal and fun! See PSR 92 ‘Stories and Starters’ 4th October 2011 Wk 2 Sess 2 University of Winchester Core 1 Science KP

11 Activity Listen to the story What ideas might children already have?
What might you do if a sound was bothering you? 4th October 2011 Wk 2 Sess 2 University of Winchester Core 1 Science KP 11

12 Sound Investigation – Peace at Last*
In groups of 6 – 3 to be “testers” covering their ears with each object (material being tested), 3 to make Mrs Bear’s snoring sound! Consider how you could check your object /material against other sounds – start with the sounds in the story. (Swap around “testers”) Consider the observations and comparisons you are making – how could you develop these skills in children? Activity adapted from: SCORE (2009) Primary Science Investigations (Available online at the link is from publications: 4th October 2011 Wk 2 Sess 2 University of Winchester Core 1 Science KP

13 Sound Investigation – Peace at Last*
This activity develops children’s understanding that we hear sounds with our ears and that covering them will stop some or all of the sound from going into the ears. How do we use Observation to help us develop that understanding? To make links with music children could use percussion instruments to make the snoring sound. 4th October 2011 Wk 2 Sess 2 University of Winchester Core 1 Science KP

14 Discovery Dog – Noisy Night
Spellbound Science 4th October 2011 Wk 2 Sess 2 University of Winchester Core 1 Science KP

15 Next week It is hoped that we will undertake next week’s session outdoors. You need to meet tutors at Oram’s Arbour for the start of your usual seminar time. We will notify you via the LN and if there is a change in plan due to the weather. Please wear appropriate clothing for the weather. Bring pens/paper etc & a plastic bag “sitter”. Walk to Oram’s Arbour following the route: Reception – Graveyard – St James’s Terrace – Clifton Terrace- Oram’s Arbour. This is a short route which takes a single person approximately 10 minutes to walk. 4th October 2011 Wk 2 Sess 2 University of Winchester Core 1 Science KP

16 IST - Reflection: Use this writing frame to complete an entry in your reflective journal. You will refer to this again for your assignment. How do your own attitudes match those identified by Harlen & Qualter(2009) Ch 11. - has there been any change since the course started? - are there any areas you think you will need to change in order to be a successful teacher of primary science? - are you willing to share your reflections?

17 Independent Study Tasks
Read Harlen and Qualter (2009) The Teaching of Science in Primary Schools. Ch 4, 5, 7, 9, 12 Read Johnston (2005) Early-years science experiences in your reading pack. Summarise the nature of science learning in the early years. Read Johnston (2009) “Observation as an important enquiry skill” in Primary Science 106 Jan/Feb 2009 pp 15 – 17. In Reading Pack Further Reading: Access and read Eady, S. (2008) “What is the purpose of learning Science? An analysis of policy and practice in the primary school.” British Journal of Educational Studies. Vol. 56. No. 1 pp 4th October 2011 Wk 2 Sess 2 University of Winchester Core 1 Science KP

18 4th October 2011 Wk 2 Sess 2 University of Winchester Core 1 Science KP

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