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Survey of Organizational Excellence
9/13/2018 Survey of Organizational Excellence University of Texas–Pan American Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
Dimensions of Organizational Excellence
9/13/2018 Dimensions of Organizational Excellence Dim# Dimensions Description 1 Work Group This dimension relates to employees' activities within their immediate work vicinity. They include factors that concern how employees interact with peers, supervisors and all of the persons involved in day-to-day work activity. 2 Accommodations This dimension looks at the physical work setting and the factors associated with compensation, work technology and tools. It is the "total benefit package" provided to employees by the organization. 3 Organizational Features This dimension addresses the organization's interface with external influences. It is an internal evaluation of the organization's ability to assess changes in the environment and make needed adjustments. 4 Information This dimension refers to how consistent and structured communication flow is within the organization and to outside groups. It examines the degree to which communication is directed towards work concerns. 5 Personal This dimension reports on how much internalization of stress is occurring and the extent to which debilitating social and psychological conditions appear to be developing at the level of the individual employee. Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
The Work Group Dimension
9/13/2018 The Work Group Dimension # Aspects Description 1 Supervisor Effectiveness Supervisor Effectiveness provides insight into the nature of supervisory relationships in the organization, including the quality of communication, leadership, and fairness that employees perceive exist between supervisors and themselves. 2 Fairness Fairness measures the extent to which employees believe that equal and fair opportunity exists for all members of the organization. 3 Team Effectiveness Team Effectiveness captures employees' perceptions of the effectiveness of their work group and the extent to which the organizational environment supports appropriate teamwork among employees. 4 Diversity Diversity addresses the extent to which employees feel that individual differences, including ethnicity, age and lifestyle, may result in alienation and/or missed opportunities for learning or advancement. Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
The Accommodations Dimension
9/13/2018 The Accommodations Dimension # Aspects Description 5 Fair Pay Fair Pay is an evaluation from the viewpoint of employees of the competitiveness of the total compensation package. It addresses how well the package "holds up" when employees compare it to similar jobs in their own communities. 6 Physical Environment Adequacy of Physical Environment captures employees' perceptions of the work setting and the degree to which employees believe that a safe and pleasant working environment exists. 7 Benefits Benefits provides an indication of the role that the employment benefit package plays in attracting and retaining employees. 8 Employment Development Employment Development captures perceptions of the priority given to the career and personal development of employees by the organization. Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
The Organizational Features Dimension
9/13/2018 The Organizational Features Dimension # Aspect Description 9 Change Oriented Change Oriented secures employees' perceptions of the organization's capability and readiness to change based on new information and ideas. 10 Goal Oriented Goal Oriented addresses the organization's ability to include all its members in focusing resources towards goal accomplishment. 11 Holographic Holographic refers to the degree to which all actions of the organization "hang together" and are understood by all. It concerns employees' perceptions of the consistency of decision-making and activity within the organization. 12 Strategic Strategic orientation secures employees' thinking about how the organization responds to external influence, including those which play a role in defining the mission, services and products provided by the organization. 13 Quality Quality focuses upon the degree to which quality principles, such as customer service and continuous improvement, are a part of the organizational culture. Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
The Information Dimension
9/13/2018 The Information Dimension # Aspect Description 14 Internal Internal Communication captures the nature of communication exchanges within the organization. It addresses the extent to which employees view information exchanges as open and productive. 15 Availability Availability of Information provides insight into whether employees know where to get needed information and whether they have the ability to access it in a timely manner. 16 External External Communication looks at how information flows in and out of the organization. It focuses upon the ability of the organization to synthesize and apply external information to work performed by the organization. Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
The Personal Dimension
9/13/2018 The Personal Dimension # Aspect Description 17 Job Satisfaction Job Satisfaction addresses employees' satisfaction with their overall work situation. Weighed heavily in this construct are issues concerning employees' evaluation of the availability of time and resources needed to perform jobs effectively. 18 Time and Stress Time and Stress Management looks how realistic job demands are given time and resource constraints, and also captures employees' feelings about their ability to balance home and work demands (note: The higher the score the lower the level of stress). 19 Burnout Burnout is a feeling of extreme mental exhaustion that can negatively impact employees' physical health and job performance, leading to lost resources and opportunities in the organization (note: The higher the score the lower the level of burnout). 20 Empowerment Empowerment measures the degree to which employees feel that they have some control over their jobs and the outcome of their efforts. Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
Survey Method in a Nutshell
9/13/2018 Survey Method in a Nutshell 84 or 86 statements related to organizational excellence Employees Responded These individual responses are used to score: Each statement Each Dimension Each Aspect Possible Responses Strongly Disagree Disagree Feel Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
The Effect of the Scoring Method
9/13/2018 The Effect of the Scoring Method Possible Responses Strongly Disagree Disagree Feel Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Responses are grouped into the aspects and dimensions. The mean score is multiplied by 100 to represent the aspect and the dimension score. Aspect & Dimension Scores 100) Strongly Disagree 200) Disagree 300) Feel Neutral 400) Agree 500) Strongly Agree Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
9/13/2018 2005 2003 2001 Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
9/13/2018 Employee Groups Survey participants self select an employee group. For 2001 and 2003, the choices were Faculty Professional Staff Staff - All Other For 2005, the choices were Executive/Administrative Technical/Para Professional Staff – All other For comparison on charts and tables, the 2005 results are combined Executive/Administrative was combined with Professional Staff Technical/Para Professional was combined with Staff - All other. Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
Aspects of Dimensions of Excellence 2001 2003 2005
9/13/2018 Aspects of Dimensions of Excellence 2001 2003 2005 Work Group Accommodations Organizational Features Information Personal Lowest Mean Score Highest Mean Score Below 1 Standard Deviation Above 1 Standard Deviation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Supervisor Effectiveness Fairness Team Effectiveness Diversity Fair Pay Physical Environment Benefits Employment Development Change Oriented Goal Oriented Holographic Strategic Quality Internal Availability External Job Satisfaction Time and Stress Burnout Empowerment The University of Texas-Pan American 2001 (489) 330 334 329 344 259 366 351 340 340 357 343 376 379 314 353 363 351 347 360 351 2003 (429) 329 334 331 345 260 364 353 341 336 356 339 370 375 319 349 354 348 344 356 346 2005 (619) 344 339 328 355 254 374 363 357 347 351 348 363 371 318 350 361 358 350 365 350 Faculty 2001 (121) 291 306 281 312 236 342 354 314 297 299 302 336 336 264 306 325 307 302 325 304 2003 (94) 274 291 269 308 237 331 344 300 282 296 282 321 327 262 294 305 273 275 297 282 2005 (178) 328 326 303 343 263 361 366 359 327 325 329 348 352 302 330 345 337 324 341 326 Professional Staff 2001 (172) 351 349 352 363 278 383 356 358 361 378 364 394 401 336 375 380 368 364 380 372 2003 (134) 347 349 345 365 267 386 358 350 351 368 359 385 392 329 362 369 367 362 377 368 2005 (211) 353 345 340 364 255 389 367 362 357 361 360 385 367 327 353 367 364 357 380 360 Staff - All Other 2001 (155) 342 343 347 358 257 369 349 345 357 381 357 394 394 335 372 380 369 366 369 369 2003 (160) 347 347 355 353 270 367 357 358 358 378 358 387 388 348 371 370 376 371 373 365 2005 (166) 345 339 337 352 242 366 350 346 350 364 352 372 370 325 366 368 367 366 368 360 Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
Ranking of the Aspects of Dimensions of Excellence
9/13/2018 2001 2003 2005 Ranking of the Aspects of Dimensions of Excellence Work Group Accommodations Organizational Features Information Personal Ranked in the Bottom 5 Ranked in the Top 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Supervisor Effectiveness Fairness Team Effectiveness Diversity Fair Pay Physical Environment Benefits Employment Development Change Oriented Goal Oriented Holographic Quality Strategic Internal Availability External Job Satisfaction Time and Stress Burnout Empowerment The University of Texas - Pan American 2001 17 16 18 12 20 3 8 14 14 6 13 1 2 19 7 4 8 11 5 8 2003 18 16 17 11 20 3 7 13 15 4 14 1 2 19 8 6 9 12 4 10 2005 16 17 18 9 20 1 4 8 15 10 14 2 4 19 11 6 7 11 3 11 Faculty 2001 17 10 18 8 20 2 1 7 16 15 13 3 3 19 10 5 9 13 5 12 2003 16 11 18 5 20 2 1 7 12 9 12 3 4 19 10 6 17 15 8 12 2005 12 14 18 7 20 2 1 3 13 16 11 4 5 19 10 6 9 17 8 14 Professional Staff 2001 17 18 16 12 20 3 15 14 13 6 10 1 2 19 7 4 9 10 4 8 2003 17 16 18 9 20 2 13 15 14 6 12 1 3 19 10 5 8 10 4 6 2005 15 17 18 7 20 1 4 9 13 10 11 4 2 19 15 4 7 13 3 11 Staff - All Other 2001 18 17 15 11 20 6 14 16 12 3 12 1 1 19 5 4 6 10 6 6 2003 18 18 15 16 20 9 14 11 11 3 11 1 2 17 6 8 4 6 5 10 2005 16 17 18 11 20 6 13 15 13 9 11 2 1 19 6 3 5 6 3 10 Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
2005 Aspects of Dimensions of Excellence 9/13/2018 Work Group
Accommodations Organizational Features Information Personal Lowest Mean Score Highest Mean Score Below 1 Standard Deviation Above 1 Standard Deviation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Supervisor Effectiveness Fairness Team Effectiveness Diversity Fair Pay Physical Environment Benefits Employment Development Change Oriented Goal Oriented Holographic Strategic Quality Internal Availability External Job Satisfaction Time and Stress Burnout Empowerment The University of Texas-Pan American 344 339 328 355 254 374 363 357 347 351 348 363 371 318 350 361 358 350 365 350 Office of the President (36) 343 340 332 353 265 388 341 349 351 356 355 370 380 311 359 365 357 359 370 364 Academic Affairs (265) 331 327 310 310 348 257 366 367 351 332 333 334 352 361 303 336 349 344 337 350 334 Business Affairs (95) 336 332 328 349 240 369 353 349 346 359 348 366 369 329 365 365 355 353 364 350 External Affairs (42) 363 360 360 374 282 396 381 375 372 384 378 388 403 350 373 392 389 375 398 378 Enrollment & Student Services (97) 372 360 356 375 248 384 358 367 368 372 372 372 387 336 360 373 374 363 387 377 Faculty (178) 328 326 303 343 263 361 366 359 327 325 329 348 352 302 330 345 337 324 341 326 Executive/ Administrative (51) 370 360 353 380 288 415 377 369 372 374 376 366 396 337 352 371 357 354 389 368 Professional Staff (160) 348 341 337 359 245 381 364 361 353 358 355 368 382 324 354 366 367 358 378 358 Technical/ Para Professional Staff (39) 319 320 311 326 230 347 339 299 320 339 333 366 350 299 357 349 359 346 347 351 Staff – All Other (127) 353 345 345 360 246 373 354 361 360 372 359 372 380 334 370 374 370 373 375 364 Note: Executive/Administrative & Professional Staff and Technical/Para Professional & Staff – All Other are all listed separately on this table. Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
Ranking of Aspects of Dimensions of Excellence Organizational Features
9/13/2018 2005 Ranking of Aspects of Dimensions of Excellence Work Group Accommodations Organizational Features Information Personal Supervisor Effectiveness Fairness Team Effectiveness Diversity Fair Pay Physical Environment Benefits Employment Development Change Oriented Goal Oriented Holographic Quality Strategic Internal Availability External Job Satisfaction Time and Stress Burnout Empowerment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 University of Texas - Pan American Division Office of the President (36) Academic Affairs (265) Business Affairs (95) External Affairs (42) Enrollment & Student Services (97) Employee Faculty (178) Executive/ Administrative (51) Professional Staff (160) Technical/ Para Professional Staff (39) Staff – All Other (127) Ranked in the Bottom 5 Ranked in the Top 5 Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
9/13/2018 Survey of Excellence: Higher Education Survey Observations and Reflections Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
Aspects of the Dimensions of Excellence Summary for UTPA
9/13/2018 Aspects of the Dimensions of Excellence Summary for UTPA 4 Aspects of the Dimensions of Excellence have scored in the top 5 for all three survey years Quality Aspect in the Organizational Features Dimension Strategic Aspect in the Organizational Features Dimension Physical Environment Aspect in the Accommodations Dimension Burnout Aspect in the Personal Dimension 5 Aspects of the Dimensions Excellence have scored in the bottom 5 for all three survey years Fair Pay Aspect in the Accommodations Dimension Internal Aspect in the Information Dimension Supervisor Effectiveness Aspect in the Work Group Dimension Team Effectiveness Aspect in the Work Group Dimension Fairness Aspect in the Work Group Dimension Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
9/13/2018 Work Group Dimension Supervisor Effectiveness Fairness Team Effectiveness Diversity The Supervisor Effectiveness, Fairness, and Team Effectiveness the could be addressed through a team-level program to train employees in planning and implementation processes such as Technology of Participation. This training program might be considered professional development Diversity Aspect: Several existing objectives are supporting this aspect i.e., such as Division of President’s Objective “Advance diversity as an asset in University Life” and IT’s Objective “Increase the cultural diversity of the IT”. Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
9/13/2018 Accommodations Dimension Fair Pay Physical Environment Benefits Employment Development The Fair Pay Aspect is consistently ranked at the bottom of the 20 aspects in 2001, 2003, and 2005 by Faculty, Professional Staff, and Other Staff. This aspect is showing a negative trend. A contributing factor to this may also be the reflection of the low scores in the Internal Aspect of Information Dimension. Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
9/13/2018 Organization Features Dimension Change Oriented Goal Oriented Holographic Strategic Quality The Holographic Aspect and the Change Oriented Aspect were scored in the bottom half with an average rank of 14th and 15th respectively. Addressing the Internal Aspect of the Information Dimension could foster a more coherent and broad understanding of the organizational directions and through the Employment Development Aspect of the Accommodations Dimension in the on-going employee training program to increase employee capability and readiness for change based on new information and ideas. Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
Information Dimension Internal Availability External
9/13/2018 Information Dimension Internal Availability External The Internal Aspect of the Information Dimension has received very low scores by all employee groups and in all survey years. This represents a consistent near neutral or negative evaluation of these statements The right information gets to the right people at the right time. Work groups receive adequate feedback that helps improve their performance. Information and knowledge are shared openly within this organization. Internal information exchange is related to other aspects, such as: Fair Pay Aspect in the Accommodations Dimension Supervisor Effectiveness Aspect in the Work Group Dimension Team Effectiveness Aspect in the Work Group Dimension Fairness Aspect in the Work Group Dimension Focus on current objectives such as AA’s “Ensure information flow to meet stakeholders’ needs at all levels,” ESS’s “Improve communication with all internal and external stakeholders,” EA’s Improve communication with the internal community” and DoP’s “Improve communication with all constituents” will assist in enhancing this dimension. Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
9/13/2018 Personal Dimension Job Satisfaction Time and Stress Burnout Empowerment The university and most groups in most survey years have ranked the aspects of this dimension near the middle or in the top half. The Burnout Aspect of this Dimension for the university and most groups for most survey years has be in the top 5 and always in the top half. Note: For scoring consistency with other aspects, higher scores for the Burnout Aspect represent a lower level of perceived burnout. Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
Questions & Discussion
9/13/2018 Questions & Discussion Contact Information: Leroy Philbrook Phone: (956) This presentation is online at: Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
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