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…….So What, Proving You Are Making a Difference

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2 …….So What, Proving You Are Making a Difference
Workshop 2 …….So What, Proving You Are Making a Difference

3 Discuss at your Tables….
What difference are you trying to make in your work and for whom? 

4 How do you Prove you are making a difference?

5 It is vitally important that you are clear on:
To Prove you are making a difference….. It is vitally important that you are clear on: what you do ……and why it makes a difference i.e. have a ‘Theory of Change’

6 Theories of change

7 Theory of Change

8 Learning from the Youth Crime & Sport Evaluation
Dr. Carolynne Mason, Loughborough University

9 Why ‘prove’? Benefits … Improved services
Improved ability to demonstrate results to stakeholders Increased funding Improved strategy Barriers…. Lack of funding and resources Perceived lack of skills Not knowing what to measure Not knowing how to measure

10 Stages in ‘proving’ Identify your aims and objectives
Outline indicators of success – Who? What? How? Collect and record data relating to the indicators Make sense of your data – Successful? Share your findings with your audiences

11 Aims Identify the critical success factors underpinning effective sport-based projects (Process) Gather robust evidence demonstrating the impact of the pilot projects using youth-related ASB data in order to analyse potential financial cost savings (Impact) Theory of change outlines both the impact (outputs and outcomes) and the process (enabling factors that underpin success) 5 mins

12 The individual participant Project level Community level
Impact on who? The individual participant Project level Community level

13 Intervention/Project Level
Success Indicators Individual Level Intervention/Project Level Community Level Increased self-esteem, confidence Improved relationship with police Increased community engagement Health benefits No of participants No of hours of sports/education delivery Volunteer hours Training opportunities Qualifications gained No of YP entering employment/education Incidences of youth related ASB, Criminal Damage, Alcohol/Drug-related ASB, Youth Offending Community Cohesion Community Safety Fear/Experience of crime

14 Collecting data Views monitoring data Surveys of young people
Qualitative interviews with stakeholders Secondary data analysis – SportWorks Analysis of ASB data and a cost-benefit analysis

15 Impact on young people

16 Community Impact

17 Sportsworks

18 Police Data

19 Discuss at your tables….
Who does your work impact on? What are the indicators of your success? What data can you use to demonstrate or ‘prove’ your success? 10 mins

20 Randomised controlled trials Before/after measures
Climbing the evidence ladder… Systematic Reviews (Based on level 3-5 studies) 5 Randomised controlled trials 4 Before/after measures Multiple site comparisons 3 Two site comparisons 2 No comparison site 1 One-off measure Statements about ‘what works’ Statements about ‘what’s promising’ Study designs increasingly rule out potential alternative causes Study designs cannot rule out potential alternative causes Statements about possible impact 20

21 Social Value James Williams - HACT

22 Social Value HACT and Street Games working closely to connect Housing Associations and sports organisations. Working together to adopt UK Social Value Bank. Launched in proxy £values and linked to wellbeing uplift Person centred approach often involving pre and post questionnaire approach.

23 Social Value UK Social Value Bank provides a way of measuring value for money Tests the impact of your work Recognised by major funders the Government and Housing Associations

24 Social Value What value do you put on fear of crime ?
How much does it improve your wellbeing ? UK Social Value Bank can measure this.

25 Social Value Sports projects run with Housing Associations MCFC, CACT, Everton in Community plus many others. How effective are they in reduction in fear of crime or worrying levels of ASB ? Perception is everything !! Can we develop more values ?

26 Any Further Questions?

27 Contacts


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