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State Advocacy for Librarians Doable Action Series on Advocacy Made Simple December 7, 2016 Jennifer LaBoon & Becky Sullivan, TLA Legislative Committee.

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Presentation on theme: "State Advocacy for Librarians Doable Action Series on Advocacy Made Simple December 7, 2016 Jennifer LaBoon & Becky Sullivan, TLA Legislative Committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 State Advocacy for Librarians Doable Action Series on Advocacy Made Simple
December 7, 2016 Jennifer LaBoon & Becky Sullivan, TLA Legislative Committee Co-Chairs Wendy Woodland, TLA Director of Communications

2 Who’s Who? Jennifer LaBoon – Coordinator Library Technology
Fort Worth ISD Becky Sullivan – Director, Riter C. Hulsey Public Library Wendy Woodland - Director of Communications Texas Library Association

3 State Level Who represents me?

4 Who has influence? Friends Colleagues & Business Associates
Affiliated Organizations Community Leaders

5 Prepare Know your issue(s) TLA Legislative website -
Know your target What are their pet projects? What is their background? What committees do they serve on?

6 Have your answers ready!
Why do we need libraries? Isn’t everything available online? Doesn’t everyone have a smartphone these days—why do they need to use the internet at the library? Isn’t print dead? Doesn’t everyone read eBooks instead? I heard they are building all digital libraries now—why even bother with brick and mortar? You say libraries need money, but what about x? Which would you think is more important?

7 Be Passionate What is your story--how does this impact you?
How does this impact the representative’s community? How does it impact the state?

8 Have Your Elevator Speech Ready
You’ve got 30 seconds--why is this request important? Go!

9 Have a Back-Up Plan What if you’re asked a question you can’t answer?
Offer to get back to them Direct them to the TLA Director of Communications - Wendy Woodland

10 Be Confident! Preparation + Passion + Having a Backup Plan = Confidence

11 Contact Your Representatives!
“Experts” on call - We’ll help! A visit during “down” times is the best Invite them! The power of the photo op Tell your story…show your story Send thank-you’s Use social media to stay in touch

12 Most Powerful Contacts:
(In order of effectiveness) Personal invitation/visit to your library Group of vocal library supporters at a Town Hall meeting Phone calls to district office/Capitol office Handwritten letters to district office/Capitol office s Tweet or Facebook comment

13 Do’s and Don’t’s Do be friendly Do stay on topic
Do thank them for previous support Do bite your tongue (if necessary) Do be open to working with staff Don’t argue or debate Don’t get side-tracked with other issues Never threaten to withhold your vote Don’t be intimidated

14 Who Do You Represent? Depending on where you work, you should usually represent yourself as a constituent, and NOT your employer. If you believe that your employer wants you to speak for them, clear that with them before doing so. Do not use work phones or accounts to contact your representative unless inviting them to visit.

15 starring Becky and Jennifer
Sample Visit A Dramatization of a Worst Case Scenario starring Becky and Jennifer

16 Working with Aides Young and knowledgeable
Understand “Electronic Resource Sharing” and databases Ask for aide working with budget, education, or relevant bill

17 Empower and Collaborate
Encourage your staff and/or colleagues to participate in the process Include your Friends, Advisory Board, customers, and any other supporters Team up with other libraries

18 One Final Thing...Follow Up
Write a thank-you note Invite the legislator/staff to visit your library CONTINUE the relationship with the legislator Use your successful visit as a way to motivate others to make similar visits Start thinking about your next visit!

19 Transfer these State Skills
LSTA is up for reauthorization If unfunded, IMLS will be eliminated Be prepared to support federal issues as well!

20 Ready to Advocate? Watch your TLA email for calls to action
Encourage others to do the same Don’t forget, we’re here to help! Preparation + Passion + Having a Backup Plan = Confidence

21 Questions?

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