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Wave height prediction in the Apostle Islands

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1 Wave height prediction in the Apostle Islands
Michael Meyer

2 Apostle Islands – Sea Caves site
Popular site with recreational kayakers Kayaker launching point

3 Project outline Goal: Prediction of current waveheights at the Sea Caves sites Approach: Apply weather and buoy data to predict wave heights using a neural network Use committee of machines approach to create waveheight prediction using neural network output and the output of two continuously running wave models

4 Wave Prediction Approach
Input data: Weather data from nearby weather stations and a nearby buoy Model waveheight prediction from Great Lakes Coastal Forecasting System Model waveheight prediction from SWAN wave model of the Apostle Islands run at UW Target data: Waveheight measurements from sensor placed at the site during summers Neural network inputs Committee Machine inputs

5 Wave height prediction data
Weather station data utilized Wind speed Wind direction Buoy data utilized Wave height Air temperature Water temperature Weather station Wave buoy Eagle Island station West Superior buoy Sea Caves site Port Wing station (inconsistent data)

6 Wind direction Wind direction has a significant influence on wave characteristics Data broken into 6 wind direction categories (as measured at Eagle Island station) for neural network construction Training conducted separately for each wind direction

7 Data records division

8 Neural network construction
Individual network trained for each wind direction (effectively a committee) 13 inputs composed of wind speeds up to four hours prior, wave buoy wave height, difference between water and air temperature, change in wind direction over the past two hours Empirically found that a 5 neuron, single layer sigmoidal network was the most effective 0° to 60° network 60° to 120° network Weather data inputs Neural network output 300° to 360° network

9 Committee Machine Construction
Expert 2 – GLERL model Expert 3 – My neural net committee (each trained for subset of wind directions) Expert 1 – SWAN model Gating network – linear combination, weights inversely proportional to MSE of method in training set Machine output

10 Results – evaluated using root means square error
*Units are in feet

11 Conclusion Individual neural network outputs were generally not an improvement over the model outputs Committee machine allowed for an improvement over individual models for some wind conditions and when evaluating the data on the whole

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