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Presentation on theme: "FOCUS: ALL STUDENTS 21ST CENTURY READY"— Presentation transcript:

Leading for impact Nevada Educator Performance Framework NOTE TO PRESENTERS On slide 13 “Click here for video link” takes you to ASCD for the Midcourse Corrections article Scroll to the bottom of the article for Watch the Video You may have to give permission to use Flash Player SET UP THIS VIDEO BEFORE THE WORKSHOP SO YOU CAN ACCESS IT QUICKLY DURING THE PRESENTATION FOCUS: ALL STUDENTS 21ST CENTURY READY

2 Debrief Reflection from Standard 4 Should Supervisors intervene During Classroom Visits?
Reflection Review Skim and scan the article and review your reflection log… Also think about your own experiences and coaching style… Kim Marshall says… Real-time coaching should occur during the observation With real-time coaching…the risks are…too great. You all read this article: Should Supervisors Intervene during Classroom Visits (Kim Marshall) Take a few moments to skim and scan the article you read for Independent Work and review your reflection log… Also think about your own experiences and coaching style… In the article, Kim Marshall says… Which of these are more aligned with your thinking?

3 Debrief Reflection from Standard 4 Should Supervisors intervene During Classroom Visits?
Form an Agreement Line Up Real-time coaching should occur during the observation With real-time coaching…the risks are…too great. Discuss your experiences in relation to the points Kim Marshall makes in the article Establish physical line in the room with one facilitator at front and other facilitator at end Split and overlap the lines for discussion

4 ? GUIDING QUESTIONS How do you support teachers so they can effectively meet Standard 5? How do you identify evidence demonstrating effective teaching practice as defined in NEPF Standard 5? How might you apply new learning from Leading for Impact as you plan for next year?

5 Each session we point out how Administrative Evaluation is connected to the teacher rubric. Until now, our focus has been on the Instructional Leadership Domain. This time, take a minute to dig a little deeper… Look at the indicators for APR Standards and think about places where teacher support and supervision live in this rubric. Discuss with a shoulder partner.

6 What the research says…
Must have conversation to get the full picture of practice – must review additional evidence One observation is not enough – need to do multiple shorter observations with dialogue based on evidence More observations/dialogue limit the impact of inaccurate identification of performance level As you read the Kim Marshall article, you may have been thinking about the model or it may have caused you some disequilibrium. Focusing on the third bullet of What the Research Says… how do you anticipate building in feedback for your teachers after doing mini-observations next year? Share with a shoulder partner. (Big Rocks - For final session Standard 5, plan schedule of Or we can provide a generic scenario to work with.)

STANDARD 5 Nevada Educator Performance Framework

8 Pass out Standard 5 indicators levels and description notes
Pass out Standard 5 indicators levels and description notes. Take a minute or two to skim and scan the handout. Mark with a + the indicator(s) that are easy or in place for your staff, based on this year’s evaluations. Add the initials for one teacher who has really nailed that indicator—or standard-- (who might be a resource for others next year) Mark the one that is the least observed with a check mark. Turn and talk with a shoulder partner about your thoughts.

9 In a broad sense we think of assessment as Formative or Summative in nature. There is some crossover in purpose between these two broad categories and also often lack of clarity about the purpose of a particular assessment strategy. That is, what it does and does not tell us about student learning.

10 Purposes of assessment
Diagnostic Screening Progress Monitoring Outcomes Making Assessment Matter N. Lesaux & S. Marietta (2012) Are your assessment practices balanced and comprehensive? Engaging in dialogue regarding the types and purposes of assessment across your school or within a particular grade level or classroom gets at this important aspect of your instructional program. Asking what is our purpose? What is the value of the information we gather in informing our practice for individuals or groups of students.

11 Round the Room & Back Again
•Think about…how teachers at your school gather evidence of student learning to guide their work? Write one example on a post-it. • Without taking notes, move round the room and share your example and mentally catalogue those of others. • Return to home-base and write down the ideas you collected before you forget. Use the back of Respond to Student Learning to list ideas that you collected. Share with a shoulder partner. Discuss and annotate: Is the example Formative or Summative? Is its intent: Diagnostic? Screening? Progress Monitoring? Measuring Outcomes? HO: Respond to Evidence of Student Learning Let’s take a closer look at Formative Assessment. Turn your paper over and skim and scan the article

12 KEY IDEAS IN STANDARD 5 Resources Indicators Description Notes
Theory/ Literature Review Assessment Integrated into Instruction Feedback HO Lit Review Standard 5 HO Key Ideas of Theory & Research Some of the readings we are doing today, including the one-page article you just read, address these points. We just want to be sure you have the complete package for your binder.

13 WATCH Click for video link: Midcourse Corrections
HS Math teacher Good example Formative Assessment About 7 minutes Link to article - Link to video? - (may have to update flash player each time) NOTE TO PRESENTERS On slide 13 “Click here for video link” takes you to ASCD for the Midcourse Corrections article Scroll to the bottom of the article for Watch the Video You may have to give permission to use Flash Player SET UP THIS VIDEO BEFORE THE WORKSHOP SO YOU CAN ACCESS IT QUICKLY DURING THE PRESENTATION Click for video link: Midcourse Corrections

14 HO 60 Tools for Formative Assessment
Additional “non tech” strategies that you can share with teachers to support Formative Assessment From this information, star a few ideas that might help with the indicator you checked as “least observed” in your building From this information star a few ideas that might help with the indicator that you checked as “least observed in your building.

15 FEEDBACK Feedback is a central component of formative assessment practices. Feedback is both the information imparted from monitoring learner’s progress toward attaining a desired goal and the responses that foster student learning. To emphasize the importance of feedback we’d like to invite you to engage in a simulation. Trash can exemplar Bean bags, blindfold, waste paper basket from room Scenario 1 = 3 bean bags, no visible target, no feedback Scenario 2 = 3 bean bags, described target, “good job” Scenario 3 = 3 bean bags, visible target (establish clear success criteria), specific feedback w/ opportunity for questions How might you use this activity with your staff to begin a conversation about giving students effective feedback?

16 What the Research Says about feedback
John Hattie believes that feedback must be timely, relevant, and action-oriented. The good news, according to Hattie, is that "students want feedback just for them, just in time, and just helping nudge forward." To that end, he encourages us to "worry more about how students are receiving your feedback than increasing how much you give.” Source: Visible Learning for Teachers: Maximimizing Impact on Learning. Hattie, 2012 Hattie conducted a syntheses of over 800 mete-analysis studies and concluded that feedback is the single most powerful influence on student achievement.

17 LEARN & SHARE DO THEY HEAR YOU? Start your reading with the section, “Provide Different Kinds of Feedback” p. 2 and read to the end Use the First Turn Last Turn structure to discuss most important points of the article Read and share HO Do They Hear You First Turn Last Turn Someone begins discussion by choosing a key point or question from the article. The next speaker responds or adds on with NO CROSS TALK. When the turn returns to the original speaker they add a final comment and then the turn moves to the next person. 39

18 Repeat the pattern around the table.
First Turn/ Last Turn Read the assigned section individually. Highlight 2-3 items. In turn – share one of your items – but do not comment on it. -- The First Turn 3. Group members comment in round-robin order about the item (with no cross-talk). The initial person who named the item then shares his or her thinking about the item and gets – The Last Turn. Repeat the pattern around the table.

19 Practice…

20 Recording Evidence from Observation
Review Overview for your assigned Standards Take notes What is the task(s)? What is the teacher doing/saying? What are the students doing/saying? HO: 3 part targeted notetaker Tasks/ Teacher/ Students columns with space at bottom for Indicator Level Scores Number 1-4 around the group; Skim the standard you’ve been assigned All will observe and take notes Focus in and record evidence for Standard 5 and for your assigned Standard We selected this video because it was scored Level 4 for all observed indicators in Standard 5. Focus on gathering the evidence that would support those scores.

21 WATCH VIDEO Click here for video
4th Grade About 15 minutes in 4 parts HO NEPF Master Scores Collaborative Discussions, all 5 Standards Click here for video

22 THINK & SHARE What specific evidence did you see during the observation in relation to Standard 5? What confirmatory evidence could you collect, and what evidence might you review during the reflection conversation about Standard 5? Whole group discusses the specific evidence collected for the indicators of Standard 5

23 THINK & SHARE What specific evidence did you see during the observation in relation to Standards 1… 2… 3… 4…? Whip Around the evidence of other Standards, one at a time, with all contributing Then hand out the Facilitator Guide—Collaborative Discussions as a take-away for their reference.

24 ? REFLECTION QUESTIONS How do you support teachers so they can effectively meet Standard 5? How do you identify evidence demonstrating effective teaching practice as defined in NEPF Standard 5? Planning Forward We have explored the answers to these first two questions. Let’s take a bit of time now to reflect on this series of seminars as a whole… Talk with your shoulder partner about how you might use the resources we’ve shared to support specific teachers, grade levels/ departments, whole staff… next year, and what your priorities might be.

25 Self selected paired or table Dialogue
Possible Topics: Your plans for or progress in implementing a model How you might use content and materials from Leading for Impact in professional learning with your staff next year Challenges or successes you had in supervision this year Refining your feedback/conferencing skills/process for next year Other…

26 REFLECT & RESPOND Review all the materials from all five sessions
Reflect on the needs of your teaching staff Beginning with teachers who may need the most support, consider how these materials and the content of the seminars will assist you in addressing their needs. There will be additional resources in your \on the website for Standard 5 that you may also choose to review for use with teachers. You may complete your independent work hour here…now…or on your own sometime in this next week. Log your time and activities, documenting at least one hour of independent work. Kirsten Gleissner on or before June 6th a one-sentence summary of how you spent your homework hour. Ex: I reviewed the additional Standard 5 articles on the website and made a plan for how to support Teacher X in Standard 4. HOMEWORK: due on or before June 6

27 Assessment of Learning
Workshop Evaluation

28 EVERY STUDENT – Life Ready! College and Career Ready! Citizenship Ready!

29 Materials List Materials to email and put on website
Presenter Box (need 2 sets) Laptop, projector, speakers, MiFi, clicker Powerpoint and handouts on flash Sign in sheet & name tags Go bags 10 sheets chart paper Bean Bags & Blindfold (Pati will get) 5 extra Overview, Admin Instructional Leadership Standards front and Admin. Professional Responsibility Standards back. Copies Needed (2 sets of 20 each) 5 extra copies Homework Article: Should Supervisors Intervene During Classroom Visits, by Kim Marshall HO Lit Review Standard 5, CRESST version HO Key Ideas from Theory & Research, Standard 5 HO THLIS Standard 5 Rubric with Indicators & Description Notes and Levels HO Respond to Evidence of Student Learning HO 60 Tools for Formative Assessment HO Do They Hear You? HO Facilitator’s Guide: Collaborative Discussions, all Standards HO Targeted Notetaker with 3 Columns (Do not copy) Assessment of Learning Evaluations (pre- completed from first session) Materials to and put on website Powerpoint presentation without notes Lit Review Standard 5, CRESST version Key Ideas from Theory & Research, Standard 5 THLIS Standard 5 Rubric with Indicators & Description Notes and Levels Respond to Evidence of Student Learning 60 Tools for Formative Assessment Do They Hear You? Facilitator’s Guide: Collaborative Discussions, all Standards Assessment Practices Inventory Designing Great Hinge Questions 5 Research Based Tips for Providing Students with Meaningful Feedback

30 ? icons Recolor & insert


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