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Signals and Systems Lecture 20

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Presentation on theme: "Signals and Systems Lecture 20"— Presentation transcript:

1 Signals and Systems Lecture 20
Sampling Theorem Reconstruction of a Signal

2 Chapter 7 Sampling

3 Continuous Signal Discrete Digital DSP
Chapter Sampling Continuous Signal Discrete sampling Code Digital DSP D/A -T T T t

4 §7.1.1 Impulse-Train Sampling
Chapter Sampling §7.1 The Sampling Theorem § Impulse-Train Sampling -3T -2T -T T T 3T T t

5 Chapter Sampling Sampling x(t) p(t) xp(t)

6 Chapter Sampling Time domain:

7 Chapter Sampling Frequency domain:

8 Chapter Sampling

9 Chapter Sampling Sampling Theorem: Let be a band-limited signal with then is uniquely determined by its samples if where ( Minimum distortionless sampling frequency ) ( Maximum distortionless sampled signal frequency ) Excise: 7.3, 7.4

10 Chapter Sampling The reconstruction of the signal

11 Chapter Sampling § Natural Sampling Difficult: 1 ILPF is unpractical; 2 narrow, large-amplitude pulses are difficult to generate and transmit.

12 §7.1.3 Sampling with a Zero-Order Hold
Chapter Sampling § Sampling with a Zero-Order Hold Zero-Order Hold -3T -2T -T T T 3T T t

13 Chapter Sampling Zero-Order Hold

14 Chapter Sampling Reconstruction Filter Zero-Order Hold LPF Impulse-Train Sampling

15 Chapter Sampling

16 Chapter Sampling §7.2 Reconstruction Band-limited interpolation

17 The LPF smoothes out shape and fill in the gaps
Chapter Sampling Original CT Signal After sampling After passing LPF The LPF smoothes out shape and fill in the gaps

18 Chapter 7 Sampling Zero-order hold After passing zero-order hold
Original CT Signal After sampling After passing zero-order hold

19 Chapter Sampling Zero-Order Hold Zero-Order Hold Recover Filter

20 Chapter Sampling Excise: 7.5, 7.7

21 Summary Sampling Theorem Sampling and Reconstruction of Signal

22 Readlist Signals and Systems: 7.3 Question: Excise 7.8

23 Chapter 6 Time and Frequency Characterization
Homework: 7.22 7.23

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